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Winning in a world where hard work and talent is not enough - Essay Example

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Reardon (2006) in her book, It’s all politics; Winning in a World Where Hard Work and Talent Aren’t Enough, argues that the world we live in today is very much competitive. Therefore, it is very hard for anyone to get what he/she expects despite his or her talents or how hard they work…
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Winning in a world where hard work and talent is not enough
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? WINNING IN A WORLD WHERE HARD WORK AND TALENT IS NOT ENOUGH Reardon (2006) in her book, It’s all politics; Winning in aWorld Where Hard Work and Talent Aren’t Enough, argues that the world we live in today is very much competitive. Therefore, it is very hard for anyone to get what he/she expects despite his or her talents or how hard they work. This paper offers an analysis of Reardon’s (2006) work in comparison to and in relation to DuBrins (2007) work on Leadership on the basis of concepts, principles and themes. Winning in a World where Hard Work and Talent as not enough Introduction In the book, It’s all politics; Winning in a World Where Hard Work and Talent Aren’t Enough; the author’s main objective was to bring out the fact that, this is a time when politics is the most significant factor that enables people to attain top most positions in most sectors of life, paying attention to business and economics. It shows that the world we live in today is highly competitive, and not everyone who works hard gets the expected reward. The author explains that nowadays everything is all about politics. Those who are politically strong, in that, they say the seemingly right things at the right time to the right people are the ones who emerge as winners in the end. No matter how one works as hard as an ant, with talents that one can ever imagine, the result is that politics still reigns (Reardon, 2006). In fact, in work places, the bell that rings only produces the sound of politics. Discussion Reardon (2006) brings out the concept that politics does not entail one being sly and devious, but it involves being ready to listen to fellow workmates, creating a good relationship with them and also trying to make everyone improve on his or her goals. Through these relationships, one can hold strong ties with people who can be able to offer a ladder push in terms of hierarchical positions in the work place. Politics has a lot in it other than what people stereotype about it. It involves critical thinking, being open-minded and being socially active (Reardon, 2006). When combined with both hard work and talent, politics acts like the salt that makes food tasty. It can make a person who is talented and industrious to get rewards that one can never imagine. The key theme brought out by Reardon (2006) is the theme of leadership. Leaders have to have well-defined skill set to enable them rule effectively. A leader is a person that people in the society, home, workplace or school look up to in times of problems and despair with the hope of changing their lives positively. A leader is one who can help others to live to their dreams and expectations. Leaders should be able to familiarize with the people they serve, knowing what problems they undergo and how to solve each one of them (Reardon, 2006). They should be social beings who are ready to serve their people under whatever circumstances they go through. She brings out a principle that, people who are experienced in politics, should take time to learn and practice about so many things so that they are not caught unawares by any circumstance that prevails. They know what they are to say and should be remarkably flexible in terms of conversations so that they are able to discuss anything with anyone. Leaders should know when and how to twist a discussion so as not to say things that will later be put against them (Reardon, 2006). They should think first before acting, and they should not jump into conclusions. People with an advantage in politics are those who are keen to give an ear to what other people say, and do not pay more attention to what they tell others In the book, Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, Dubrin’s (2012) main purpose is to show what leadership entails. He gives out the skills that one who is called a leader should have. He brings out a vivid understanding of what leadership and leadership principles involve or entail. He explains the meaning of leadership and explains what it does not involve. His description of a leader is one who has the capability of instilling confidence in people as well as supporting them in order to achieve their set goals (DuBrin, 2012). In comparing the two books, it is evident that, they both talk about leadership. Both of them bring out the qualities that a leader should have. In her book, Reardon talks about attaining top leadership positions at workplaces and how one can maintain being at the top. To her, a leader should be both hardworking with a lot of talent (Reardon, 2006). DuBrin (2012) explains that a leader should practice humility and be ready to be served (DuBrin, 2012). They both assert that, a leader should be able to listen, learn, serve, and be served by other people. A leader should be a person who people can easily interact with and can easily fit in the society. Both authors say that leaders should be able to support and make people strive to achieve their goals. Reardon (2006) says everything revolves around politics. It is the key factor that takes one to leadership positions. According to her, one should be politically strong, industrious and with lots of talent so as to qualify as a leader. On the contrary, DuBrin (2012) argues that not all leadership is about politics. Leadership begins from home where there are different family members with different roles and responsibilities. According to DuBrin, a leader is hard working, and as such, does not have to be engaged in politics (DuBrin, 2012). Conclusion Both Reardon (2006) and DuBrin (2012) stress that leadership does not involve forcing oneself up to top positions. One who wants to become a leader should genuinely achieve the position but not through uncouth behavior. People should not be greedy for leadership positions, but they should be patient and work hard for it. A leader is a person who fairly deserves to be one. References DuBrin, A. J. (2012). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills (7 ed.). New York: Cengage Learning. Reardon, K. (2006). It’s all politics; Winning in a World Where Hard Work and Talent Aren’t Enough. New York: Crown Publishing Group. Read More
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