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National Guard Recruiting and Retention Support - Essay Example

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"National Guard Recruiting and Retention Support" paper focuses on the National Guard which provides opportunities to their soldiers to learn new skills. Owing to technological changes, new army equipment and systems are produced and soldiers are provided with relevant training…
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National Guard Recruiting and Retention Support
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National Guard recruiting and retention support Introduction The army National Guard recruiting and retention NCOs recruits and retain qualified soldiers for entry into the army National Guard based on outlined applicable regulations. The National Guard serves two main roles. In most cases, the National Guard is under the control of individual states. At the state level, the commander in chief is the governor of that particular state. The president has the authority to activate the National Guard and place it under federal control. In the event of federal control of the federal authority, the National Guard is used to supplement the regular Army. This supplementation involves the bolstering of the regular army forces with additional combat units. This paper discusses the National Guard Recruiting and retention support. Origin The National Guard in the United States is the oldest unit of the Armed forces. In addition, the National Guard is one of the longest enduring institutions nationally. This year, the National Guard celebrated its 376th birthday on December 13. The origin of the National army dates back to the earliest North American English Colonies. Since the colonies were responsible for their own defense, they relied on the traditions of English Military and organized militias consisting of able-bodied male citizens. Through this militia, the colonists managed to defend citizens from foreign invaders and Indian attacks. In addition, the militia assisted in winning the war on revolution. After independence, the United States’ constitution authors gave power to the congress to allow for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia. However, the recruitment and training of the militia was the role of state. Until now, the national militia is a state-federal force (, para2&3). The size of the regular army has remained small throughout the 19th century. During the Mexican war, the militia offered bulk troops. This was the case during the civil war and the Spanish American war. The National defense legislation, in 1903, increased the National Guard role to that of a reserve force for the United States army and in 1917 World War I, the National Guard was up to 40% of the United States combat unit. After the Second World War, the National Guard Aviation units became Air National Guard Units. The Air National Guard unit is the latest Reserve component. During Berlin Crisis, the Air National Guard sends soldiers to fight Korea and reinforce NATO. Since then, the federal role of National Guard has changed. This role is currently characterized by call up to crisis response in Kosovo, Bosnia and Haiti. In the 2001 September 11 attacks, both state and federal authorities called upon guard members to offer national security and combat terrorism activities outside the nation. In the year 2005, 50000 guard members were deployed in Gulf States during the Hurricane Katrina event. For the states, the National Guard provides units that are trained and well armed to offer protection of property and life. In addition, National Guard continually provides defense to the United States and other interests throughout the globe. The National Guard is divided into subordinate units stationed in each of the 50 states, the District of Colombia and 3 territories. In each unit, the head of operations is the respective governor (Doubler 13). Functions of the National Guard The role of the National Guard includes responding to domestic disasters and emergencies. In order to get involved into active duty during such disasters, the state governors or territories commanding generals call the National Guard. Most common emergencies and disasters include those caused by earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. Members of the National Guard can become temporary or permanent members of the armed forces. Such appointments occur at the consent of the state governors while the National Guard members can remain active or inactive at the service of the nation. Army National Guard members can also be called to provide federal active duty during national emergency or congressionally sanctioned war. When federalized, the members of the National Guard are commanded by the commander in chief of the theatre in which they are operating. With the consent of state governors, the President can also call up members and units to repel suppress or execute federal laws in case of state or territories invasion or risk of invasion by foreign nations. National Guard members unlike the Army reserve can only be mobilized as part or respective units but not individually (Braulick 4&5). Recruitment Like any other organization, recruitment in the National Guard is the most influential strategy. It acts like the front door of the National Guard. This is because it determines the overall quality and performance of the business. In the United States, National Army recruitment requires the utilization of best recruitment practices where a fair and equitable recruitment process is provided as a way of ensuring the attainment of optimal outcome. Optimal recruitment process involves positive selection decision in the most cost effective way. Like most United States Public service, the National Army has continually used outdated recruitment techniques. This