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Text in Context - Essay Example

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Name Instructor Course Date Generation Gaps Generation gap is a particularly common issue in the western culture and it has been an issue of concern in the last decades; the the main argument in the film revolves around “keeping communication lines open” (Manohla 1)…
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I came up with the discussion concerning generation gaps because it is a vice responsible for massive alienation among families in the western countries following the growing multiculturalism. Generation differences have been an issue for years, but it has reached intolerable levels in this postmodern period. Most areas affected by this change are music tastes, politics, culture, and fashion. The discussion regarding generation differences is common in both the film and the article as we can see some difference between parents and their children after a long period of separation.

The film Tiny Furniture is a film examining the issue concerning generation gaps in families. This results from differing communication lines; “Aura thinks things may be turning around for her” (Manohla 2). The film revolves around a case where a girl leaves home and comes back after four years of schooling. The family welcomes her, which is a tradition in every community after a long period of separation. During this period, it is obvious that the girl assumed the culture among other ways of doing things in her previous destination.

It becomes difficult to hides ones identity in this situation having in mind that she has already reached maturity age. One of the challenging issues after her arrival is concerning the time to wake up. It is common sense that after dawn, one should rise and start attending to his or her duties or even plan one or the other. However, it is not also detrimental to fail to wake up early as far as you are not ignoring your duties. This is not understandable by most parents, as they want to build their children in a spirit of hard work.

The abstract between the parties is communication, as this will create a basis where they will understand each other. Most campus students find going out being part and parcel of their life. This is quite different in relation with the interpretation from parents. They view out going as an immoral activity, which should be discouraged under all cost; “she goes to a party and reconnects with Charlotte” (Manohla 1). They fail to understand or interpret it from a young generation view, where they view it as a way of socializing and relaxing after a long week of schoolwork among other commitments.

In reference with the film, this idea kills her morale as it vied as a vice; it immensely disappoints her and alienates her spirit. In these instances, people find themselves confused as far as doing justice to different parties is concerned. However, this maybe a difficult task as it will be hiding one’s identity. The best solution to breaking communication differences, as this will enhance a healthy relationship despite cultural differences between parties; if Aura in the film had open communication lines with the mother, there would be no conflicts as far as different practices are concerned.

The article, Generations is about the two generations that exist in America because of immigration. The first generation consists of the immigrants who entered America from “Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin Americans” while the second generation consists of their children who were born in America (George & Trimbur 42). The two generations share biological relationships together with other older generations. However, there is a gap in the way of life or the culture of the two generations. The difference comes in terms of the commitment of the two generations towards the traditions and customs set by their ancestors.

It is common for individuals

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