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Petroleum Offshore and Refineries Occupational Safety and Health Hazards - Essay Example

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The essay "Petroleum Offshore and Refineries Occupational Safety and Health Hazards" focuses on the critical analysis of the biological, chemical, physical as well as ergonomics hazards that are attached with offshore petroleum along with refineries operations…
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Petroleum Offshore and Refineries Occupational Safety and Health Hazards
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Petroleum off Shore and Refineries Occupational Safety and Health Hazards Petroleum off shore and refineries are operated in different regions of the world. In petroleum off shore and refineries there are many units and the workers are required to perform their activities in adverse working environment as well as conditions. In this regard, the workers in off shore operations and refineries conduct their activities under the presence of hazardous elements, gases and chemicals. Accordingly, the workers are identified to be adversely affected due to physical hazards, chemical hazards, biological hazards and ergonomic hazards. Nonetheless, numerous provisions pertaining to occupational safety and health hazards are formulated and implemented with the intention of protecting the workers from fatal injuries and reducing exposure to health hazards substances. Introduction Petroleum off shore and refineries involves various activities which include drilling, exploration, processing, pipeline operations and extraction. Petroleum off shore and refinery operations is conducted on a global context. In this regard, the main locations that are used for petroleum as well as refineries operations are the Gulf of Mexico, the Caspian Sea, the North Sea and the South China Sea. There are other locations used for the same activities that include India, Western Canada, West Africa and Brazil to a large extent. The operations associated with petroleum along with refineries are identified to pose different types of threats and hazards in the area of biological, physical, chemical and ergonomic factors. The hazards that are associated with the offshore petroleum and refineries operations are recognized to adversely influence flora as well as fauna... In this regard, the different hazards that are associated with petroleum off shore and refineries are identified to harmfully affect the health of workers, communities and environment in an immense manner (Niven & McLeod, 2009). Correspondingly, the essay emphasizes the biological, chemical, physical as well as ergonomics hazards that are attached with off shore petroleum along with refineries operations. Petroleum off Shore Occupational Safety and Health Hazards The petroleum off shore industry is identified to be operating on a global context. The petroleum off shore operations are conducted in environment ranging from the Arctic regions to the tropical regions. The operations associated with petroleum off shore pose different threats to human and natural environment in an immense manner. The off shore operations mainly pose health hazards in the field of chemical, ergonomics, physical and biological hazards (Niven & McLeod, 2009). The off shore working environment comprises different health hazards that are common for petroleum drilling and extraction industry. In this context, the workers of off shore operations are mostly under the prevalence of adverse events in relation to acute accidents along with ill-health issues. In the off shore operations, the mud or drilling fluid is identified as an important element accountable for various health hazards amid workers. The mud comprises various chemical and poisonous gases which include soda phosphate, caustic soda, sump oil, hydrated lime, diesel, barium sulphate and phenol among others. Contextually, the components found in mud adversely affect the health of human and surrounding environment through the development of airborne along with waterborne diseases. The workers are mainly posed to the threat of inhalation risks and dermatitis along with other hazards that include noise and musculoskeletal disorders (Gardner, 2003). The different petroleum off shore occupational hazards are illustrated hereunder. Physical Hazards The operations associated with petroleum off shore are likely to develop different health risks. The operations of off shore are accountable for the development of vibration along with noise due to the engagement of different heavy machineries that include generators, mixers, shakers, compressors and sack rooms among others. Moreover, the workers involved in off shore operations use hand-held vibrating machines in an immense manner. The hand-held vibrating machines include needle guns, air drills, grinders, chipping hammers and impact wrenches which are identified to be accountable for hand-arm vibration symptoms amid workers using these tools largely. In this regard, noise disseminated from the heavy machineries is responsible for posing hearing problems amid workers. The workers are also required to work in extreme weather conditions and temperatures that adversely affect the health. Additionally, the physical health of the workers is also affected due to the thermal along with radiation exposure (Niven & McLeod, 2009). Correspondingly, the major health issues that are related with physical hazards comprise exposure to radiation as well as thermal extremes, vibration and noise (Gardner, 2003). Chemical Hazards In the petroleum off shore operations, the workers are also identified to be exposed to the threat of chemical hazards especially benzene. Benzene is found in both natural gas and crude oil to a large extent. It is a natural element that adversely affects the health of workers. Moreover, the workers are also identified to be exposed to hydrogen sulphide (H2S). There are other chemical elements which include ethylbenzene, tolune and xylene that are disseminated through the off shore operations. The toxicity level associated with the extraction of crude oil can also be affected due to factors that include mineral oil vapor, Tetrachloroethylene, coatings, welding fumes and asbestos fibres. The dissemination of the hazardous elements is identified to influence both the environment as well as the humans adversely. In this respect, the exposure of these chemical elements to human develops cancer and also affects their mortality rate. Besides, the exposure of these chemicals to humans and their surroundings unfavorably affect their health and mortality towards other diseases (Niven & McLeod, 2009). In this regard, the various