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Building Resilient Community through Efficient Disaster Management System - Essay Example

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The paper "Building Resilient Community through Efficient Disaster Management System" proposes a project aimed to strengthen institutional capacities to predict and manage natural disasters by creating a strong disaster management unit at the federal level and for each province in the country…
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Building Resilient Community through Efficient Disaster Management System
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?Section Proposed of Project (no more than 20 words) Topic: Building Resilient Community through Efficient Disaster Management System Section 2. Executive Summary (300 words) Pakistan has experienced a flood disaster in recent past and has resulted in loss of thousands of life and other resources. The information of the baseline conditions of the country shows that the country is situated on a region that is prone to a number of natural disasters. The disaster causes direct economic impacts that consists damage to infrastructure damage, crops and houses. Indirect damage includes loss of revenue, unemployment and market deterioration. It is therefore increasingly becoming a major developmental issue of urgent concern for the government, development partners and local communities. In view of this situation, the proposed project aims to provide strong institutional capacities, resources, and database for informed decision making about handling the emergency situations. It also provides awareness to people to handle such emergency situations by informing them through efficient warning system and providing them with the required tools. The project consists of coherently logical steps to carry out the project various phases. The work is divided under various sections, section one contains introduction and objectives, section two explains the need and importance of the project for the country, section three tells the role of project in building resilient community, section four provides information about the partner organization that will assist in project. Section seven contains project activity chart and timetable; the next section eight gives details of the resources required in the project. And the last section nine deals with how the project will be monitored and post-funding of project for its sustainability. The total period of project is two years and the project will be monitored throughout the two years duration of the project and post funding will be provided by ensured by the government of Pakistan, who will allocate a part of budget for the disaster management, once the project is on the ground. Section 3. Objectives of project and project outcomes (300 words) Introduction Disasters are situations or events which overwhelm local capacity, necessitating a request to national or international level for assistance. These are classified into two main categories i.e. Natural disasters which are hydro-meteorological and Geophysical, and non-natural disasters which are man-made and can be industrial related; chemical spill, collapse of industrial structures, explosion, fire, gas leak poisoning, radiation; miscellaneous events such as collapse of domestic/non industrial structures, explosion, fire, and Transport related; air, rail, road and water-borne accidents (World Disasters Report, 2002) Disasters worldwide have become a major threat to the inhabitants, so therefore managing these disaster is an important and urgent need of the new world we are living in. Data gathered worldwide over the last three decades suggest that, while the number of people killed by natural disasters has leveled out at around 80,000 per year, the number affected by disasters and associated economic losses have both soared. As during the 1990s, an annual average of around 200 million people was affected by natural disasters nearly three times higher than during the 1970s. Economic losses from such disasters in the 1990s averaged US$ 63 billion per year which is nearly five times higher in real terms than the figure for the 1970s (Brussels-based Centre for research on the Epidemiology of Disasters-CRED) The disasters affect the developing countries in a more harsh way by undermining their developing strength and contributing to persistent poverty that hinders their growth and prosperity. Objectives of the project and project outcomes The Federal Flood Commission (FFC), Emergency Relief Cell (ERC) and Pakistan Meteorological Department are the key agencies for disaster management in Pakistan. However, in case of a disaster, almost all federal and provincial ministries, departments and divisions start dealing with the situation offhandedly. As the country lacks proper management system, there is a dire need to have an effective and efficient disaster management system to deal with such issues. The proposed project aims to serve the purpose. Following are the objectives of the proposed project in Pakistan: To develop and strengthen institutional capacities to predict and manage all future natural disasters by creating a strong disaster management unit at federal level and for each province in the country. To develop a national disaster management information system. To launch a community awareness program in different regions of the country, to make people aware about the ways to handle such emergency situations. To systematically incorporate all international, regional, national and local disaster risk reduction strategies and approaches into the implementation of emergency preparedness, response and recovery. To develop an efficient and effective disaster warning system. The expected outcome of the proposed project is: The project aims and is expected to give the following fruitful outcomes: Strengthened National capacities in disaster management and risk reduction strategies. A strong national database on vulnerable sites. Availability of sufficient, reliable and timely data for informed decision-making on disaster and risk reduction matters Disaster issues fully mainstreamed or realigned in all national policies, programmes and projects. Existence of a National early warning system which is regularly updated. A well aware resistant community who is well-informed about natural disaster emergency situation well before time and have proper knowledge, tools and techniques to deal with any such issue. That in turn, assures better quality life to people. a) Section 4. Statement of need, characteristics of beneficiaries (500 words) There is a dire need for such project in country like Pakistan, because Pakistan is located in a region that is prone to a number of natural disasters. Due to its diverse range of terrain, the country is susceptible to wide-ranging