has resulted to suboptimal recruitment outcomes simply because this is what the organization has done and not because they understand how modern human resources tools are used for effective recruitment processes (Doubler 13). Doubler further explains that National Guard recruitment has long been associated with myths of unfair practice and conduct. However, the National Guard offers a reasonable opportunity to eligible members of the community to apply for employment. Recruitment is done at state level. Jobs are posted on websites, newspapers, televisions and radio stations among others. This gives the illusion that eligible American citizens have a reasonable opportunity of applying for government jobs. The National army recruiter posts the application in order to get the best persons for the job. The National Guard ensures that the job is advertised long enough to offer the public sufficient time to analyze it and determine how they meet these requirements and then send their applications. This part of the process involves attracting as many qualified candidates as possible. The recruitment process has an ultimate goal of identifying the best fit applicant, the role and the organization (Arthur, p.5). The best candidate is only achieved through the use of appealing, well written advertisement. The advertisement always offers a realistic expectation of the role and clearly communicates the values and internal culture of the National Guard. Sourcing for potential applicants involves provision of a positive experience. Through a positive experience, the application experience of the applicants sets the tone for their view for the organization. The applicants critique the application experience in terms of ease, technology sophistication, communication frequency and quality received, process and feedback timelessness (Arthur 21). The recruitment of National Guard involves managing applications. After placing advertisements, the National Guard applications are made easy to apply through the elimination of unnecessary barriers and application steps and maximize the number of applications. Applications management is achieved using online application forms and provision of email addresses where applicants can respond. These email addresses allow the applicant to log out of the site they are viewing the ad and into their email address where they can attach documents and send them. In addition, the National army offers a link requiring applicants to click a button on the site to apply. The organization also uses talent pools where standardized application information is captured for all published vacancies. People are also allowed to register their interests with your organization even if there are no current vacancies. This is done in order to bolster the talent pool (Arthur 55). Screening is the next step of the recruitment process in National Guard (Orrick 53). This is made possible through the development of question concerning the mandatory requirements of the role such as ability to work in war, drought, flood and other life threatening environments inside and outside America. This is mostly done as a first step toward standardizing automated initials process of screening. Since numerous applicants are expected in each recruitment process, e-recruitment systems are used to automatically screen application forms based on scores (Arthur, p.21). In the first screening step, only the candidates who meet minimum requirements of the role progress to the next step where psychometric tests are carried out. Through these psychometric tests, unfair subjective judgments are avoided since no resumes and cover letters are to be screened manually. The evaluation of applicants is a very important process for the National Guard recruitment process. Although psychometric tests predict applicants performance, they do not offer the best way of determining how an applicant will perform if hired. Applicants within the National Guard have to demonstrate their skills. Some of the tests involve physical exercises press ups, running, mountain climbing, trees climbing and others. This screening aims at eliminating all forms of physical fitness possibilities. Other checkups include dental health, height, reaction timing of the eyes, and body coordination during reaction among others. These and other task are applied during recruitment as a way of evaluating whether the applicant has the ability to do the job, remain committed to the organization and integrate well with the existing team of National Guard members. In addition, these tests are also done to ensure that the applicant is comfortable with the daily task requirements (Orrick 124). After evaluating applicants, the selection is done. The selection process involves the use demographics like age, educational background, nationality, necessary medical and moral requirements and family history. The minimum age requirement for application in the National Guard is between 17-35 years. This age requirement is applicable for all, except for persons with certain specialized skills like chaplain, lawyer or specific medical specialties. The nationality requirements are that one should be a US citizen or a permanent resident legally. A person must also meet moral requirements and medical requirements. The website presents a list of legal violations, which one has to be free from in order to qualify. The Guard Soldiers need to be in excellent condition physically like height and weight. Through the army physical fitness test or APFT involves measuring the number of pushups and sit ups a candidate can complete within a given time. The running is also timed and involves completing a two-mile run ( para6). National Army recruitment defines education requirements as having a high school diploma or is in the process of working for the diploma. Since each state has its own education requirements. For