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Protecting our Environment - Essay Example

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“Mankind is systematically destroying the sensitive ecosystems which support life on earth. To date, very little effort is being made to stop and correct the damage being done” (Butisingh, 2008). Environmental protection is one of the hotly debated topics in the world at present…
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Protecting our Environment
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? Protecting our Environment Larry Buenafe LIB 320 Prof. Samilia Amanyroufpoor January 30 Protecting our Environment “Mankind is systematically destroying the sensitive ecosystems which support life on earth. To date, very little effort is being made to stop and correct the damage being done” (Butisingh, 2008). Environmental protection is one of the hotly debated topics in the world at present. Majority of the human activities are negatively affecting our environment in one way or other ways. Heavy Industrialization, increased, automobile use, increased usages of fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides in agricultural lands, dumping of toxic substances like e-wastages etc are polluting, our water sources, land and air in many ways. Global warming and climate changes are the major outcomes of injudicious human activities. It is believed that sustainment of life in this world may become extremely difficult in near future itself if effective measures were not taken to counter environmental problems. Even though the size of the earth remains the same, global population is growing at alarming rates so that it may become extremely difficult for our earth to accommodate or cater the needs of all the people. As each individual contributes heavily to environmental problems, growth of population means growth of environmental problems also. In other words, population growth is directly proportional to environmental problems. As the world population grows, so does hazardous waste, toxic materials polluting our environment and affecting our eco-system. There should be a coordination effort by governments around the world to control pollution affecting our environment in order for human survival for future generations. Water pollution and preventive measures United States has many federal and state laws that have enacted to protect our water system and help regulate the amount of pollutants that affects our water. However, the implementation of these laws are not much effective so that American water sources are getting polluted more and more as time goes on. For example, Colorado River seems to be one of the major victims of environmental pollution in western American region. More than 30 million people use Colorado River as their major drinking water source. However, Colorado River is dying gradually because of environmental problems. “If climate change results in a 10 percent reduction in the Colorado River's average stream flow as some recent studies predict, the chances of fully depleting reservoir storage will exceed 25 percent by 2057, according to the study” (Future Of Western U.S. Water Supply Threatened By Climate Change, 2010) Irrigation projects are helping agricultural farming in America. However, water drained out of the agricultural lands may contain toxic ingredients because of the increased usages of fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides to improve the agricultural yields. Selenium seems to be the major harmful chemical content in irrigated water drained out of the agricultural lands. “When selenium uptake is too high health effects will be likely to come about. The health effects of various forms of selenium can vary from brittle hair and deformed nails, to rashes, heat, swelling of the skin and severe pains” (Selenium – Se, 2009). The Environmental Protection Agency, have supported and helped enforcement of water laws in our country and have introduced many laws concerning safe drinking water. The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters. The basis of the CWA was enacted in 1948 and was called the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, but the Act was significantly reorganized and expanded in 1972. "Clean Water Act" became the Act's common name with amendments in 1977. Under the CWA, EPA has implemented pollution control programs such as setting wastewater standards for industry. CWA act was formulated for the purpose of preventing all types of water pollution in America. It made all the activities related to the discharge of pollutants from point sources to water without permission. However, implementation of this act is not much effective in America which is evident from the fact that water pollution is increasing day by day. Many companies and factories have violated the CWA act and the government did nothing to stop the pollution of our water system. Unless the authorities show sincerity in implementing water pollution preventing laws, American water sources could be polluted further in future. Companies and individuals should be made more accountable to the pollution activities they are engaged in. Bigger fines and jail terms would prevent people and companies from polluting water sources. Sociologists and environmentalists should work harder to