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What will I be doing after graduating with a college degree - Essay Example

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The degree would not be figuratively taken to one’s supervisor; but the knowledge gained from the theoretical frameworks learned would assist in future promotions, as one is currently in the military and promotions are duly accorded within defined time frames and as deemed…
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What will I be doing after graduating with a college degree
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Plans after Graduation al Affiliation Plans after Graduation Will you be going for a Masters’ degree? Yes, after graduating with a college degree, I plan to pursue higher education through enrolling in a Masters in Business Intelligence program.2. Will you be taking your degree to your supervisor and immediately get a promotion? The degree would not be figuratively taken to one’s supervisor; but the knowledge gained from the theoretical frameworks learned would assist in future promotions, as one is currently in the military and promotions are duly accorded within defined time frames and as deemed appropriate.3. What will your next steps be after your degree is conferred?

As soon as the degree is conferred, the next steps would be to continue with my military career and apply whatever is learned according to concepts that are applicable in one’s role and responsibilities. As such, one would evidently prove that the degree was contributory and instrumental to both personal and professional growth. Eventually, one would pursue a master’s degree in Business Intelligence, as above-mentioned, to streamline one’s focus of specialization in the field of endeavor which fit personal and professional interests and goals. 4. Have you considered graduate education?

Definitely, the mentioned master’s program has been seriously considered and graduating from the college degree was a crucial step towards pursuing higher education. One strongly believes that all these future plans should perfectly fit in one’s career path, as well as interests and goals to specialize in the endeavor that was mentioned.

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