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NGOs Performing Governmental Functions - Essay Example

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The paper "NGOs Performing Governmental Functions" highlights that the advancement in information technology has also deprived governments of their monopoly as the only source of information. NGO’s not only conducting their own research but also have access to the existing information. …
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NGOs Performing Governmental Functions
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? NGO’S PERFORMING GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTIONS Contents Introduction 4 History and Growth of NGO’s 4 Influence of NGO’s 6 Influence of NGO’s on Businesses and Governments 6 Impact of Globalization on NGO’s 7 The Essentials of Global Politics 8 NGO’s Framework and Globalization 9 Work of NGO’s in Globalized World 11 Example of Impact of Globalization on NGO’s Work 11 Conclusion 12 References 14 Introduction Non governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted organization by either legal personals or others. An NGO works independently from government. Although in some cases NGO’s are either partially or fully funded by government but they still are called NGO’s because of the exclusion of government from membership in the organization. NGO’s are also called civil society organizations and generally pursue wider social aims that have some political aspects. NGO’s are the voice of the civil society and fuel social development. But why do we need NGO’s. Do they represent failure of government in bringing the social justice and providing necessary human and social development? Is the role and impact of NGO’s has changed in any way in the wake of globalization? This paper aims at studying the circumstances which makes the NGO’s perform nongovernmental functions. It will also discuss history and changes in the type of work done by NGO’s. The paper aims at investigating the reasons of the recent growth of NGO’s. An example of how the policy and working of NGO’s have changed in the wake of globalization and changed circumstances will also be discussed to develop a sound understanding of the situation. History and Growth of NGO’s The concept of NGO is not new and can be traced back to the late eighteenth century but the terminology of NGO is relatively recent. The first NGO in its raw form was formed by Thomas Clarkson along with some other men in 1787; when they formed a society to dissuade British companies and ship owners to involve in salve trade. The struggle continued in different forms against different form of oppression and eventually Red Cross was formed in 1855. The NGO activity has grown considerably from those early days of Clarkson. According to the statistics of the Union of International Associations, the no of active NGO’s in 2001 was around 25,000 that is 10,000 more than the figure of 1980. Besides these active NGO’s a huge number of inactive NGO’s also exist, which are capable of becoming active upon arrival of need. The number of inactive NGO’s in 2001 was astounding 18,000. The same is true for the national and local activist groups. Recently what has been observed is the mushroom growth of such organizations all over the world. Indonesia had only one organization for environment protection but now the number has crossed over 2000. In the Philippines the number of NGO’s has increased from 18,000 to astounding 58,000 only between the period of 1989 and 1996. According to a study of Worldwatch institute the number of grass root or low level NGO’s in United States is approximately two million. The study also revealed that approximately two third of them were established in the last thirty years. NGO’s are not only growing in number but they are also improving in quality in terms of skills, specialization and sophistication. Most highly educated people holding masters and doctoral level degrees are associated with NGO’s. Typically NGO’s very successfully align their strategies with the political, economic, social and environmental trends. Their ability to communicate with media is considered the best in the private sector. NGO does also have this ability to move quickly and form global networks (Blackburn, 2007). Influence of NGO’s NGO’s are changing the way business is being done all over the globe. They are powerful, innovative and organized. They provide social and humanitarian services in cross national contexts that are somewhat politicized as well. NGO’s these days have a strong influence over business. The recent example of it is the case of Star-Kist. They have to change their logo which they had created with millions of dollars under the influence of NGO’s, who launched a campaign against the use of nets that killed dolphins. This influence of NGO’s is not restricted to the developed world only but they also have strong influence in developing countries via the influence of donor countries (Teegen, 2003). Influence of NGO’s on Businesses and Governments Activism and visibility of NGO’s are increasing rapidly. NGO’s have become a major stakeholders in the discussions about ethics of business, and the description of terms and conditions for businesses, government and multilateral institutions about the balancing, taming and management of globalization. Process of globalization has become the most contested and debated topic among policy makers, corporate executives and in the wider societal interest all around the globe. It is the responsibility of NGO’s to safeguard the interest in terms of social, ethical, and environmental responsibility. NGO’s manage it conducting research, organizing boycotts and by identifying the shortcomings of businesses and governments. There are some differences of opinion about the working of NGO’s and they are often blamed for negative activism as well (Bendell, 2000). Impact of Globalization on NGO’s As already discussed recent years have observed the mushroom growth of NGO’s. This growth of NGO’s can be attributed to the accelerated growth of globalization. Transnational interaction creates external pressure on the nations to conform to the international standards of conformity. Such interactions also support and strengthen the internal