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[Teacher’s The culture difference ad diversity that exists in the world is a big part of what makes humanity so special and unique. An individual living in a foreign land can feel as though he is in another planet due to the different lifestyles and customs (Fiske, 22). The United States of America is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world and for this reason it has more freedom and more tolerance than other nations. Living in the United States has greatly influenced me as a person in terms of my opinions as well as relations to others.
I’m originally from Kazakhstan which is an Islamic country with very strict morals and rules. For example, parents play a more vital and dominant role in a child’s life and are influential on the majority of important decisions that he or she is likely to make such as marriage, studies and so on. However, the United States is almost the complete opposite, with parents trying to make their child more independent and capable of making his or her own decisions. I have changed my views on parenthood and the role parents should play in a child’s life.
I now believe that allowing a child to become more independent will help him in several aspects of his life and he or she is able to make hard decisions and hold responsibility for his or her choices.Living in the United States has also made me more capable of taking risks and making my own decisions. The United States believes in freedom of speech more than my native country and it was here where I first saw people express their opinions publicly without fear of being intimidated or even assaulted.
For example, our country is very religious and the laws are based on these principles hence we are incapable of stating some of our opinions as these would be offensive religiously and other people may not be so tolerant with them. However, America has showed me that there are numerous religions on the world and every person is entitled to his or her opinion. Therefore, one should not condemn another person for having opposing views. In this case I believe America has made me more tolerant and a better person.
I am able to questions things I don’t understand in my own beliefs as well as value the beliefs and views of others.I also feel that the American society in a way has also placed me in a position to make mistakes. For example, too much freedom may lead to some individuals adopting certain behavior that they would not otherwise engage in if they were under strict control. Hence, I feel in a way the society creates a form of rebellion within an individual and this may not be good in certain situations.
For example, the debate of gun control within the country. Some people are in support of this however, the more people with guns the higher the risk of shooting. However, the hunger for one’s freedom and rights have made people including myself neglects this aspect.In summation, I feel I have grown as an independent person in the United States. I am more confident and more aware of my rights as a person and member of society. I feel I am now in a better position in terms of my future.Works CitedFiske, Susan T.
Social cognition: From brains to culture. Sage, 2013. 22
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