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Running Heading: A Good Parent A Good Parent Being a parent is not easy because it leaves one with the accountability of someone else behavior and personality. Parents are considered to be responsible for not only raising their children but also ensuring that they turn out to be well groomed personality. The criteria of good parent which has been established by the society is strange, the parents get acknowledgement of being good parents on the basis of the everyday activities and behavior of their child.
Raising children is a demanding job as parents have to be patient, dedicated and focused so that their child could develop into successful person. The responsibility or duty of parents to build the personality of their child starts from the very first day, they are there when the child takes his or her first step, they are there when the child speaks the first word, when the child goes to school first time, and they are there with their child till the end of their life. Good parents are those who are always there to encourage their children and help them in becoming what they want to be (Gross, 1996).
Parents hold the most important place in the lives of their children and in the development of the overall personality of the children, as they are the first source of information and learning. It is a normal phenomenon that most of the children idealize their parents, hence good parents are those who lead by example and teach their children at every step of life. Parents teach their children the norms and values and they teach them love, respect, language, in short parents teach the way to live the life.
In order to be a good parent one has to be strict and loving at the same time. Some of the characteristics which help parents in fulfilling their responsibility in an efficient manner are care, love, respect, appreciation, dedication and honesty. It is injustice with the parents to judge them on the basis of the behavior and attributes of their kids. There is a general perception in the society that if a certain kid has bad habits and unpleasant personality then the parents of this kid are not good.
Most of the time the case is opposite, there is high possibility that children with bad habits have good parents. But it is the tradition in the society to blame parents for the misbehavior and ill practices of the children.There are two main ingredients required to become a good parent; strong devotion and focus to make the life of a child better. Parents can always become good parents with practice and sincere desire to make an impact on the life of child. This requires additional time and effort on the part of parents.
In order to be able to give the society a civilized and well behaved child, the parents are required to spend quality time with their children irrespective of their personal work and schedules. It is the duty of a good parent to make sure that the child is able to distinguish and differentiate between the good and bad.Good parents are not just only parents but they are friends of their children. They share their views, their experience, listen to what their child says, what he thinks, and what he would like to have.
Apart from this good parents establish the sense of right and wrong among the children by encouraging what is right and discouraging what is wrong (Amato, 1986).Relationship between parent and child is crucial in upbringing of the children as good relationships have been associated with better psychological well-being and academic performances while poor relationships or parent that are not so much involved with their children result in problems related to adolescent (Crockett, Brown, Russell, and Shen, 2007).
It is the responsibility and job of the good parents to provide the society with a well trained, well groomed, and well behave citizen.Reference ListAmato, P. (1986). Marital Conflict, the Parent-Child Relationship and Child Self-Esteem. Family Relations, 35 (3), 403-410.Crockett, L. J., Brown, J., Russell, S. T. and Shen, Y. L. (2007). The Meaning of Good Parent–Child Relationships for Mexican American Adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 17 (4), 639–668.Gross, D. (1996). What Is a "Good" Parent?
American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing. 21 (4), 178–182.
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