political factors who advocate the implementation of policies which ensure conformity with international standards. Thus pressure builds on nations to ensure conformity on issues such as gender equality, environmental safety, child labor, workplace safety, literacy rate etc. NGO’s play a pivotal role in building such pressures (Vogel et al 2004). The impact and consequences of globalization is also two tongued sword. On a positive note it has lead to convergence between countries but on a negative note it has resulted on more inequalities between countries and leading to erosion of sovereignty of nations (Toyne et al, 1997). Another aspect of globalization is its negative impact on economic, social and environmental dimensions. It is argued that globalization has led to more violence and threat of war because of the conflicts of culture and religion. Globalization has also made the economies of the developing countries more volatile and developed countries has been the major beneficiaries of globalization. The picture about globalization is not all that rosy. Globalization can lead to new forms of hatred, ethnocide and ideocide. The episodes of which were observed in the violence against Muslims in Mumbai in 1993 and in other parts of the world as well such as Rwanda and central Europe also witnessed large scale ethnocide violence in 1989. This brutality and war all around the globe is because there is division of people on grounds of race, religion, class, and many other nationalist and ethnic grounds. It is the ideology of hate that has divided us into little boxes of ethnic groups and communities. It has one single dimension of defining our individual identities which is made up of multiple factors like class, sex, politics and personal interests etc. such violence can only be cured by working on globalization at the grass root level (Appadurai, 2006). In such a scenario where the world is afflicted with so many conflicts and inequalities the role of NGO’s has increased manifold. The Essentials of Global Politics Globalization has transformed the politics of the world as well. Accelerating pace of globalization has made world politics also a fast changing and fascinating arena. This fast changing world and ever accelerating pace of globalization has also increased violence, conflicts and the threat of war. It has resulted in wider alliances of NGO’s and protestors in an attempt to influence world events. Globalization is a very complex and multidimensional process that involves more governance, military, cultural, social, economic and environmental dimensions emerging from the interaction of various micro and macro level factors. Globalization has not only resulted in counter hegemonic patterns at the regional and national levels but also has given rise to very complex outcomes within an already complex cultural, social and political contexts. Hence Globalization is an ongoing process resulting in many convergences and divergences. Technological advances have been the major driving force behind globalization. According to Langhorne there are three main phases of this evolution that is the 1. The combination of steam engine and electric telegraph 2. The combination of telephone and orbiting satellite 3. The combination of telephone, orbiting satellite and computers All these developments have resulted in accelerating the pace of communication and transport. According to Langhorne the communication revolution brought by the junction of the telephone facilities supported by orbiting satellite along with the ground based network and the computer network laid the basis of globalization. All these advancements in information and communication technology and transport have brought significant political and social changes all around the world. The first phase of evolution resulted in the strategic bipolar rivalry between United States (USA) and United States of Soviet Republic (USSR). The second phase fulfilled the needs of the cold war between the two nations. The third phase has been different and has brought changes in the lives of the individuals and served their interests rather than the state. This third phase has also reduced the control of the governments over the state and the people. Former political, social and economic administration systems have become obsolete and now governments have lesser control on the economic, political and social forces (Langhorne, 2006). It has resulted in global communication, global culture and global economies. It is in these circumstances the role of NGO’s has increased and hence resulted in their exponential growth in recent years. NGO’s Framework and Globalization Globalization has transformed the political, social, cultural and economic dimensions and it has also brought changes in the framework of NGO’s and their developmental activities and organization of work. NGO’s now try to tame the economic dimensions of the globalization in favor of the poor by ensuring ethical business practices and fair trade initiatives for all. The emergence of global civil society has increased the role of NGO’s as emerging global governance structures and acts as a counter hegemonic globalization from below. Globalization has also changed the perception of development aid because now the emphasis is on anti terrorism and security issues. Technological advancement has also increased the networking opportunities for the NGO’s as well as posed new management threats and challenges (Hill, 1996). It is argued that with the end of cold war there has been a huge power shift. Now the national governments not only has to share their power and authority with the global organizations and big corporations as a result of globalization but also with an ever increasing number of NGO’s and international organizations. The advancement in the information and communication technology means everybody has access to information and governments have lost their monopoly as the only source of information. The access to information and easy communication has connected people and this connection has transcended boundaries (Thomas, 2010). The reduced authority and power of governments and the increased demand of interacting with other governments, corporations, international institutions, NGO’s and domestic constituencies