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TED talk - Movie Review Example

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In as much as the two TED talk shows were exceptionally insightful, I found the presentation titled your body language shapes who you are by social psychologist Amy Cuddy conclusive, hence more convincing. My inference is drawn from the fact that the speaker routinely involves…
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TED talk
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Movie Review Movie Review In as much as the two TED talk shows were exceptionally insightful, I found the presentation d your body language shapes who you are by social psychologist Amy Cuddy conclusive, hence more convincing. My inference is drawn from the fact that the speaker routinely involves the audience and employs images to drive her point home. Similarly, Amy Cuddy is zealous, and this is corroborated by the manner in which she begins the session and takes her interaction with the audience from one level to another.

Overtime, people have held the ideology that the presentation content is of much significance; nonetheless, I hold the opinion that the style of presentation is more important, as it goes a long way in guaranteeing the concentration of the audience. There is no doubt that body language can enhance the delivery of a given content. This is because even the utmost dazzling arguments can send the listeners to slumber if the speaker is uninteresting and downbeat in tone (Knapp et al, 2014). On the other hand, a vibrant one with affirmative body language and changing tone often comes across as well versed, even when their subject of discussion is not attractive.

It is indeed true that a polished presentation can compensate for weak content. That notwithstanding, I hold the opinion that both Allan Pease and Amy Cuddy were well informed on their topics of discussion, and their outstanding presentation skills supplemented the entire productions. Over and above, both the presentations have encouraged me to pay significant attention to nonverbal aspects of presentations, as the way in which an individual paces, stands, waves the hands and even moves the head drive countless messages.

References Knapp, M. L., Hall, J. A., & Horgan, T.G. (2014). Nonverbal communication in human interaction. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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