hazards from droughts to floods to earthquakes to cyclones. Pakistan has been suffering from a major drought for the last four years, which is unfortunately continuing with varying degrees all over the country. With the exception of drought years, Pakistan has suffered almost every year from floods as monsoon rains Cause Rivers to overflow their banks. Almost all of Pakistan regularly experiences earthquakes ranging from moderate to severe in intensity. In addition, the coastal areas of the country are prone to cyclones. There is no comprehensive, integrated disaster management policy at the national level, and the country also lacks a proper system for disaster prevention and preparedness. Such a system could ensure effective mitigation and greatly reduce the loss of life and material in case of natural disasters. Disaster management is unfortunately seen as the provision of relief rather than the management of all phases of a disaster situation or long-term management of risk. The situation strongly advocates the need for a disaster management structure, a comprehensive preparedness and mitigation strategy, as well as a mitigation policy in order to better manage and coordinate activities of the various line ministries and departments and civil society. There is also a need for research on traditional and current coping mechanisms and on sustainable community approaches to disaster reduction. ( UNDP-Pakistan crisis prevention and recovery) Like other South Asian countries, Pakistan continues to suffer from a plethora of natural and human induced hazards that threaten to affect the lives and livelihood of its citizens – natural disasters including floods, earthquakes, landslides, cyclones, and drought to human induced disasters such as fires, civil unrest and terrorism, refugees and internally displaced people, health epidemics, transport accidents, industrial accidents and war. The human impact of natural disasters in Pakistan can be judged by the fact that 6,037 people were killed and 8,989,631 affected in the period between 1993-2002 (World Disasters Report 2003, Geneva, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies). Despite the potential high risk been posed by disaster, the old view of disasters as temporary interruptions on the path of social and economic progress and should be dealt with through humanitarian relief is deeply rooted in the country. Until recently, disaster issues were treated and handled through our various environmental management programmes and sectors as an added on activity. It is increasingly becoming evident that those notions are no longer credible and disaster issues are too big to be an added on to a sector or being perceived as a sectoral mandate. Disaster issues are multidimensional, multi-sectoral and need to be mainstreamed in all development concerns with a central coordination Section 5. Detail of how project will build resilience (750 words) The project will be focused on building resilient community. To carry out the project some key areas of priorities are selected that will be targeted in order to achieve the objectives of the project. Through following activities proposed project will be play an integral role in building resilience in the community and nationwide: (Aloysius J. Rego,2001) Development of institutional structure This involves setting up a national unit to carry out all the tasks regarding disaster management. A national disaster unit will be made for each province of the country headed by disaster management unit at federal level. The information will be fed from provincial disaster management units database to federal disaster management unit, to compile the whole country’s risk zones data and make a vulnerability atlas and prioritize the key areas with more potential of risks. Integration of disaster risk reduction into sustainable policies and plans. It aims at integrating disaster risk management with all other national polices. Establishing ways to create awareness among locals by integrating such Interventions in this area will aim at building capacity at all levels and develop and implement an effective resource mobilization mechanism and necessary follow ups. Mechanisms will be developed for mainstreaming disaster issues in overall development plans and policies. Creating a strong database A disaster management information system will be created. Key components of a Disaster Management Information System would be a database of a) Hazard Assessment Mapping b) Vulnerability Assessment c) Demographic Distribution d) Infrastructure, Lifelines and Critical Facilities e) Logistics and Transportation Routes f) Human and Material Response Resources g) Communication Facilities The usage of Disaster Management Information Systems (DMIS) would be in 3 contexts · Preparedness planning · Mitigation · Response & recovery It must be recognized that the development of these databases in country has to be built bottom up from the lowest administrative unit in country i.e. the sub-district and district corresponding to the level of the disaster preparedness plan. The district databases would feed into the state/provincial database and then into the national database. Development of Geographic Information System called Disaster management information system, DMIS was primarily meant to compile, store and update information related to hazards, facilitating integrated analysis of the spatial and non-spatial data and generation of hazard maps for flood and epidemics, earthquake, accidents, industrial hazards, fire and cyclone etc. Linking disaster management unit with other organizations that could participate and reduce the disaster risk reduction activities This involves integrating development activities with disaster risks. The activities like, industrial processes leads to green house gas emissions that may lead to global warming and cause drought or flood in a region. So combating such activities through making environmental impact assessment study necessary for all developmental projects will be adopted. Develop an efficient response mechanism to disaster management and make available the necessary resources An effective response system shall me made in order to give timely responses to any disaster risk predicted and resources shall be provided for mobilization to manage, monitor and evaluate the risks. Introduction of safe and best methods to deal with risks. The disaster management unit will establish the best practices to be carried out in case of emergency through international collaboration and information will be made available for all. Disseminating the information to local community The information regarding predicted disaster vulnerable sites will be published through Emergency Management Information System that will link up all regional centers electronically and make available vital information to the public