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Ray Kurzweil: Our Bodies, Our Technologies" Advances in Science are providing humans with a technology that brings stupendous outcomes in every aspect of human endeavor. Science provided new paradigms in information system, computer, electronic tool and equipments and now making progress in the field of life i.e. biology (Arguments for Green and Gray Future). Robotics and artificial intelligence is capable of producing nanobots, which are the tools to the size of blood cells, they are proficient in entering the blood and could reach the brain to execute remedial purposes to understand life developments, ailments, aging, metabolic aspects (Our Bodies, Our Technologies: Ray Kurzweil).
A correlation persists between the evolution of life and the technological evolution. Life evolved from the genetic material the DNA and the RNA which are prevalent in all life forms, in the similar manner as computers are the spine of the information system. As a rule of the evolution process the initial phases takes time but advances acquire the faster pace, which could be witnessed in both the forms of the evolution. As the selection of the software is individuals choice, it could be correlated with the 23000 genes present inside the body which could be switched off or on depending upon the requirement and aids in combating major diseases as well as aging process.
Every disease has got something to do with the gene or its expression, understanding the mechanism of genetic expression dreaded diseases like cancer, heart attacks, neurological disorders, diabetes etc could be resolved prior to their advancing stages (The Human Machine Merger: Why We Will Spend Most of Our Time in Virtual Reality in the Twenty-first Century; Our Bodies, Our Technologies: Ray Kurzweil).Technical knowledge paves the way to bring innovation. Rob Freitas has designed nanorobotic RBCs which could enhance the potential of an individual, Research is on the way to make computers work faster than human brain!
(Our Bodies, Our Technologies: Ray Kurzweil).Considering all the technical advances which are heading to make a human an immortal being on the planet, devoid of diseases and sufferings, combating the process of aging and hence challenging age, is human species really thinking about the burden they are putting on the planet and nature? Is human race lost in the technical world that has closed the doors to think beyond the technology? Is human race able to justify the rule of nature? Being immortal and creating the world devoid of disorders with just touch of a button, is going to validate the technical advances?
(2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal). ReferencesArguments for Green and Gray Future. Available at [Accessed on 27th September 2011] .Our Bodies, Our Technologies: Ray Kurzweil. Available at [Accessed on 27th September 2011].The Human Machine Merger: Why We Will Spend Most of Our Time in Virtual Reality in the Twenty-first Century.
Available at [Accessed on 27th September 2011].2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal. Available at,9171,2048299,00.html. [Accessed on 27th September 2011].
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