is fairly evident by the war on terror led by US. Such wars with no clear boundaries of beginning and end have actually blurred the distinction between war and peace and failed to confine to geographical boundaries. The implications of such wars have led to many humanitarian rights violation. NGO’s had to intervene in such a situation on humanitarian grounds (Lewis et al 2009). This global war on terror has actually restricted the concept of global civil society and has somewhat Clamped the unbiased role of NGO’s. Donor agencies are now overzealous about civil society. It has made the aspects of neutrality, impartiality and independence among humanitarian agencies questionable (Howell et al 2010). Work of NGO’s in Globalized World In this globalized world with restricted role of government NGO’s has started performing governmental functions such as alleviation of poverty, ensuring quality education, health facilities to poor, helping poor from social injustices, helping war and conflict afflicted people, environmental safety etc. Many of these problems such as economic inequality, social injustices, cultural conflicts, environmental hazards and threats of war etc are a result of globalization. NGO’s has to intervene in this situation to reduce the calamity of the people. NGO’s not only have the resources but also has the expertise and knowledge to undertake such humanitarian activities for the welfare of the people. NGO’s not only have global alliances but also work in collaboration with international donor agencies (Warkentin, 2001). Example of Impact of Globalization on NGO’s Work Globalization has its impact on the education as well. The developed countries after this intersection of education and globalization are concentrating on modifications in the education system regarding training, higher education, culture, the environment, information management, industrial management etc. while the developing countries or the third world countries concentrate on adult education, vocational training and higher education, decentralization and restructuring of curriculum etc. all these modalities are closely linked with globalization. With this increased attention on education and demand for higher level education governments of the third world countries due to lack of resources need the help of not only international organizations but the help of NGO’s as well. The effect of globalization is reflected in the education policy of The United Nations Children’s Fund, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the World Bank. Globalization is closely linked with creation and sharing of knowledge. Knowledge is one of the key sources of competitive advantage for globalized firms. Since education is closely linked with gaining knowledge so NGO’s also concentrate on higher education as well now and disseminating technical knowledge necessary for survival in this globalized world. Earlier the emphasis of NGO’s was only on basic education and hence only improving literacy rate. But globalization and hence emphasis on learning and knowledge, technology and higher education; this shift is also reflected in the policy of NGO’s (Stromquist et al 2000). Conclusion Globalization has its impact on the economic, social, cultural, political and environmental dimensions of a society. Such far reaching implications of globalization has somewhat curtailed the role, power and authority of the government. In today’s world governments have lesser discretionary powers in formulating and implementing policy. It has to work in collaboration and consultation of various other forces which includes global corporations, other governments and even NGO’s. With the advancement in technology and communication the authoritative powers and autonomy of governments has reduced. This increased role and influence of NGO’s has resulted in their exponential growth as well. The advancement in information technology has also deprived governments from their monopoly as the only source of information. NGO’s not only conduct its own research but also has access to the existing information. It has also increased the role and responsibility of the NGO’s. NGO’s not only have to work on the humanitarian projects but they also have to advocate and safeguard the interest of the poor people from the negative impact of globalization resulting in economic inequality, social injustices, cultural conflicts and from miseries of wars etc. In such circumstances NGO’s have to perform the functions of the government for the welfare of the general public. References Appadurai, A. (2006) Fear of Small Numbers: An Essay on the Geography of Anger, London: Duke University Press. Blackburn, William R. (2007) The sustainability handbook: The complete management guide to achieving social, economic and environmental responsibility, Washington DC: Earthscan Bendell, J. (2000) Terms for endearment: businesses, NGO’s and sustainable development, UK: Green leaf Publishing Howell, J., Lind, J. (2010) Civil society under strain, USA: Kumarian Press Hill, T. (1996) United Nations, Ngo’s and Global Governance: Challenge for the 21st Century, New York: NGLS Langhorne, R. (2006). The essentials of global politics. London, New York: Hodder Arnold; Distributed in the United States by Oxford University Press. Lewis, D., Kanji N. (2009) Non-governmental organizations and development, New York, Routledge Stromquist, Nelly P., Monkman, K. (2000) Globalization and education: integration and contestation across cultures, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Toyne, B., Nigh, Douglas W., (1997) International business: An Emerging Vision, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press Teegen, H (2003) Globalization and NGO’s: transforming businesses, governments and society, USA: Praeger Publishers Thomas, Carolyn C., (2010) Empathy in the Global world: An intercultural perspective, London: Sage publications Vogel, D. , Kagan, Robert A. (2004) Dynamics of regulatory change: how globalization affects national regulatory policies, London: University of California press. Warkentin, C. (2001) Reshaping world politics: NGO’s , the internet, and the global civil society, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Read More
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