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Research current regulations concerning head injuries - Essay Example

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The footballers sacrifice a lot for the purpose of the game, and it cannot be played by the faint hearted. The game of football has evolved over years, and it is governed by rules and regulations as any other…
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Research current regulations concerning head injuries
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Current regulations concerning head injuries in football Football is one of the main games in the world with many supporters. The footballers sacrifice a lot for the purpose of the game, and it cannot be played by the faint hearted. The game of football has evolved over years, and it is governed by rules and regulations as any other game. The rules governing the game have continually raised debates. The rules governing the game are mainly meant to safeguard the safety of the players and enhance fair play.

Amongst the main rules that are observed in football include the regulation on head injury. The head contains the brains hence being a highly sensitive area which needs protection. The football associations are holding discussions to allow players to be putting on helmets during the game. The regulation concerning the helmet prohibits an opponent from holding a players helmet and pulling the head around. This rule is meant to protect the players from neck injuries and possible impairment. Another rule concerning the head injury is the rule that prohibits an opponent player blind block on a challenger’s head.

The head is a delicate part of the body hence the rule that protects the receiver of the ball from being tackled by the head. The tackle to the head may be head to head, hand to head incident, or foot to head incident. All these tackles result in head injuries and sometimes lead to concussions. Head injuries may lead to concussions or damages to the brain and even deaths. The regulations governing head injuries in football are being developed because of the consequences of the injuries (Nelson, 354-401).

Players who get head injuries suffer at a later date from dementia, short term memory, and brain diseases. Another rule governing the head injury requires a player who shows signs of concussion like dizziness to remain out of the field that day. After a concussion, there are regulations which are followed before a player is allowed to play again. A player who is unconscious must be evaluated by the doctor before he is allowed back to the field. The players are kept off the field until they show no symptoms of concussion.

In addition to that the regulations require an independent neurologist to examine the player instead of the team doctor. The regulations also require that a player who has suffered concussion cannot return to the field until after one day. The rules also require all the players to have a full awareness of the severity of concussions. The rules do not prescribe the maximum number of concussions, but that depends on the coach and player. Every game requires rules and regulations to govern the conduct of the players and ensure their safety.

It is necessary to have football regulations, which are followed to protect the players. Head injuries are common and even lead to deaths, and rules to protect such are paramount. Works CitedNelson, David. The Anatomy of a Game: Football, the rules, and the men who made the game. New York: University of Delaware Press, 1994. Print.

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