spread the message of the importance of clean water for the sustainment of human life across the country. America should force international community also to enforce clean water laws in their territories as it is difficult to put boundaries to environmental problems. The United Nation’s environmental laws, have to be enforced world-wide in order to save the global community from total destruction in future. Air pollution and preventive measures Air pollution is another major environmental problem which is causing big headaches to America. Air pollution is more in America because of heavy industrialization and increased automobile usages. Since America is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, many of the American families may have more than one vehicle for their traveling needs. All these automobiles are using fossil fuels as the energy source to operate the vehicle engines. When oil fuels burn inside the engines, lots of toxic gases such as oxides of carbon, oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sculpture will come out. All these gases have the ability to pollute atmosphere. Carbon dioxide has the ability to increase atmospheric temperature rise. There is a balance between the atmospheric oxygen and atmospheric carbon dioxide. This balancing is helping life forms to survive in this world. It should be noted that human breathes oxygen and liberates carbon dioxide whereas plants take carbon dioxide and liberates oxygen. Therefore the balancing act between oxygen and carbon dioxide were maintained without many problems until recent times. However, deforestation and increased emission levels from automobiles have destroyed this balancing act and currently the carbon dioxide content in atmosphere is increasing day by day. Subsequently, atmospheric temperature is rising. Atmospheric temperature rise is causing serious weather changes. Unexpected floods, storms and sea level rises are the bi-products of climate changes. It is impossible for America like industrialized countries to keep blind eyes towards air pollution. Strong measures are necessary to prevent companies and individuals from continuing with their air polluting activities. American states like California have introduced meaning full laws with respect to the prevention of air pollution. In California, an emission check is required for many original registrations, as well as for every alternate registration renewal. Renewal notices are sent to vehicle owners, and indicate whether and by what date an emissions test must be completed and if your vehicle needs a smog-check at a test-only station (Vehicle Emissions Testing in California, 2011) It is impossible for America to restrict the entry of polluted air from other countries into American atmosphere since air has the ability to flow freely from one area to another area. Polluted air from neighboring countries can enter American territory easily. Under such circumstances, international cooperation is necessary in fighting against air pollution. America should encourage other countries to fight against air pollution. As fossil fuels are the major villains in polluting air, it is extremely important to reduce fossil fuel use to save our atmosphere. Environmental friendly vehicles such as electric cars should be introduced more in number to encourage people to make use of such vehicles. Electric cars are not manufactured extensively by the car manufacturers. Instead of petrol or diesel car manufacturing, electric care manufacturing and usages should be given more incentives so that the threats from fossil fuels could be reduced considerably. “The issue of global climate change and what to do about it has put economics to a severe test in which economists have been challenged to think afresh about how to model such fundamental notions as risk, uncertainty, and discounting”(Weitzman, 2007, p. 703). It is practically impossible to stop the functioning of all industries or removal of all oil fuel based automobiles when we consider the essentialities of these things in a country’s economic growth; however, it is possible to reduce the emissive levels from these sources. In short, a compromise is necessary between economic interests of a country and that of the environment for a healthy life in this world. Land pollution and preventive measures We are living in a world which is controlled by digital equipment such as computers, mobile phones etc. One of the most disappointing facts about these electronic products is safe disposal after the use. It should be noted that technology is growing rapidly and as a result of that many new electronic products are entering the market. For example, a decade old mobiles phones are outdated now because of the intrusion of smartphones now. Same way, computers used in the 80 s and 90s are outdated now people are going after advanced computers. Thus millions of outdated equipment are now available for all over the world for safe disposal. These outdated electronic products or e-wastes are causing huge damages to the environment as these products contain certain toxic equipment such as the lead or lithium batteries. Recycling and refurbishing of computers and other electronic products are important in reducing e-wastes. There are many incidents in which developed countries were accused for dumping e-wastes in third world