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Robin even perceives hostility at the inn but this does not stop him from his pursuit. Robins similarly meets a hostile response from a guard that forces him to run away, by the church, he meets the previous inn attendant in a scary outfit, blocks the man’s way to demand directions to his uncle, and does not leave the man’s way even after threat. These identify a persistent character that withstands all odds with the aim of achieving set objectives (Hawthorne 4-20). Robin's psychological persistence is however evident in his ability to control his emotions and not yield to the crowd’s intended humiliation when they pass with his uncle.
While the crowd, led by the man whom Robin met at the inn and the church, laugh at him, Robins manages to laugh, even louder, in spite of the fact that the uncle who held his hopes is a captive. This ends the crowd’s laugh and the multitude proceeds with their march (Hawthorne 25- 32). Robins is therefore persistent in his actions and emotion and does not allow his environment to affect him adversely.
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