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Salton Sea Recreational Center - Essay Example

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From the paper "Salton Sea Recreational Center" it is clear that there are numerous dead fish due to the salt formation in a sea, which used to be a freshwater lake until the salt and fertilizers emerging from the Imperial Valley accumulated and became toxic to the sea creatures. …
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Salton Sea Recreational Center
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The scenery location has been labeled the Dead Sea. Based on all the assumptions made about how strange the sea is my curiosity about the entire scenery is quite wanting. Therefore, embarking on a journey to the place will be intriguing and fulfilling.

Being known for its unique scenery and having a remarkable history regarding its formation, there are a lot of attractions that are attributed to the place. To start with, numerous hills are really big, there are dragonflies, and numerous palm trees, and above all the sea turns into the color of weak tea when the wind on the shore shoves it. It sounds quite strange that all these aspects are appealing, but my notion of nature will make the journey to be exciting, as I would get the opportunity to clarify the existence of all these aspects. I spend most of my free time exploring abandoned places that bring about the beauty of the environment we live in. Therefore, as a hobby, this journey will instill a lot of knowledge.

Apart from the Salton Sea Recreational Center, which is accessible to the public, the majority of the places surrounding the sea are quite dangerous and are labeled the no go zones. It is only the Navy seals and the Marines that use the place to act as their training base. A challenge that is quite unavoidable in the Salton Sea is the smell that is emitted by the sea. Research indicates that most of the visitors who have had the opportunity to explore the place were disturbed by the irritating smell and some were scared of the dragonflies that were in numbers. Being an area that is rare to visit and based on the mystery surrounding it the issue of security may be a challenge once on location.

My knowledge regarding the Salton Sea is based on the thorough research I have conducted and my perception based on my findings indicates that the Salton Sea is indeed a strange place. Nevertheless, when I embark on my journey, I intend to learn more from what I already know and I intend to explore the entire area surrounding the sea to view every piece of artifact that is worth noting. At the end of my journey, I may end up being a good tour guide to my friends who may opt to visit the place in the future. Based on my passion for nature and the environment in general I would be in a better position to educate more people interested in visiting the place and also I would be able to help my community in preserving the water bodies that are around to prevent some of the challenges that have faced the Salton Sea. Read More
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