health hazards that are associated with chemical hazards predominately include irritant, sensitizing substances, corrosive, development of carcinogens and toxic (Gardner, 2003). Biological Hazards Petroleum off shore operations also affects the biological health of the population located in nearby operational area. The most prominent biological health hazard identified amid off shore workers is food poisoning. The off shore operations adversely affect the health of people residing near the workplace area of petroleum off shore due to damage of hazardous chemical in water leading to different waterborne diseases. Additionally, exposure of harmful gases from the ventilations of the off shore workplaces and dumping area are factors accountable for developing airborne diseases. In this regard, the workers and the population residing near the working site of petroleum off shore are highly vulnerable to biological hazards (Niven & McLeod, 2009). Respectively, biological hazards consist of legionella along with food poisoning affecting the health of workers and population residing nearby the off shore workplace sites (Gardner, 2003). Ergonomics Hazards Off shore operations are also recognized to adversely affect the health of the workers to a significant level due to the adaptation of forceful postures in order to conduct their operations and activities. The ergonomics hazards are health issues along with injuries that arise due to arrangement of the equipment as well as environment, on the basis of which the workers in off shore workplaces are required to apply force, adopt posture and movements in order to complete their assigned tasks. In this regard, it has been identified that there are various ergonomic health problems that are associated with off shore operations. Off shore operations usually affect the musculoskeletal system significantly that include neck, lower back along with upper limbs. The workers are also observed to face with visibility problems due to performing work activities in appropriate lighting (Niven & McLeod, 2009). Thus, the ergonomic hazards are primly caused due to workstation activities, use of vibrating devices along with activities that require manual handling (Gardner, 2003). Refineries Occupational Safety and Health Hazards Petroleum and oil refineries are chemical plants established with the aim of processing crude oil along with valuable products. In the refineries, various activities are associated with the aim of producing crude oil. Additionally, the crude oil are processed as well as upgraded with the intention of developing different valuable by-products. Various types of units involved with refinery operations that include separation units, finishing units and conversion units (The Pennsylvania State University, 2010). The refineries are identified to disseminate various types of pollutants affecting the health of the workers along with environment. The refineries are important causes in relation to stresses that include impaired health, sickness and inefficient working conditions for the workers along with the population residing near the working sites. The workers are exposed to various hazards while working in refineries including radioactive, flammable along with toxic that have constituted towards increasing safety as well as health concerns. . Additionally, refineries’ hazards include fire as well as explosion, electrical hazards, mechanical hazards and occupational exposures. In this regard, hazards and stress might adversely affect the health of workers. The hazards related with refineries might arise from different operations that include transport, manufacture, storage and chemical disposal. Moreover, environmental hazards might arise from chemical leakage and inappropriate dumping. The health hazards associated with workers working in refineries are assessed below in accordance with the affects in the areas of chemical hazards, physical hazards, ergonomic hazards and biological hazards (Carson & Mumford, 2002). Physical Hazards Workers of petroleum refineries are be under the risks of various health issues and injuries. In this respect, the workers might have fatal injuries due to various incidents experienced which include explosions, fires along with machinery accident. The workers might be under the risk of exposures from ionizing along with non-ionizing radiation. In the refineries, the workers are required to conduct their operations in extreme temperatures along with pressurized conditions. Additionally, the workers are required to perform different activities that include cutting, drilling, blasting and refining. Contextually, the workers in order to perform their operations use heavy sound producing equipment which might affect their hearing to a large extent. The workers are also required to operate various vibrating tools, which are accountable for the development of musculoskeletal disorders. The operations associated with refineries unfavorably influence the health of workers mainly in relation to hearing impairment and body vibration syndrome. The worker working in the refineries are also exposed to different health hazards relating to combustible liquid, pyrophoric, water reactive, organic peroxide and flammable gases (Thomas, 2011). Chemical Hazards In petroleum refineries, the workers and communities located near the working sites are seemed to be affected to a certain extent due to airborne along with waterborne diseases. There are various types of hazardous chemicals that the workers are exposed to such as dissemination of vapors, particulates, fumes and gases. In this context, the workers working in refineries are exposed to chemicals that include hydrogen sulphide, benzeme, welding fumes, petroleum hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia along with sulphur dioxide (CSC, 2011). In refineries, different health problems arise due to chemicals exposure containing carcinogens, reproductive toxins, teratogens and mutagens. In this regard, the workers coming in contact with the hazardous chemicals might lead to the development of neurotoxic, asphyxiation as well as anesthetic amid workers. Contextually, the chemicals might cause irritants, corrosives, toxic, allergic response and sensitizers. The exposure of harmful chemicals is also responsible for water contamination, air and surface impendences. Respectively, the workers along with the population residing near the refineries’ sites might be affected with airborne as well as waterborne diseases (Thomas, 2011). The health of workers is affected by the entry of hazardous chemicals at the time of exposure through inhalation, gastro-intestinal, dermal and ocular. Subsequently, the workers inhaling polluted air as well as