all National Guard applicants, the education requirements are defined for each state and applicants are required to apply in their respective states. This means that one has to contact a recruiter to obtain latest requirements. Education and other requirements for National Guard application is subject to change and contacting a recruiter enables an applicant to obtain latest information about state requirements. For high school students, the National Army offers Split Training Option. This program allows continuing high school students to be eligible to join the National year after finishing their senior year. For high school students who left high school after graduating can attain enlistment after graduation through the GED plus Program. However, the enlistment in the Guard requires high school graduates to take the armed services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB. In this aptitude test, the applicant’s knowledge is measured in terms of Mathematics, science, electronics, word knowledge, mechanics and auto or shop skills. Through this aptitude test, the applicant uses the results of the aptitude test to establish the Guard career that best suits his or her strength. This area must allow the candidate to remain comfortable and most likely succeed ( para17). Other additional activities an applicant must engage in are contacting a representative to inform him that there are answers needed for some questions you got. If eligible, one can then take an ASVAB test and then enlist. Enlisting involves scheduling physical examination with one of the doctors, decide on a date for the Basic Combat Training or BCT and countercheck the selected job. In addition, an applicant must approve the bonuses and benefits and then take an enlistment Oath. Training of qualified candidates is done using basic combat training to meet the basic military requirement. The National Guard members should attend one drill weekend each month. Within a year, the guard members are also needed to participate in one annual period of training that takes only two weeks and takes place in summer (Globalsecurity para17). In addition, there are weekend drills that require attendance on one Saturday and Sunday and can include reporting for duty on Friday night. Initially, the all personnel should attend Initial entry Training or IET that can be usually scheduled to meet civilian occupation constraints. The duration and location of IET varies based on military occupation specialty or MOS. The training duration and location is also dependent on the career field chosen by the soldier. A mobilization and training equipment site or MATES is a position where the positioning of authorized portion of ARNG unit equipment occurs under the authority of the chief of National Guard Bureau. This equipment is maintained in order to support training and mobilization ( para1). National Guard retention In any organization, the best way to guide soldiers in the right direction is through reinforcement of positive aspects. Employee retention begins way before they are hired through the description of the position to be filled. The National Guard understands this so well. The potential employees are attracted by the outlined skills needed to qualify. The National Army applicants are provided with the opportunity to read the advertisement and talk with a recruiter. Talking with a recruiter provides an opportunity to obtain more information about army recruitment to the applicants with respect to his or her state. After a potential applicant can read the advertisement retention is also experienced when the candidate is interviewed and provided with the opportunity to interview others. Retention also goes beyond interview to when an employee accepts the job offer and starts the process of being an employee (Dibble 31). Soucy reveals that retention in the National Guard is highly valued. This is mostly in terms of recruiting and retention bonuses. The bonuses of enlistees in the National Guard range from $2000 $15,000 across all academic fields. However, this was likely to change owing to the increasing number of enlistees. Today, bonuses are offered based on the specific career field that the applicant has applied for within the Army Guard. The soldiers that are eligible for additional bonuses are those that do have very critical skills normally referred to as Military occupational specialties or MOS. MOS are divided into three categories combat, combat support and combat service support. The combat include infantry, artillery, air defense, aviation and armor. The combat support comprises of engineer, chemical, signal, military police, civil affairs and military intelligence. The combat service support includes public affairs, finance, supply, and maintenance. Others that will receive additional bonuses are those that are sourced and have received confirmation that they will be deployed (para6). Some of the critical specialties within military are medical, transportation and military intelligence among others. Apart from receiving bonuses as an enlistee, the National army potential applicants for re-enlistment are also provided with bonuses. The standard re-enlistment bonus in the army guard has been $15,000 however with the current economic environment, the Army Guard re-enlistment bonuses are $10,000 for deploying units and $5000 for non-deploying units. Other ways of retaining soldiers include non-monetary benefits. Soucy reveals that the National Guard soldiers have the opportunity to earn Air Assault school qualification badge. In addition, the soldiers can also be provided with the opportunity to choose between airborne school or other dedicated schools or training. The increasing number of National Guard enlistees is an indication that the recruitment and retention strategies within this agency are appealing thereby attracting numerous