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Secondly, dealing with other people using English language is such a good thing. Many countries use English as one of the most commonly used languages especially in learning institutions. For instance, Saudi Arabia students use English as the instructional language. I had a personal experience on benefits of learning English when I traveled to France. I was scared of being lost because I do not speak French. However, I used English language to speak to people at the airport. Therefore, I am encouraging people use English as professional Language especially considering that English is the most widely used language in the world.
Thirdly, studying English improves learning skills. Students should practice and do their homework in English. This is important considering that reading is the most important learning skill. Students should read a lot stories and journals to improve their English. Students can begin by reading short stories in order to build up their vocabulary. With good vocabulary, students can then be able to write professionally. Listening becomes interesting and informative when one understands English. I often listen to the news cast every 10:PM on Minnesota Public Radio (MPR).
Speaking gives the students a chance to practice their grammar as well as how to pronounce the words. In conclusion, this paper has shown the pros of studying foreign Language. The government should require that students learn any Language other than their native language. Learning different languages is one of the most fulfilling things in the world. The government has a duty to make it easy for students to learn other languages. Dealing with other people using English language is such a good thing.
In my own experience in Saudi Arabia, students use English for studying. Improved Studying skills are the most notable benefits of taking studying English. I therefore encourage everyone to learn other languages especially English for communication purposes as well as other benefits.
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