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Avoiding plagiarism - Assignment Example

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The student code at Bellevue College warns students against any form of academic dishonesty and give clear guidelines on what constitutes academic dishonesty. Students all over the globe have a tendency of seeking help to complete their school assignments because some are lazy,…
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Avoiding Plagiarism: Academic Honesty The at Bellevue College warns against any form of academic dishonesty and give clear guidelines on what constitutes academic dishonesty. Students all over the globe have a tendency of seeking help to complete their school assignments because some are lazy, others are working, partying or simply do not want to do the assignment in favour of watching movies. Seeking help is against the student code and constitutes to academic dishonesty because it is classified as cheating.

Bellevue College gives students freedom of expression and inquiry, to ensure the students can develop without having to seek help from colleges or online sources to complete their assignments. Another great and common form of academic dishonesty is plagiarism, which affects students in all universities around the world. Plagiarism occurs in different forms and students need to know if their actions constitute plagiarism or cheating as per set rules in the student code at the college. Copying information directly from a source such as a book or website, without giving credits amounts to plagiarism and is punishable because it means the student is dishonesty in matters academic.

Another form of plagiarism can occur if students submits an already submitted piece of work by another student or for a different course without giving due credit or even paraphrasing the work. Lastly, fabrication is another form of academic dishonesty and includes a student using fake data or citations when given an assignment to complete. Fabrication will mean that the paper cannot be relied on for future references hence amounting to academic dishonesty. The use of MLA (Modern Language Association) citation style, academic dishonesty by students at Bellevue College can be a thing of the past.

MLA, a citation used by English students and mainly those who study humanities in colleges, helps in avoiding plagiarism through proper citation of the source of a given piece of work. According to the MLA style, there are different approaches students can use to avoid plagiarism completely, and be honest in their assignments before submission. The style advocates for proper paraphrasing of work and parenthetical citation to ensure all your borrowed ideas are indicated as borrowed. There are three ways in which students can use MLA citation to avoid plagiarism when delivering their assignments.

The first one is to ensure that they cite all quotations and borrowed ideas according to the guidelines of MLA style, such as using the author name or the author name and page where the quote is borrowed from in your sources. Whatever is cited in the text, must be reflected in work list that is usually the last page of the students work. The other method of avoiding plagiarism using MLA style is enclosing borrowed language in quotation marks, this gives an idea to your supervisor that whatever is in quotes is borrowed from another source, and, of course, the source should be cited immediately after the quotes.

Lastly, students can use MLA style to deliver original work through putting summaries and paraphrases in their words and quoting where they got the work from before their edits. Work Cited Heath, Marilyn. Mla Made Easy: Citation Basics for Beginners. Santa Barbara, Calif: Libraries Unlimited, 2010. Print.

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