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The themes of Hamlet : Revenge - Essay Example

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Hamlet wants to take revenge for his father’s murder, when the ghost appears in front of him and says “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” (Act 1, Scene 5). Revenge is an emotion, which makes a…
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The themes of Hamlet : Revenge
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Theme of Revenge in Hamlet The theme of revenge and vengeance is perhaps the most prevalent theme. Hamlet wants to take revenge for his father’s murder, when the ghost appears in front of him and says “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” (Act 1, Scene 5). Revenge is an emotion, which makes a person blind to his actions. In fact, while the main revenge is the avenging of Hamlet’s father’s murder, Hamlet is unable to put the revenge into place, while other characters in the story are more able to find proper ways of seeking revenge.

The theme of revenge remains a paradox. Is it actually an act of revenge, when Hamlet is plotting to murder his uncle, but hesitates and delays in doing so? Moreover, Hamlet himself does not consider vengeance an appreciated quality in men. This is shown, when Hamlet tells Ophelia, not to marry any man, because they all have such faults, such as revengefulness, like he even does “I am proud, revengeful, ambitious” (Act 3, Scene 1). There is no answer, regarding the idea, whether revenge is righteous or wrong.

Hamlet proves at various instances that he may not consider revenge to be truly worthy, but at times, it becomes a cause of honor, as well. There are many biblical instances in Hamlet, particularly relating to the theme of revenge, for example, the story of Cain. Murder and revenge gets Cain in trouble with God, and this is what nearly every character, including the protagonist is doing in the play, plotting murder and revenge (Anti essays, n.p).Works Cited"Free Essay on Hamlet Relate To The Biblical Story Of Cain & Able - Rachred15.

" Free Essays, Research Papers, Book Reports | Anti Essays. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2012. .

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