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Teacher I learned that studying online is no different from attending a traditional The first time I took the I did not expect much about online courses because I am used to the traditional class. I was wondering how could my computer replace a class and I was worried about my resources if there is a research work required. I wondered, where will I get my information and data? But I kept an open mind.And I was surprised how the innovation of the internet made virtual class possible. I discovered that the recorded lectures and assigments were no different from a traditional class.
And if I have questions, I can email my teacher where it is answered clearly and the research materials available online is astounding. I was surprised how virtual classrooms have replaced the traditional classroom that in fact, it is more rigorous in a way than the traditional class. Also, the online libraries were a better replacement than the physical library. They are a very efficient way to do research because I do not have to walk through library aisles and look for specific books or journals.
All I have to do is key in my topic or author and do some filters, and instantly, I have the information that I needed at the tip of my finger tips.The biggest problem I have so far is my internet provider because sometimes their service is interrupted either by an outage, intermittent signal and slow connection. These factors affect my scheduling adversely because it disallows me to do school work at the time I allocated for it. As a result, I have to make up for it at some other time which could again adversely affect my ability to manage because of the added workload.
Viruses can sometimes be a hassle or applications that do not work that it affects my online class. Sometimes scheduling and my ability to manage can be a challenge but I am beginning to to get the hang of it because it is something I can control.Being an online student requires a higher degree of discipline and commitment to study. It is because we are left on our own to study where nobody would look after us to motivate us to study. There are a lot of distractions and more entertaining things to do like browsing facebook and chatting.
What I am trying to say is, unless a student is dead serious about learning, they may find online class challenging. This experience however taught me how to prioritize things. I still like to do facebook, chat, play games, or any computer activity that any student of my age like but I have to learn how to allocate time and prioritize. So everytime I get hold of my computer, I first start on a school work and do facebooking and playing games as my reward for getting things done. This personal study and entertainment scheme that I have helped me avoid cramming or having uncompleted school work.
In addition to the inner motivation to learn, I also have to learn basic trouble shooting with my internet and computer. This is to ensure that I could still continue attending my class despite of technological issue that may be had.
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