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The debate - Movie Review Example

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Both of them have used facts to fabricate their final judgment and inference.
Romney in his debate mentions that Obama is cutting $716 billion…
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The debate
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Debate between Obama and Romney This paper aims to discuss the usage of fact, inference and judgment by Obama and Romney in the presidential election campaign debate. Both of them have used facts to fabricate their final judgment and inference. Romney in his debate mentions that Obama is cutting $716 billion from Medicare. However, this fact was an exaggeration; the figure mentioned is true but the only difference was that Obamacare had abridged the expansion of Medicare by $716 billion over ten years.

His claim in the face of inference is that more than 400 people will not be able to receive medical care on welfare basis. Furthermore, Romney gives the picture as the final judgment of his debate that the law had taken money away from the Medicare. It may be important to point out that slowing the growth of Medicare would only be on benefit (Zeleny).On the contrary, Obama quoted Romney’s plans of a $5 trillion tax cut. However, Romney rebuffed to make such statements and plans. He had proposed cutting upon all marginal taxes by 20%, which would automatically cut the tax revenue by $5 trillion.

Thus, where it becomes confusing is that Romney did not state the area from where the tax rate will be deducted or added; therefore, the President gave a deceptive inference that Romney is not able to evaluate the funding source once he cuts down 20% of the marginal taxes. This rather implies the final judgment of Obama speech that Romney’s planning is baseless. Both, the governor and the president had their moments of exaggeration and lies, however, Romney scored higher in doing so, therefore, he is being checked upon more by the fact checkers (Zeleny).

Works CitedZeleny, J. "Obama and Romney, in First Debate, Spar Over Fixing the Economy." New York Times (2012).

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