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Self-sufficiency is no longer possible because one individual will depend on another for groceries, another for fuel, and another for other items. To avoid further suffering in times of disaster or lack we need to effect changes that will favour our conditions. For instance, instead of screaming at civic leaders about the slow pace of power restoration, individuals can team up and pay for this repair. In addition, the government has a responsibility to provide services, social amenities, and habitable houses to its citizens as per the constitution.
Thus, the government is charged with the responsibility of effecting changes that better the lives of the citizens. For instance, the government has to restore and build the power systems, roads, and buildings in case of a disaster. However, the government can sensitize its citizens and work as a team to effect the desired change. For instance, the government can work with fuel storeowners to reconstruct the stores in a way they will not be affected by heated storms like Sandy. Climate ChangeRichard Stuebi argues that the American Government should be more involved with climate change.
In fact, Americans need to alter their current lifestyles and accommodate a sustainable environment. Scientists argue that the recent disasters like Katrina and Sandy have come because of rising sea levels after global warming. If this is true, then the climate issues in America need an urgent move by the government and by individuals. The government need to take an active role in sensitizing the public to make efforts to reverse our climatic conditions in the near future. Sensitizing the public and educating them on the depth of the climate conditions needs finances, which will come from government funding.
The changes that need to be effected to make the climate of America will involve households. First, each household will need to plant some trees to help purify the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere every day. Secondly, individual households will need to change their lifestyles and eating habits. For instance, a decision to consume imported vegetables means extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and higher sea levels. This calls for households to consume locally available groceries and promote their local industries.
Thirdly, Americans need to be educated in making decisions of whether to drive, use public means, or walk. This will go a long way in reducing carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere and hence a reversal of our climate. The government involvement in the process of informing the public will add more weight and move the public to take the necessary measures.
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