applicants (para8). During enlistment application, candidates are expected to specify their field of specialization. Effective employee retention requires that the employee is provided with a clear definition of responsibilities. When an organization fails to say exactly what is needed and expected from employees, the result is role ambiguity. The employees have a clue of what is expected of them and become more productive. When employees lack clarity on what is expected of them, they turn out to try and figure out things on their own. Conversely, employees with no clarity on their responsibility also wait for their supervisor or manager to tell them what to do. The focus of employees’ efforts and increased engagement to their job comes with clearly defined expectations. In addition, organizations that do not define employee’s responsibilities waste time and efforts. The supervisors are also expected to have clarity on each employee responsibilities to avoid issuing the wrong assignments or duplicating assignments (Katcher and Snyder 34). Within the National Guard, there is a chain of command. Everyone works under strict instructions and should be prepared for assignments given to them. In their duties, soldiers are expected to follow orders from their commanders. The commander is a leader who issues instructions on what is to be done, when and where. Soldiers have to follow these instructions. The commander is chosen based on his or her experience and knowledge of the assigned duties. This way, the commander is understands the duties and responsibilities expected from the soldiers thereby avoiding duplication of duties. One of the most important aspects of National Guard is to respond to emergencies. As a result, the soldiers work under strict time constraints in order to save lives and offer other services. This indicates that the soldiers have to work under devastating conditions that need coordinated efforts, increased engagement and efficient time management. Under devastating conditions, soldiers are expected to understand what is expected of them such that they respond to their duties within the shortest time possible (Phillips and Connell 24). The National Guard provides opportunities to their soldiers to learn new skills. Owing to technological changes, new army equipment and systems are produced and soldiers are provided with relevant training. In addition, Guard Soldiers have the opportunity to learn new skills depending on their career field. This is an effective strategy in allowing soldiers to learn new skills and move up in their careers. With opportunities to learn and develop one’s skills, soldiers develop stronger bonds with their organization. This is the case because soldiers know that the company is preparing them for successful lives in the future. According to global security, guard soldiers are offered numerous benefits. These benefits range from competitive pay and assistance on education. Other benefits include insurance and retirement benefits. Apart from going to school, soldiers are provided with on-job training. Other tangible benefits involve badges, certificates and gifts to appreciate and recognize the efforts put in by the soldiers. However, most soldiers agree that serving in the Guard to offer services to their country, state and community is the best gift for them (Soucy para18). Mass National Guard (2012) reveals that soldiers need to be mentored in order to deal with post-traumatic stress disorder. Mentoring is a program that is not only embraced after war but also at recruitment. Conclusion The paper has discussed the recruitment and retention of soldiers in the National Guard. English colonials who wanted to defend their citizens and colony free from external invasion and other national emergencies initiated the National Guard was into the United States of America. Given the sensitivity of the security issue in the nation, the recruitment and retention of Guard soldiers is a very important aspect of the National Guard. Recruitment process involves the use of numerous steps including sourcing, managing applicants, screening applicants and final selection. Sourcing involves using advertisements, newspapers, billboards and radios and televisions. These sourcing means issue relevant and sufficient information and details needed to attain the job. The potential employees have to use online application forms. Since the number of applicants is many, screening is done online where applicants satisfying the basic requirements go through and the rest are removed. Some requirements involve medical and morality requirements and physical fitness. The employed candidates are presented with competitive pay and benefits, which serves well in retaining them. Works Cited Arthur, Diane. Recruiting, interviewing, selecting and orienting new employees. United States: Arthur Associates management consultants, Ltd. 2012. Print. Blaurick, Carrie A. the US Army National Guard. Minnesota: Capstone press. 2007. Print. Dibble, Suzzanne. Keeping your valuable employees. Retention strategies for your organization’s most important resource. United States: John Willey and Sons. 1999. Print. Doubler, Micheal D. The National Guard. United States: Potomac Books, Inc. 2007. Print, Global Army National Guard. 2012. Web. Katcher, Bruce L. and Snyder, Adam. 30 Reasons Employees hate their managers: what your people may be thinking and what you can do about it. New York: Amacom Div American mgt assn. 2007. Print. Retention. 2012. Web. Eligibility requirements. 2012. Web. Orrick, Dwayne, W. recruitment, retention, and turnover of police personnel. Illinois: Springerfield. 2008. Print. Phillips, Jack J. and Connell, Adele, O. Managing Employee retention. Oxford: Routledge. 2003. Print. Soucy, Jon. Army Guard recruiting, retention bonuses. 2009. Web. Read More
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