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The story features a metaphor since every hurricane causes destruction before it passes but it eventually passes. The hurricane in this case was the hurricane of alcoholism which not was not only an issue that affected his parents but also victor and his uncles. Despite all the pain, the issues of alcoholism, poverty and self-destruction came to an end. A drug called tradition depicts the picture of using hallucinogens, but the visions that these hallucinogens cause on the users in this story shows the culture of the Native American societies, showing how much people in the contemporary society have deviated from the natural ways, taking on to new ways. A drug called tradition depicts how sweet life was back when Indians had traditions, comparing it to the feeling of being of high, a sweet and calm feeling, while the normal stressful life is a metaphor symbolizing.
Native American in Advertisements
The use of Native Americans in advertisements is not justified in any given way since as much as people view it as a way to show zero-racism tolerance, it has its negative implications. For instance, showing that Native Americans have left their traditions and advocating for them to join westernization in the way they best find fit. As such, it is not justified to place the Native Americans on westernized advertisements, since it is an aspect of imperialism, which shows that the Native American way and tradition are inferior to more westernized approaches.