Research has shown a great percentage of people having a positive efficacy of codes of ethics. When these codes are communicated to the members of the organization and they are made aware of the philosophy embedded in the codes, they can turn out to be very effective. These are the various ways in which professional codes of ethics/conduct are important. Reference is made to the Australian Computer Society (ACS) codes of ethics/conduct (2012). Codes of conduct motivate members of an association to behave ethically and inspire them because they provide a positive stimulus.
Ideally, codes of ethics are used to challenge the ethical behavior of a professional and could provide grounds for complaint if the professional’s practice falls seriously short (Dublin City University 2000). The codes of ethics are embraced as a living document and a tool of education. They help a professional to define and redefine its values. Upholding codes of ethics is meant to be a lifelong process. Professionals, therefore, are constantly aware of ethical tensions in their profession.
This way, they develop a principled way of resolving issues. The principle of enhancement of quality of life in the ACS codes of conduct requires members to recognize the roles of ICT in enhancing lives of those with disabilities and the disadvantaged (ACS 2012). It also requires them to protect and promote the health and safety of those affected by their work. This principle in the codes of ethics also gives ACS members an understanding of the perceptions of those affected by their work. It attempts to increase their feeling of personal satisfaction, competence and control of those affected by their work.
These requirements by the principle of enhancing the quality of life in the ACS codes of ethics definitely provide a distinct positive stimulus in the life of any ACS members. The simple knowledge that one’s work leads to enhancement of another’s quality of work really motivates and inspires them beyond degree to abide by the given codes of ethics. Professional codes of ethics/conduct guide members through the ethical problems they face in their working lives. Any professional life comes with its challenges and setbacks.
It is in the process of overcoming these drawbacks without going against the principles applicable that one’s stamina is really gauged. These principles are well inscribed in the respective body’s codes of ethics/conduct. While finding ways of solving such problems, the individual is educated about what is acceptable and unacceptable. When problems arise in a profession, codes of ethics assist the victim to examine the ethical issues present in the problem. The professional then identifies what principles need to be considered and how to prioritize them while arriving at a solution.
Through the whole process of problem solving, professionals become aware of their own biases (Reile 2007). The ACS principle of primacy of public interest in its codes of ethics requires members to raise with stakeholders any potential conflicts between their professional and legal or other accepted public requirements (ACS 2012). This, in itself, already provides a complete framework of how to solve any of such problems that arise. There will not be need, therefore, to come up with any other comprehensive way of resolving a legal problem or any other that you may encounter in your professional life.
Professional codes of ethics/conduct are used to discipline members Primarily, any professional codes of ethics/conduct have relevance to a professional standard regulation (Gregoire 2012). Failure to abide by the principles stated in these codes could be used as grounds for a claim of professional negligence. The relevant code may even be quoted by an expert witness giving an assessment of professional conduct (Quinn 2014). Failure to observe the principles in the codes could also lead to disciplinary action by the relevant body.
Depending on the seriousness of the violation, one’s employment can even be terminated.
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