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Swing Jacket Incorporated - Essay Example

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This essay "Swing Jacket Incorporated" is about a firm that specializes in the production of Swing Jackets. A Swing Jacket is a strap-on training device for golfers meant to ensure a proper swing. Since, its inception, the firm has had difficulties reaching consumers through the golf stores…
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Swing Jacket Incorporated
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? Marketing Research Proposal Swing Jacket Inc. March, Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 List of Tables 2 Background 3 Problem ment 3 Research Objectives 3 Importance/Benefits 4 Research Design 5 Data Collection 6 Participants 6 Research Instrument 7 Ethical Considerations 7 Data Analysis 8 Results/Deliverables 8 Questionnaire 9 Transmittal Letter 12 References 13 List of Tables Table 1: Schedule 8 Table 2: Budget 8 Background This is a research proposal for approved by the management team at Swing Jacket Inc. for a small-scale study to be conducted in Kingston, Ontario. Problem Statement Swing Jacket Inc. is a firm which specializes in the production of Swing Jackets. A Swing Jacket is a strap-on training device for golfers meant to ensure a proper swing. Since, their inception, the firm has had difficulties reaching consumers through the golf stores as the Jackets have been said not to be user friendly and that he design is complex. Due to this, the firm used a third party to come up with an infomercial to raise awareness and recorded sales. However, after a few months 25% of the initial sales have been returned by consumers. Golfers who had tried the Jacket before its debut didn’t show any sign of embarrassment while wearing the device nor did they find it uncomfortable. In addition, during initial stages of development, no problems were identified at all. The problem is that, before initial production, the company did not have requisite consumer information to inform the actual production. In this case, the firm has proposed a study in order to determine the causes of Swing Jacket return rates once purchases have been made. Research Objectives In marketing products, consumer behaviour is always an important aspect (Aaker 1991; Conover, J. N. 1982). According to Perner, L (2010), a market research is often carried out to ensure that what is produced is what customers yearn for and not what the producers’ term as the ideal product. Such researches should be done before actual production of goods/products to ensure production is targeted specifically for population segment which should be understood first before production. In this case, the main purpose of the proposed study will be to determine the causes of Swing Jacket return rates once purchases have been made despite the fact that golfers who had tried the Jacket before its debut didn’t show any sign of embarrassment while wearing the device nor did they find it uncomfortable. In addition, during initial stages of development, no problems were identified at all. Further, it will be of importance to establish whether the information contained in the infomercial is coherent with the product. This as Bettman and Park (1980) puts it goes a long way in maintaining marketing ethics of beneficence, where the benefits and not risks are spread out uniformly between the sellers and buyers. This goes a long way in maintaining consumer trust. Importance/Benefits The study of consumer needs on a Swing Jacket will help Swing Jacket Inc. to improve the Swing Jacket with the understanding of how consumers perceive the product and how they make their selections between different alternatives, if any. The returns are made after several months of using the Swing Jackets. In this regard, the study will help the firm determine the level of influence from their environment e.g. culture, family, the media etc.). Such information will further assist the firm in understanding the behavior of consumers while making shopping and other marketing decisions as well as in gaining understanding on limitations hindering consumer access and processing of information (Perner, L 2010; Brucks, M. (1985). Swing Jacket Inc. is in dire need to cut a market niche and to reduce the return rate of the Swing Jacket which is at nearly 25% of the total sales. In this regard, the information from the study will enable the firm adopt new marketing strategies and campaigns to reach more customers effectively translating to more profits. An understanding of what brand was bought during the last/past purchase occasions is of importance to the firm as this will assist in mapping out key competitors and why consumers prefer such products as opposed to Swing Jacket Inc. products. The number of times a consumer has seen an advert of the firm compared to those from other firms dealing on the same product is key. Such information goes along in answering other questions. For example, the firm may want to establish whether the products are available in the stores and whether properly displayed in the ranks, the position in the ranks (face level, middle or knee level) and the space allocated. The ability to buy depends on many other factors which include family size, income of the household, purchase patterns among others. All this information influence purchasing and is key for Swing Jacket Inc. Swing Jacket Inc. main thrust is the consumer. However, as Dobni and Zinkhan (1990) puts it, there is the need to analyze the firm’s strengths and weaknesses in comparisons with those of competing firms in addition to assessing the marketing environment. For example, the frequent recessions being experienced in the world may drastically cut aggregate demand drastically. Research Design Both qualitative and quantitative approaches will be used for this study. The methods are concerned with describing the nature/condition of the condition at hand and explore the cause(s) of particular a market phenomenon. The methods will be ideal for the current situation as they help in obtaining an accurate profile of the consumers and the purchasing situations/conditions (Mitchell 1982). The researcher will use these research designs in order to obtain first hand valid and reliable data from the sampled consumers so as to come up with sound conclusions and recommendations to assist the firm come up with effective marketing strategies for optimal production. The researcher will opt to integrate both approaches in this study due to the significant advantages involved. For example, qualitative techniques are open to periodic changes and refinement of study ideas as the study progresses. This implies that qualitative techniques are flexible. Further, the use of qualitative data gathering methods provide rich and well-grounded descriptions, information and explanations which are unforeseen findings and which form new research theories. Another notable strength of the qualitative techniques is that they bring out more realistic feelings of the research environment and cannot be obtained from quantitative techniques.   