through the internet. Web-based public information system called the DMU will be formulated The Web will be used for: Encouraging information sharing regardless of sector; and Disseminating key information on disaster management to the aid community. Summaries of disaster conditions and announcements of disaster forecasts and warnings; Official Damage Assessment Reports The community will also be made aware well before time to get prepared for any emergency situation through television, radio broadcasting and through news papers. Mitigation, Response & recovery All the predicted disaster, mitigation plans will be made and will be acted on well before time to minimize the human and physical resource loss. In case the disaster results in loss of property or human injuries, recovery shall be made through efficient ways, like efficient rescue systems etc Section 6. Profile of partner organisations, credibility & expertise; evaluation of project’s links to organisational mission & vision (500 words). The project will be carried out in collaboration and support of United Nation Development Programme. UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. It is on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN's principal provider of development advice, advocacy and grant support. It has long enjoyed the trust and confidence of governments and NGOs in many parts of the developing as well as the developed world. It is typically regarded as a partner rather than an adversary, and its commitment to a universal presence has proven especially useful in post-conflict situations and with states that had been otherwise isolated from the international community." UNDP’s network links and coordinates global and national efforts aims to reach the millennium development goal. UNDP works on environment and development by working on six priority areas Integrating Environment into Development Effective Water and Oceans Governance Access to sustainable energy services Sustainable land management to combat desertification and land degradation Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity National/sectoral policy and planning to control emissions of ODS and POPs Other than that UNDP has launched various projects regarding disaster management in different countries like china, Bangladesh etc, With the UNDP keen interest in managing the deteriorating environment and making lives of the people around the world better, their support in the project will be beneficial to the overall project progress.( United Nations Development Programme) Section 7. Overview of project activities and phases/activity timeline (Table / Gantt chart or similar). The Gantt chart shows the distribution of various tasks under the project over the period of 2 years. The duration of 2 years has been further distributed among 24 working months. The Gantt chart has months on the horizontal axis and tasks shown on the vertical axis. The overlapping of tasks is due to the reason that different personnel will be performing them in same months. MONTHS TASKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A B C D E F G H I J K KEY for the tasks mentioned in the chart above: A-setting up disaster management unit at federal level B- Setting up sub disaster management units for each province C-Creating a system to manage the database regarding disaster management. D-Acquisition of baseline data of the country and related risks. a) Hazard Assessment Mapping b) Vulnerability Assessment c) Demographic Distribution d) Infrastructure, Lifelines and Critical Facilities e) Logistics and Transportation Routes f) Human and Material Response Resources g) Communication Facilities E-Analysis of combined data on meteorology, topography, soil characteristics, vegetation, hydrology, settlements, infrastructure, transportation, population, socio-economic and material resources. F-Integration of disaster risk reduction into sustainable policies and plans. G-Linking disaster management unit with other organizations that could participate and reduce the disaster risk reduction activities. H-Develop an efficient response mechanism to disaster management and make available the necessary resources I-Introduction of safe and best methods to deal with risks. J-Disseminating the information to local community K-Mitigation, Response & recovery Section 8. Table of indicative Inputs & Resources required (specific $? values not required) The following is list of resources and inputs required to fulfill the tasks of project: Resource Responsibility Human resource 1) Personnel required at federal disaster management unit and provincial disaster management unit 2) Personnel to manage database 3) Personnel for effective disaster communication and response Transportation 1) To provide civilian transportation or rescue in case of emergency situation 2) To take disaster victims to hospitals. Communications 1) to communicate the predicted or vulnerable disaster areas well before time Public Health and Medical Services 1) To provide efficient and effective health care to disaster victims Information System 1) An information system to manage all database 2) GIS software to analyze the collected data Emergency Management 1) Collect, analyze, and disseminate critical information to facilitate the overall Federal response and recovery operations Search and Rescue team 1) Distress monitoring, communications, location of distressed personnel, coordination, and execution of rescue operations Section 9. Details of how project will be monitored and how sustainability post funding will be assured. (500 words) Project will be monitored by UNDP and Disaster management unit. The project will be managed by the project managers who will co-ordinates with other personnel working on the project through the following mechanisms: 1. Weekly status meetings. 2. Weekly status reports used to update the Project Work Plan. 3. Agenda for each meeting. 4. Issues list to track problems. 5. Publish minutes of status meetings. 6. Management status review updates. 7. GANTT chart updated by Project Leader. The post funding of the project will be ensured by Pakistan Federal Government who will allocate disaster management fund from the total budget of the country once the project is on ground. Appendix – Reference List References: Aloysius J. Rego, A paper presented at GDIN 2001, National Disaster Management Information Systems & Networks:An Asian Overviewn United Nations Development Programme, retrieved from : (World Disasters Report, 2002), published on 01 Jun 2002, retrieved from: Brussels-based Centre for research on the Epidemiology of Disasters-CRED , retrieved from: World Disasters Report 2003, Geneva, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies , retrieved from: UNDP-Pakistan crisis prevention and recovery retrieved from: Read More
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