countries. Third world countries may not have the capacity to purchase advanced electronic products. Developed countries on the other hand ready to provide outdated electronic products to third world countries free of cost. Third world countries accept the generous offers from developed countries and they import e-wastes from third world countries. Only at a later stage, these countries will recognize the dangers associated with accepting the offers from developed countries. Mining is another activity which causes immense damages to the environment. Mine wastes have the ability to react with other elements present in soil, rock, water etc. For example, ferrous sulphide which is abundant in rock can produce hydrogen in the presence of water after its reaction with mine wastes. Hydrogen on the other hand has the ability to produce different types of acids after its reaction with water in the presence of other elements. In short, acidity of the soil could be increased a lot because of mining. Increase in soil acidity means increase in the development of poisonous materials in the soil as acids have the ability to react with various elements present in the soil. Renewable Energy Most of the energy sources used by us currently are non-renewable in nature. For example, fossil fuels or oil fuels are used extensively for our energy requirements; however, these energy sources are non-renewable in nature. Some reports have shown that the total oil stock available on earth may last only for 30 or 40 years more. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for us to develop more renewable energy sources such as Wind Mill energy, Solar energy, Nuclear energy, Hydro electric energy, tidal energy etc. Solar energy is renewable in nature; however, so far we failed to develop feasible technologies to convert solar energy into useful energy forms. Most of the available technologies are expensive as far as solar energy utilization is concerned. Wind mills can also be used for our energy needs. However, in the absence of winds, these mills may not function and it is difficult for us to anticipate the occurrence of winds for fulfilling our energy requirements. Nuclear energy and hydroelectric energy sources are used extensively nowadays. However, it is extremely difficult to handle these energy sources safely. It is relevant to remember Fukushima nuclear plant disaster happened in recent times as a result of the tsunami attack on Japan. “The March, 2011disaster knocked out reactor cooling systems at the plant, 150 miles northeast of Tokyo, triggering meltdowns and radiation leaks that forced 80,000 people to leave their homes” (Fukushima nuclear disaster firm asks for extra ?6bn to compensate victims, 2011). Same way hydroelectric power projects also have the potential to cause huge disasters. For example, The August 1975 Banqiao Dam Disaster in China accounted for the death of around 85000 people (The Catastrophic Dam Failures in China in August 1975, n. d). In short, solar energy seems to be the most important and less dangerous nonrenewable energy source for the future. Scientists should concentrate more on developing feasible and economic ways for exploiting solar energy for our future needs. Conclusions Our environment is slowly deteriorating, because of the uncontrolled, land, air and water pollutions. We have many laws for the protection of our environment, but these laws are ineffective in reducing environmental problems. More sincere efforts are needed from the governments to fight against environmental pollution. Instead of individual efforts, collective efforts are necessary to counter environmental problems properly. Renewable and less dangerous energy sources should be developed more for our future energy requirements. In short, reduction of environmental pollution is not only the liability of the government, but also the responsibility of the individuals. References 1. Butisingh, R (2008). Retrieved from 2. Future Of Western U.S. Water Supply Threatened By Climate Change, (2010). Science Daily. Retrieved from 3. Fukushima nuclear disaster firm asks for extra ?6bn to compensate victims (2011). Tuesday 27 December 2011. Retrieved from 4. Selenium – Se (2009). Retrieved from 5. The Catastrophic Dam Failures in China in August 1975, (n. d). Retrieved from 6. Vehicle Emissions Testing in California (2011). Retrieved from 7. Weitzman, M. L. (2007). A Review of "The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change". 2007. Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 45, No. 3 (Sep., 2007), pp. 703-724. Published by: American Economic Association. References Butler, H. N. & Macey, R. (2008) Using Federalism to Improve Environmental Policy 2Edn New York: American Enterprise Institute for Policy Research. Clean Water Act Enforcement (2010) Environmental Protection Agency Retrieved from: National Research Council (2008) Mississippi River Water Quality & The Clean Water Act Washington: National Academic Press. Ryan M. (2003) The Clear Water Act Handbook Chicago IL: American Bar Association. Sipes, J. L. (2008) Sustainable Solutions for Water Resources Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Publishing. Summary of the Clean Water Act (2011) Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from: Read More
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