Data Collection Both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods will be used to quantify the relationships between variables. This is so because both methods of data collection tools establish the relationship between measured variables and ensure that the researcher (the firm) is detached from the study and the deliverables are context free meaning that the findings can be generalized. According to Keller, K. L. (1993), quantitative approach is useful in it will help the researcher (firm) to eliminate bias in collection, analysis and interpretation of research findings. Quantitative data gathering techniques will be useful since the study seeks to establish the cause and effect of the assumed relationships in the proposed pre-selected and discrete variables. In many researches, the quantitative approach is used to eliminate the subjectivity which may arise while trying to describe the consumer experience being studied.   Participants In order to determine the causes of Swing Jacket return rates once purchases have been made, a total of 100 respondents will be requested to participate. In order to realize the objective of the study, certain inclusion criteria will be imposed as proposed by Fournier (1995). First of all to be considered a participant; one must be a golf player in order to have an understanding of the other products in offer which assist the golfer in getting good swings. Further, one will be required to have used or experienced the use of a Swing Jacket from Swing Jacket Inc. this will mean that the responses are based on factual information and will go a long way in ensuring valid and reliable data. Sample will be selected using stratified sampling since the golf universe is not homogenous to warrant the use of simple random sampling. The sample comprise of different socio-economic classes since income is a key determinant in making purchases. Research Instrument A questionnaire will be used as the main data-gathering instrument for this study (See Appendix). The questionnaire will have two main sections; one on the demographic factors and then the main survey questions. The demographic profiles of the consumers will include questions on the socio-demographic characteristics of the consumers which include age, gender, socio-economic status, years in golf, the number of years using Swing Jacket Inc. jackets among others. The main survey questions will mostly be on the usability and reliability of Swing Jacket Inc. products in comparison with those of other firms (competitors). Other questions in the survey section will establish the advantages and disadvantages of using the firm’s products. The questions will be structured using the categorical format while others will be closed and others open so as to capture all pertinent issues. Ethical Considerations This study will be conducted on human participants and thus certain ethical considerations will be taken into account. This will be meant at ensuring total privacy, confidentiality and safety of the participants (Freed, M. et al. 1991). One of the most important considerations is obtaining consents from the participants. This will mean that only participants who are capable of making independent decisions on participation can be included in the study. Before getting their consent, the researcher will give them all the necessary information including the purpose of the study and the gains they may reap from their participation. Further, participants will duly be informed that their participation and responses will be handled with utmost confidentiality and only responses across groups will be made public (i.e. if any). More care will be taken to ensure that their security is prioritized while study benefits and risks will be spread out such that they (participants) are not at risk at all. Another key aspect is making them aware that they can terminate their participation at any time through the study process with no penalty at all. Data Analysis After administration of the questionnaire and gathering from the respondents, responses will be analyzed using SPSS. The categorical responses will be weighted. The weights will represent the impact of each response. Further, Chi-Square tests will be used to determine relationships and independence while one way ANOVA tests will be used to test for significance of the different categorical variables and the continuous ones. Both parametric and non-parametric tests will be used depending on the assumption of normality and any other statistical analysis assumption. Results/Deliverables The results from the analysis will be presented in tables, graphs and charts. This forms a bird’s-eye view meaning that even non-statisticians can comprehend. A report will then be prepared and recommendations made to advise Swings Jacket Inc. Table 1: Schedule Activity\Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Developing research tools Piloting the research tools Sampling Research tool administration Data cleaning and Analysis Report Writing Debriefing Table 2: Budget Activity Budget ($) Developing research tools 1000 Piloting the research tools 2000 Sampling 1000 Research tool administration 3000 Data cleaning and Analysis 1000 Report Writing 500 Debriefing 500 Total 9000 Questionnaire My names are__________________________. This study has been commissioned by the management of Swings Jacket Inc. and am carrying out the research on their behalf. Please note that the study findings will used for the sole purpose of this study. Please also note that the data/information you are about to give will be handled confidentially. Please answer the questions as honest as possible. I will greatly appreciate your kindness. Filling this questionnaire by answering all the feasible questions should take you 10-20 minutes. Consent You have certain rights as a participant which include: Voluntarily agreeing to participate; and Withdrawing from participation at any time without penalty. By agreeing to participate you verify that: You are 18 years of age or older; You have read and understood the information given by the researcher; You voluntarily agree without coercion to participate in this study; You agree to complete this task by yourself and that you will answer the questions as honestly as possible; and You understand that you are free not to participate without any penalty. Comments/suggestions should be channeled through Email: This study has been approved by the Swings Jacket Inc. Management. If you agree to the terms noted above, please sign below: __________________________ Signature DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS 101 Name (Optional)…………………………………………………………….. 