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Women can now be seen to be getting involved with the kind of work that gender wise, was left for men.
Social perception of Stay At Home Dads and Hispanic women society
The main concepts that have been presented in the articles are stereotypes that are experienced among the Stay At Home Dads. From the story, it can be learned that SAHD faces several stereotypical arguments such as being unmanly enough. According to Glen Sack, it is believed that men should always be out there fending for the family and should not be preoccupied with household duties. Sometimes they are also accused of living at the mercy of their stronger wives who have to go out there and fend for the family. In the case of Hispanic women, the authors Jeffery Shelter and Michael have identified the connotations like, Hispanic women being hot females or sexual firebrands.
These stereotypes are fueled by the media, which just picks the generalization and relays it without establishing facts around it. Jeffery and Michael also suggest that this stereotype is something that is transferred from the parents specifically the mothers who at the tender age of their children begin to teach children about the images and what to regard as a good image and what is bad. They also do this through color separation, where male children are associated with the blue colors while female children are
The advantages and disadvantages for men and women of SAHD
The change in gender roles has been one of the achievements that have been made in society to ensure that gender equality and equity are observed. This however also comes with its challenges. First and foremost, when gender roles change, new responsibilities are realized. With the increase in rights, comes responsibility. What has been elaborated carefully in the articles, particularly by Glen Sack on SAHD? Men now got to adjust to the new role of taking care of the children in the house. He now must admit that women must also now contribute to the house just like the man would do to sustain the relationship.
Stereotypes have been used as a justification for discrimination. Sometimes these happen based on gender, based on religion, or even based on culture. It is important that people move away from the stereotypes, appreciate the dynamics that are now experienced in family life, and demystify those moves.