Codes of conduct provide a basis of behavioural recommendations and facilitate reduction of misconduct of both employees and managers in organisations. Codes give an overview of an organisation’s expectations regarding ethical and legal behaviour and aid in detecting illegal practices. They improve the level of awareness of corporate unethical behaviour and illegalities and help in avoidance of business corruption (Anna 2011, p.43). Codes of conduct give rise to ethical organisations whose employees are empowered to work in a culture of trust.
Research has shown that, on a long term basis, ethical organisations perform better financially than unethical organisations. Ethical organisations attract high quality employees who have a high level of satisfaction and loyalty (Denis 2009, p. 7). They also attract higher quality customers, investors and suppliers. They attain goodwill with community members and authorities. The fact that they get more reliable information from stakeholders enable them achieve higher efficiency and decision making.
They are noted to have higher product quality (Denis 2009, p. 8). Besides economical intends, other objectives of codes are environmental protection, greater equality between the genders and increased human and labour rights (Anna 2011, p. 43). This paper is a discussion of Codes of Conduct of CQUniversity and Brisbane City Council. Stakeholder Groups Stakeholders are groups or individuals who have an effect on realisation of an organisation’s objectives. Survival of an organisation is dependent on is stakeholders (Gregor 2008, p. 6). In the case of CQUniversity Code of Conduct, the stakeholder groups include the University Council, supervisors, employees, individuals using University facilities and volunteers.
The council has an obligation to accept the Code as one of their responsibilities. Supervisors have the role of ensuring that ethical principles spelled out in the CQUniversity Code of Conduct are adhered to. They are expected to lead by example in their supervisory duties. Employees include academic and professional staff, adjunct staff, senior staff and other individuals employed by the University who have contact with students. The Code of Conduct is part of employees’ employment contracts.
Acceptance of a job includes reading, understanding and committing to comply with the Code. Individuals using the University resources and volunteers in the University’s interests are considered as important stakeholder groups since their activities are linked to the University. In the case of Brisbane City Council Code of Conduct, the stakeholder groups are employees (permanent, temporary, casual or part time), contractors, students, volunteers, managers, team leaders and individual team members.
Brisbane City Council requires members of all these groups be conversant and adhere to the content of the Code. All employees should adhere to the Code for the smooth running of the Council. Contractors are outside groups who the Council gives tasks to carry out on its behalf. In this sense they are linked to the council so they are required to abide by the Code. It is important that students on work experience to adhere by the Code since in during their stay at the Council they are a part of it.
In their leadership roles, managers and team leaders have a responsibility to guide the people they lead in ways that will enhance adherence to the Code. Team members are required to stick to the Code requirements since this will enhance achievement of team objectives. Emerging Business Ethics Issues Stakeholders’ ethical concerns dictate the classification of actions and decisions as either ethical or unethical. Ethical decisions are made once there is recognition that an issue has an ethical component (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell 2009, p. 59). The first ethical issue addressed in the documents is integrity.
It involves uncompromised adherence to ethical values. Integrity rests on enduring values of an organisation and its commitment not to deviate from behaviour standards.
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