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Synesthesia and Language Synesthesia and Language Every language is psychedelic through definition as it functions to manifest themind and bring feelings, thought and information from the inner part of one’s mind and make them understandable to others. Slattery (2005) refers to this as technologically mediated mind-reading, and his claims that nearly all researchers can relate the tale of how this psychedelic, initially synaesthetic, oral language-making linked people deeply and equally to their natural surroundings, a mutual be-speaking, which was increasingly lost during writing, and mainly during alphabetic writing, hindered knowledge-making into everlasting signs in rows on flat faces, signs someone could come back to and still they had not changed (Slattery, 2005).
These signs set up increasingly much deeper disconnections between space and time and between emotion and reason. Slattery (2005) argues that the alphabet is the cybernetic technology, which transformed everything. Synaesthesia, in this viewpoint, promises of reconnection of noesis, recovery of long-lost unity, in ourselves, amongst ourselves and also within the world. Psychedelics create synaesthesias with a noetic eminence, at intense, supersaturated and high-bandwidth release rates, in addition to bringing tales of fresh forms of language, which both develop and express these articulated states of consciousness (Slattery, 2005).
They might appeal to some profound yearning for knowledge not offered as information organized in hierarchical structures, cautiously classified, but arriving live and lively, zany, gesturing, maybe, even alien. Slattery’s (2005) tales of the DMT self-transforming machine pixies made of language providing insufferably high-speed, reduced blasts of pure and extremely alien gnosis, as well as the mushroom experiences deep with the logos, observed and heard in synaesthetic harmony, strange as they are, have been found, in differed forms, by many others.
ReferenceSlattery, Diana. (2005). The noetic connection: synaesthesia, psychedelics, and language. Digital Creativity, 16(2), 122-128.
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