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Baltimore Riots Issues - Essay Example

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The essay "Baltimore Riots Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the Baltimore riots. The Baltimore riots erupted out of the arrest and death of Freddie Gray, an African American man. His death sparked protests and accusations of police brutality…
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Baltimore Riots Issues
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It is unclear how Gray sustained a spinal cord injury that led to his untimely death a week after his arrest. The protesters rallied with Gray’s family in a bid to find answers as to what happened to Gray while he was under police custody. The protesters rallied to help his family find the truth.

The protests turned violent on the Monday night of 27th April 2015, when rioters began to damage buildings and destroy police vehicles. The violent protests resulted in the looting of several stores and businesses. The protesters pushed to get an explanation for Gray’s death and for justice. The protests resembled those held in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York after the deaths of unarmed African American men while under police custody.

The Baltimore riots resulted from the arrest and death of Freddie Gray an African American man. The riots were sparked based on calls for justice for Gray’s family and accusations of police brutality and racial profiling of suspects. The protests began peacefully but later turned violent resulting in looting and damaging of public and private goods in Baltimore, Maryland. Read More
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