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PlayStation versus Xbox The PlayStation which is even known as PS is a brand used by the company Sony Computer Entertainment for its line of gaming consoles and is Japan based company which started operating during the period of 1994. Today the company Sony Computer Entertainment sells various products under the PlayStation brand name. These products include: three different homes based gaming consoles, a center of media, online services, several gaming controllers, a phone along with handhelds and various magazines.
Xbox is a brand name used by the company Microsoft for its product of gaming consoles which started operating during the period of 2001 in the region of North America. Its direct competitors in the gaming console markets are PlayStation and Dreamcast and even Nintendo. It is an America based gaming console producing company. Both these companies and the services and the products offered by these companies are quite different from each other.There is tremendous amount of different in the market share of both the gaming consoles.
The PlayStation gaming console which was the first PlayStation produced by the Sony Computer Entertainment company sold around 100 million gaming consoles within a period of 9 years and six months since the day it was distributed. The second line of gaming console distributed under the brand name of PlayStation was PlayStation2 was able to ship over 150 million gaming consoles till the period of 2011. The third gaming console that was distributed under the brand umbrella of PlayStation was PlayStation3 which was able to ship over 70 million gaming consoles by 2012 and its distribution started in 2006.
In comparison, Xbox was able to sell its only 9.25 million gaming consoles during the period of 2012 and this means that Xbox 360 experienced a decline of 24.8% in the games figure in comparison to the sales figure of 2011 which was 12.3 million gaming consoles (DAngelo 1). The PlayStation is even recognized for the sale of handheld gaming consoles and these gaming consoles are recognized as PSP which have helped PlayStation in positioning itself in a better manner than Xbox as Xbox does not have any handheld gaming consoles.
Secondly, PlayStation provides online gaming support through its PlayStation gaming console and an extra console is not required to be purchased to play online. While Xbox even provides online gaming support, but players have to purchase Xbox Live which is an online version of Xbox 360 and is especially designed for online game play. One of the main different between these two companies is that although both the companies allow their gamers to play online for various single player and multiplayer games, but PlayStation allows its users to play online without charging them any cost, while Xbox charges for subscription if users want to play online.
During the period of 2007, Xbox was able to only attract 3 million subscribers for its online gaming services while as of 2006, PlayStation had over 50 million subscribers for the online multiplayer gaming services offered by PlayStation.Works CitedDAngelo, William. " 2012 Year on Year Sales and Market Share Update to December 15th." VGChartz. N.p., 23 Dec. 2012. Web. 7 Apr. 2013. .
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