Eng Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words. Retrieved from https://studentshare.org/english/1493737-eng
Eng Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words. https://studentshare.org/english/1493737-eng.
In this paper, I will argue that campus learning is very important for college students as compared to online learning while keeping in view my own experience of a college campus.
When I joined my college, I met many other students; and thus, started socializing with my peers, which is an integral part of personality development. My personality has groomed a lot after I have joined my college. I know this when I compare myself to when I was in school. I believe that in campus learning, college students come to know how to behave in classrooms; how to show respect to teachers; how to deal with peers; and, how to show discipline while learning. This socializing is beneficial for them in both the short and long term because they learn how to deal with life and its problems and how to cope with relationships. I learned how to communicate with my teachers and friends, which benefitted me in my personal life as well. Hence, campus learning teaches effective relationship management which cannot be learned through online learning.
Campus learning makes the students follow the deadlines in a better way, and they learn how to follow a set routine pattern for their studies. When I joined college, one of my friends who is an online student convinced me that the college campus environment is very strict and makes the student follow the schedules forcibly. However, my experience has been different. I have been able to set my routine in a very effective manner. Online learning does not provide the students with these opportunities, because they tend to be relaxed since they do not have to confront teacher’s remarks and class fellows’ comments’ if they do not meet a deadline or are not dressed up neatly, etcetera. Hence, campus learning teaches discipline in a much better way. I have learnt how to neatly dress up, how to convey my ideas face-to-face, and how to behave in groups and teams. I could never have learnt these important competencies in online learning.
Moreover, communicating effectively is the key to success for me and for the rest of the world too. I did not join online learning because of communication barriers like slow internet speed and server breakdown between the teacher and students. I wanted to talk to my teachers and peers. For me, visual understanding of others’ feelings is very important. When I joined my college campus, I could freely share my ideas inside the classroom setting and discuss the concepts. Teachers came to know me personally. There is always an interactive atmosphere that enhances learning. In campus learning, there are hands-on labs in traditional classroom learning that are crucial for the development of skill sets (Tabor 47). I am sure that I have made the right decision of joining college campuses because online learning tends to isolate the students inside the territory of their homes, and so, they remain inside their study rooms for hours and hours, which creates a bad impact upon their personalities on the whole. This isolation leads to depression and anxiety in the individual leading to the development of negative behaviour. Campus learning does not isolate the students in this way, and they can always share their problems with their peers which is an excellent way to ward off their depression.
I have had a very positive experience of joining my college campus. I know that online learning is very beneficial for distant students, but many local students have also joined online colleges. I think that this is not a good idea, because if one has the opportunity of joining college campus, then one should never sit at home for learning purposes. Man is a social animal, and it is an ultimate necessity to be able to communicate effectively. This not only benefits in professional life but also in personal relationships. I would recommend all students are who have to join some college after high school, to avail the opportunity of campus learning rather than online learning.