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Wind power generates green energy that guarantees minimum pollution to the environment. Unlike nonrenewable energy sources that produce noxious and destructive greenhouse gases, wind energy is a clean energy source that limits the production of waste matter (Nelson, 2013). Tapping and production of wind energy is a simple process that minimizes the production of effluents that may be destructive to the environment. Although most renewable energy sources are cheap and provide a stable supply of energy, wind energy is the most plentiful among the sources and it is available globally.
The abundance of wind energy is also a significant benefit. The energy source is readily available and offers flexible forms of extraction that are convenient for most industries. It is non-exhaustible and available in virtually all areas in the world, be it rainy or sunny. This ensures that a larger population, even in the most remote of areas, can access wind energy and capitalize on its benefits using appropriate machinery. Compared to solar energy, wind energy is more abundant (Nelson, 2013). Solar energy may be unavailable in other areas such as the Antarctica region or during winter periods. Wind energy is an all-weather form of energy that is available in any location at any time. Innumerable forms of technology are available to tap wind energy according to the output levels required in manufacturing firms.
Wind energy provides a cheap way of extraction and use. Modern forms of technology ensure that there are various ways of tapping wind energy without incurring significant costs. Although installation costs may present a challenge in the introductory phases of installation, the later stages of tapping and production of energy are often inexpensive. It is a beneficial and convenient source for underdeveloped regions and developing countries, which may have simple extraction and conversion strategies (Nelson, 2013). As a result, it offers better returns on investment, and this is bound to continue and become more profitable than before owing to advanced research on means of energy extraction.
Wind energy is a beneficial energy source that reduces overreliance on other energy sources. Its inexpensive nature, abundance, and ability to produce energy with minimal environmental impact make it the most suitable source among other renewable energy sources. It is likely to be the most commonly used energy source in the future because of its constant supply. The world is moving towards an era of clean energy sources and cheaper forms of production that promote environmental sustenance.
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