102 Gender Male………………………………………… Female………………………………………. 0 1 103 Age? Age in years……………………… 104 What is the highest level of education you have attained? None……………………………………… Nursery/Kindergarten…………………… Primary…………………………………… Secondary …………………………………… College…………………………………… University (degree)………………………. Postgraduate………………………………… Adult Education……………………………. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 105 Which state are you from? …………………………………………… EMPLOYMENT DATA 201 Source of income (Tick the main one) Farming……………………………………… Employment………………………………… Spousal Support……………………………. Casual Employment……………………. Domestic Worker……………………….. Self Employment…………………………. Other (Specify)…………………………….. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 202 Ever been permanently employed? Yes…………………………………………… No…………………………………………… 1 2 204 Are you a full time employee? Yes…………………………………………… No………………………………………… 1 2 205 Your work in which sector? Agriculture………………………………… Banking……………………………………… Finance……………………………………… Corporate…………………………………….. Manufacturing……………………………… NGO………………………………………… Other (specify)……………………………. 1 2 3 4 5 6 206 You have worked in the currently employment for how long? Years……………….. Months………………. 1 2 207 You have worked for how many years in total? Years…………………………… Months……………………….. 208 You are earning how much? $0-$2,000 $2,001-$5,000 $5,001-$10,000 $10,001+ 1 2 3 4 209 Since your first employment, how much has your salary changed? $0-$1,000 $1,001-$3,000 $3,001-$10,000 $10,001+ 1 2 3 4 BRAND PREFERENCES 301 Ever heard of Swing Jacket Inc.? Yes…………………………………………… No…………………………………………… 1 2 302 Ever used their products? Yes…………………………………………… No…………………………………………… 1 2 303 Ever used their Swing Jackets? Yes…………………………………………… No…………………………………………… 1 2 304 How did you know the brand’s existence? Friends…………………………………….. Relatives………………………………….. Magazines…………………………………… Online ads……………………………………. TV ads……………………………………. Other (specify)………………………… 1 2 3 4 5 6 305 Do you know of any other firm that produces Swing Jackets? Yes…………………………………………… No…………………………………………… 306 How many other Swing jacket brands do you know? Number……………………………… 307 How are Swing Jacket Inc. jackets compared to Jackets from other firms? 308 Which brand do you prefer most? Name………………………………… 309 Why do you prefer the brand? (Specify)…………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 310 For how long have you used this brand? Years……………………………. Months…………………………… 1 2 311 How often do you use the Jacket? Daily………………………………………… Weekly…………………………………… Monthly……………………………………. Other (Specify)…………………………. 1 2 3 4 312 Can you recommend it to friends? Yes………………………………………… No…………………………………………… 1 2 313 What can be done to improve its performance? (Specify)…………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 314 Which brand is preferred by your family members/friends? Name………………………………… 315 Why? (Specify)…………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 316 For how long have you used this brand? Years……………………………. Months…………………………… 1 2 317 How often do you use the Jacket? Daily………………………………………… Weekly…………………………………… Monthly……………………………………. Other (Specify)…………………………. 1 2 3 4 318 Can you recommend it to friends? Yes………………………………………… No…………………………………………… 1 2 319 What can be done to improve its performance? (Specify)…………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Thank you for making this successful Transmittal Letter March 21, 2011 Dr. Michael John Swing Jacket Inc. Fort Collins, CO 1-877-794-6465 Dear Michael: I am submitting to you the study proposal report, due March 21, 2011, which you had requested for. The proposal is titled “Marketing Research Proposal for Swing Jacket Inc.” The purpose of the proposal report is to bring to your attention of my proposed study design, methodology and data analysis procedures. The report concentrates much on how the firm can understand consumer needs/wishes; the market environment; why, when and how Swing Jacket consumers make purchases and their preferences. The report also gives the benefits of carrying out the study. Should you have any questions about the proposed study and the proposal report please feel free to contact your name at Tel number or email. Sincerely, Your Name Researcher References Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity, New York: The Free Press. Bettman, J. R., & Park C. W. (1980). “Implications of a Constructive View of Choice for Analysis of Protocol Data: A Coding Scheme for Elements of Choice Processes”, Advances In Consumer Research, 7: 140-154. Brucks, M. (1985). “The Effects of Product Class Knowledge on Information Search Behavior”, Journal of Consumer Research, 12: 1-10. Conover, J. N. (1982). “Familiarity and the Structure of Consumer Knowledge”, Advances In Consumer Research, 9: 401-415 Dobni, D., & Zinkhan, G. M. (1990). “In Search of Brand Image: a Foundation Analysis”, Advances in Consumer Research, 17: 111-120. Freed, M. et al. (1991). Handbook of Statistical Procedures and Their Computer Applications to Education and the Behavioural Sciences. NY: American Council on Education, Macmillan Publishing Company Fournier, S. (1995). “A Brand as a Character, a Partner, and a Person: Three Perspectives on the Question of Brand Personality”, Advances In Consumer Research, 22: 390-395 Keller, K. L. (1993). “Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity“, Journal of Marketing Research, 29: 1-22. Mitchell, A. A. (1982). “Models of Memory : Implications for Measuring Knowledge Structures”, Advances In Consumer Research, 9: 945-951. Perner, L (2010). Consumer Behavior: The Psychology of Marketing. University of Southern California: Los Angeles Read More
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