Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 67. Retrieved from
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words - 67.
The colors used have been given in order to contrast the natural colors while at the same time bringing out the feeling that nature blends and fits well into any provided space. The point of view of the visual art argument is to bring out the symmetrical structural balance as per the balanced colors used for painting. Therefore, this abstract composition piece is meant to bring out the aesthetic balance of nature as per the colors that have been used through visual composition.
The sensational effect is a factor in the aspect of the art's abstract composition. This is due to the notion that the colors and lines are used to bring out a sensational feel of any space that is a factor of the environment. My visual argument is based on the colors that have been used, the lines and patterns used for bringing out the balance as perceived of nature. This is based on the colors that have been used by the artist for this abstract piece. I used a pattern, line, recurring patterns, and proximity as my compositional interpretation of the abstract due to the emphasis that they bring out on aesthetic appeal. The most persuasive elements include balance brought in symmetrical form. This has been enhanced by the balance of the use of colors. The balance brings out the feel of nature whereby, everything is aligned and proportional thus enhancing nature. The composition incorporated the use of line and color to form a pattern. The changes that are evident through the composition of abstract are that the colors have been manipulated to suit aesthetic appeal.
The compositional choices are mainly based on color, line, and form. This is because of the pattern that has been brought out through the line and colors used. Persuasive elements used include proximity in terms of the softness of the painting and organizational structure. I believe that the pattern that has emerged gives the abstract painting a different view of aesthetics and appeal in nature most individuals’ perception is that, nature should always have specific colors for symbolizing effect. Grey and black are one of the colors that are used to bring out the environmentally friendly color.
My visual argument will convince the audience as per the efforts of symmetrical balance achieved and has been incorporated into the visual argument. The patterns generated from the color paintings are an indication of nature always to occur in a balanced state. It is also common that nature has always existed in a symmetrical dimension through the colors and forms used. The argument is motivated by nature and the appeal that the environment is part of and considers the artistic nature. The visual art incorporates ideas from the rocky nature and the sediments and depositions from a sea bed, hence ensuring that nature has been represented in the most convenient form possible.
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