harmful particles, fumes, vapor and gases are usually associated with greater health risks. The harmful chemicals through vapors as well as gases might enter through skin or dermal contact. Additionally, hazardous chemicals might enter gastro-intestine by intake of contaminated water and unhygienic food. Harmful chemicals enter through ocular mode when particles or vapor comes in contact with unprotected eyes. Subsequently, the harmful chemicals entering human body and environment might immensely affect the health of workers and communities surrounding the refineries sites (Guzzardi, n.d.). Biological Hazards In the workplace environment of refineries there might be different living organisms including fungi, bacteria, parasites, viruses and pollen capable of causing different diseases in humans. The living organisms are capable of causing harmful along with dreadful life threatening diseases. The harmful living organisms might enter into the body of workers and other individuals through various ways. The workers developing contact with contaminated surfaces are also under the severe health risk. Additionally, the harmful organisms might enter human body through airborne infections. In this regard, the workers working in the refineries’ sites are always prone towards the development of harmful diseases that include cancer and malaria among others (Guzzardi, n.d.). Ergonomic Hazards The workers of petroleum refineries are required to conduct the activities in different forceful working environment along with postures as required for performing the individual operations in different machines. In this regard, the workers conducting their operations in a forceful required body posture and inappropriate working environment are seemed to develop physical stresses. Subsequently, the workers develop psychological disorders due to adverse working conditions. Additionally, the workers are identified to undergo various injuries that include sprains and muscle pulls among others (Guzzardi, n.d.). Respectively, the workers working under continuous stress along with pressure in the long run might affect musculoskeletal system, nervous system and endocrine system to a large extent (Hirst, 2010). It is identified that workers working in petroleum off shore and refineries face various health problems and injuries in their life. The workers might face fatal injuries due to mechanical problems and inadequate safety measures. Moreover, there are various health problems attached that include physical problems, psychological disorders and life threatening diseases. In this respect, petroleum off shore and refineries are provided with the ‘Environment, Health and Safety’ (EHS) guidelines. The guidelines provide various measures along with provisions, so that the industry is able to conduct its operations accordingly with the aim of ensuring that occupational safety and health hazards policies are practiced effectively. The guidelines ensure that environment along with workers are protected from the exposure of hazardous elements or substances. In this regard, the operational phase is determined as the phase where workers are challenged mostly in relation to health along with safety hazards. Contextually, safety along with health policies is adopted in various areas that include process safety, chemical hazards, oxygen-deficient atmosphere and fire as well as explosions. In this respect, risk assessments are required to be conducted, so that risks associated in the operational phase in mitigated. Additionally, a structured health along with safety management approach should be undertaken with the intention of ascertaining that the workers are able to conduct their operations in a safe and healthy working environment. The guidelines also ensure that the workers are protected from biological, physical, ergonomic and chemical health hazards in a significant manner (IFC, 2007). Conclusion It can be comprehended from the above discussion that petroleum off shore and refineries are operated on a global context. There are various activities that are associated with petroleum off shore and refineries include drilling, processing, exploration along with extraction. In the present scenario, increased considerations are emphasized toward social as well as environment conditions. In this regard, it is identified that the industry poses significant impact towards the health of workers and the environment in general. The workers working are under the threat of inappropriate occupational safety arising due to mechanical errors and protective measures. Moreover, the workers are also affected with various health problems in relation to physical hazards, chemical hazards, ergonomic hazards and biological hazards. The workers working in petroleum off shore and refineries develop musculoskeletal problems, hearing and visibility issues due to inappropriate working conditions and radiation exposures. The workers are also under the threat of chemical hazards that include exposure to harmful chemical such as benzene and hydrogen sulphide which are accountable for causing dreadful disease like cancer. The chemicals are also responsible for impacting the mortality rate of the workers. Biological hazards included food poisoning and other diseases caused due to harmful organisms such as bacteria and parasites among others. The workers are also posed to the threat of ergonomic hazards due to forced working postures and inappropriate working conditions, which are responsible for physical along with psychological disorders. It has been further identified that the safety and health hazards of workers are mostly affected in case of refineries due to immense number of units and workload pressures. References Carson, P., & Mumford, C. (2002). Hazardous chemicals handbook. Great Britain: Butterworth-Heinemann. CSC. (2011). Workplace health & safety. Retrieved from Gardner, R. (2003). Overview and characteristics of some occupational exposures and health risks on offshore oil and gas installations. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 47(3), Guzzardi, D. (n.d.). Industrial hygiene. Retrieved from Hirst, A. (2010). Basic principles in occupational hygiene. Retrieved from IFC. (2007). Environmental, health, and safety guidelines for petroleum refining. Retrieved from Niven, K. & McLeod, R. (2009). Offshore industry: management of health hazards in the upstream petroleum industry. Occupational Medicine, 59, 304-309. The Pennsylvania State University. (2010). A basic overview of a petroleum refinery. Retrieved from Thomas, C. (2011). Process Technology: Safety, Health, and Environment. United States of America: Cengage Learning. Read More
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