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Past, Present and Future - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Past, Present and Future" tells that beginning from my very early life I learned quite a few things about my family which revolved around the caring nature of my parents. Their caring nature helped me to adjust to many problems in life…
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Past, Present and Future
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?AR My Past, Present and Future Outline I. What my family was like  a. Oldest of two children  b. Military Life  c. Parents coming from different backgrounds  II. What I remembered about my childhood  a. Always going to church  b. Fishing with my father  c. Traveling to new countries  d. Fighting with my brother  III. Jobs that I had  a. Fast food worker  b. Truck driver  c. Military  IV. My Hobbies  a. Sports  b. Cooking  c. Weight lifting  d. Fishing with my boys Introduction Life in itself is an experience for every individual as on every turn we get to learn different things which were previously unknown to us. In order to excel in life one must learn to amalgamate his past with his present so as to have a better future. Remembering the past is a good practice which helps an individual to learn from his mistakes. It is here in this essay that I would put forward my experiences from the past and elaborate as to how these experiences changed my present. Further, everyone has goals in life which they want to attain and my goals would be mentioned here. Beginning from my very early life I learned quite a few things about my family which revolved around the caring nature of my parents. Their caring nature helped me to adjust with many problems of life and it is because of them that I was able to live a life of a normal person. I still remember specific events that took place in my childhood which revolve around my upbringing. This essay would provide all the details about my present, past and future. My Past Present and Future The story of my life begins from my childhood when I was born in a family which belonged to the middle class society. My past is a simple book which revolved around me and my brother who is younger than me. My father belonged to a military background and from the very beginning I saw him in an army dress. It was in my childhood that I developed some interest in the military operations. My parents belonged to two different back grounds. My father was of a African descent whereas my mother was a Hispanic. We lived together as a happy family without facing any sort of family problems. My childhood was a simple one and I only remember specific events that used to take place almost daily in my life. Visiting church was a tradition for our family and I accompanied my parents to the church on every Sunday. My father loved fishing and every now and then he took me to a trip of fishing with him. Altogether I grabbed the skills of fishing through my father who was an excellent fisher. As my father belonged to a military background we had to go through many reshuffles in our settlement. We moved through countries after countries because of my father’s transfer in military. It was through these trips that I was able to learn about different cultures. I grasped the skills of diversity and how to handle different situations with different people. My brother at that time did not get along with me well and hence we ended up fighting each other at most instances. However gradually with time we have realized each other’s worth and we love each other till date. Belonging to a middle class family of this sort I never realized the importance of education. If I strived for education at the right moment I could have achieved a better job than I am currently working at. Plato described education in the following strong words “If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life” (Freccero & Jacoff 1986) While working in military I still ponder on the words of Plato and wonder if I could rewind my life. As I did not pay much heed to studies in life I coped up with the burden of life by adapting to different jobs. In order to cope up with my financial crisis I first worked as a waiter in a fast food restaurant. The experience was not something to be proud of as all day it required work with much less respect in return. The job did not have much returns and I finally decided to leave it to find a better future. It was here that I looked forward to driving for a company which had trucks. The trucks were used for transportation and I became a driver in that company. I used to drive trucks all day long and transport the required products at specific destinations. The experience of being a truck driver was not really bad but it again was not a much respectable profession. It was here that I decided to quit the company and struggle for the goals that I had crafted during my childhood. I pursued a career in military and finally I was able to achieve a post in military like my father. I worked hard for it and was able to achieve my goal of working in the military. I plan to work in the military until I finally get retired to set up a personal business for my family. From my childhood I had keen interest in many activities which helped to shape my life. First of all as my father used to take me to fishing every Sunday I developed an interest in fishing and till date I love fishing. Whenever I get time I plan out a fishing trip with my boys so that they can learn fishing too as I did with my father. I had a keen interest in sports too from my childhood and learned to play American football with many of my friends. I did not excel in the sport but I learned the rules and played as a sidekick in my school team. I also learned to play basketball and earned a good reputation amongst my friends but later on after working in the restaurant I stopped playing basketball. I have other interests in weight lifting so I can build up on my body which is a healthy feature. Other than that I have also learned to cook and it has now become my hobby to cook my favorite things when I am idle at home (McClellan 1976). Conclusion All the instances of my life have been mentioned above with my deepest regret for not studying well when I could. I believe that I will make my children improve their life by correcting the mistakes that I committed in life. My future depends on my military career and I believe that I can work hard and achieve a reputable post in military. References Top of Form Freccero, J., & Jacoff, R. (1986). Dante: The poetics of conversion. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. Top of Form McClellan, J. E. (1976). Philosophy of education. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall. Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Read More
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