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This gives me an insight that I am doing a good job, and my staffs feel that they are truly part of the organization. One of the faults many managers do is the tendency of being dismissive of the staff. Awesome managers listen to the staff since they offer insights on how to run the property better.
I always share what I know with my staff not only to foster a sense of empowerment but also to make my job easier. Teaching is part of my job as I equip my staff with knowledge and skills that they can use to perform their job without constant supervision. Having regular collaboration sessions with my staff gives me a well of ideas on areas to improve including customer satisfaction. Dedicating some little time a day to reading industry news keeps me abreast with current affairs and emerging trends in the industry (Daum, 2010).
I always ask for help since I cannot pretend that I know everything. Even though everybody expects me to handle virtually everything that comes my way, I have limitations just like any other human being. I do not get embarrassed to admit not knowing an issue if confronted, and this helps me to get help from my staff.
I am liberal and welcome criticisms. Instead of being defensive, I take criticism as a stepping-stone to getting better at the job. I also motivate my staff and challenge them to achieve bigger. I give credit where it is due and goes the extra mile to know my staff at personal level. I don’t micromanage my staff and always have the organization’s interest at heart.
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