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The Four Works That Communicate About the Nature Warfare The nature of war is described through various forms of literature such as short stories, poems, music, films, and novels, among others. The literal words used are sometimes used hidden language to describe the nature of war, especially during the First and the Second World War. However, this essay aims at discussing how four literal works selected in order to demonstrate how they describe the nature of war, especially on the way they depicts the Nazi German War.
The Nazi German War took place between around 1933 and 1945. Under the control of Adolf Hitler, the Nazi Party formed the government where they transformed Germany into a state that controlled several regions of Europe. They conducted all manners of techniques, strategies, and efforts of winning against their enemies who aimed to stop their raging mission of controlling much of European territories. This led to battle and violent mission by the military personnel, aimed at retaining their superiority power.
However, their defeat by Allied Forces in May 1945 led to the end of war in Europe.Among the authors who use their literal works to describe the nature of war, include the Randall Jarrell in his poem Eight Air Force. The poem depicts the Eight Air Force of the US that was just established in 1944 to act as one of the components of US Strategic Command tasked to combat in air and engaging the operations to fight in the World War II. It helped to carry out strategic bombings of enemies in Nazi Germany, France, and other countries in the Northern Europe.
At some point, Randall described the war as the death trap by saying “The other murderers troop in yawning” in the second stanza (Gardner, p. 400). Randall Jarrell also wrote another literal work dubbed The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner published in 1945. It described the death of a gunner in the ball turret during the Second World War in an American aircraft. In the third line, the author described the death by saying “Six miles from earth, loosed from its dream of life” (Cornelius, p. 3). They were on a mission to fight in the European territories to fight their enemies such as Nazi Germany.
Elie Wiesel’s Night is another work that described the nature of war. The author describes his experiences with his father where they were staying in concentration camps of Nazi German from 1944 to 1945. Wiesel’s narrative demonstrates the way they suffered where his father declined to a helpless situation. In this case, his father regrets that “If only I could get rid of this dead weight” (Wiesel, p. 101). This narrative demonstrated the people suffered during Nazi German War, especially in concentration camps.
The fourth literal work that described the nature of war is the Robert H. Jackson’s “The Arrogance and Cruelty of Power.” He delivered the work inform of speech in 1945 in their efforts to induce the scare factors. It talks about a common plan to end the human rights violations, loss of life, incitements, and terrorism. Jackson said he would open a case to disclose the defendants who were uniting to descend in power such as the unity in the Nazi Party, which could only be ended by outbreak of war.
The speech described the Nazi War as ruthless, planned, and deliberate criminality towards the conquering of people. The narrator describes the way officials were interested in criminal activities by responding through “criminal methods planned by these defendants and their co-conspirators” (Jackson, 4). In conclusion, the Nazi German War is described in various ways as exhibited in the discussed literal works. Some described the way military organized their mercenaries, how military loss their lives, how common citizens suffered in concentration camps, and the efforts of activists to fight for human rights.
All the discussed aspects show the nature of Nazi German war that depicts other battles happening in the world. Works citedCornelius, David K.. "Jarrells “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner”." The Explicator 35.3 (1977). Print.Gardner, C. E.. "AIR FORCE BATTLE CASUALTIES: An Experience with Acute Injuries of Eight Hundred and Thirty-Nine Battle Casualties from the Eighth Air Force." Archives of Surgery 53.4 (1946): 387-406. Print.Jackson , Robert. "The Arrogance and Cruelty of Power." Nuremberg Trials.
Chief of Counsel for the United States. Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. 21 Nov. 1945. Speech.Wiesel, Elie. Night. United States: Hill & Wang, 1960
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