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However, what I find surprising is the reason for all the denial; despite the rigidity to change by the activists, it was very apparent that calligraphy was bound to flourish. But again, only one question, whose answer is very evident, comes to my mind. Were these radicals unable to see the obvious fact that calligraphy, as part of writing, would flourish? Well, anyone rigid to change never sees the other side of their perspective. Likewise in the real world, there are very clear examples of scenarios similar to those illustrated by the author. One such instance is in politics, transitioning from one form of leadership has always faced myriad obstacles from those who resist the change; the result? Political chaos. Interestingly, such resistance to change relates perfectly even to my life experiences. Many times I have opposed moving from one residential area to the other for reasons not so justifiable; this reflects the human nature of resisting change.
The most interesting part of this writing is how it brings out the power of the pen. In other words, calligraphy, as a form of writing, is so powerful that amidst the sheer opposition by the activists, it penetrated the Chinese as if it was not being opposed. But I cannot stop asking myself what methods of resistance the activists used; if they were serious, they would manage to bar calligraphy since it was truly a form of feudalism. On the same note, were the Chinese contented with feudalism? What quickly comes to my mind is that the activists were not so vigorous in their opposition. At the same time; the feudal stipulations profoundly influenced so many Chinese to the extent that it would consume way more effort to convince them otherwise. Just, in the same way, as a Christian, it would take a lot of persuasions to convince me against the stipulations of the Bible.
In one way or the other, this text still emphasizes the link between the Chinese past and its contribution to calligraphy; just like the previously discussed texts. Contra-wise, the author of this book also wonders why Chinese activists had to oppose calligraphy with all the vehemence they did when it was so obvious that this form of writing was bound to win in the end. With regards, I cannot stop asking myself if the entire struggle was worth it looking at the circumstances. The probable response would be that the activists thought they would have their way when the complete opposite just happened. Obviously, it is not only me, but everyone else has at one point been disappointed after losing a battle they previously concentrated all their effort in and prospected to win.
Finally, it is interesting how the author concurs that Chinese calligraphy was, to say the least, beautiful. To note, however, is that the beauty was hidden and could not be seen easily, hence, the blind opposition (Latin, 1992). The most problematic element of this piece of writing is the generalization of beauty with respect to Chinese calligraphy when it is very lucid that beauty is relative and an opinion that is unique to everyone. But I cannot blame the author, just like him, I may sometimes causelessly laud something as beautiful just to be discredited later by others.
In a nutshell, Chinese calligraphy was bound to flourish despite the opposition. Furthermore, it was part and parcel of the Chinese culture present in almost all the spheres of their lives from politics to religion. As such, it would only be fair, as was later discovered, that there was totally no basis for denying the ‘beautiful’ calligraphy a chance in Chinese lives.
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