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The Issue of Teenage Pregnancy - Admission/Application Essay Example

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This essay "The Issue of Teenage Pregnancy" is about concern because teenage mothers face a big medical and social risk than women who get babies when they are much older. Teenage mothers are usually young and their reproductive system is yet to be fully developed…
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The Issue of Teenage Pregnancy
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?Outline 0. Introduction 2.0. Relevant facts 3.0. Position/ debates 4.0. Values 5.0. Negotiation 0. Introduction. The issue of teenage pregnancyis one that has continued to gain prominence in every society because of the increased rates of teenage pregnancy. In the United States, for instance, teenage pregnancy has been on the increase since 2005, recording record levels every year. The country experiences more teenage pregnancy than most developed countries of Western Europe. This issue is of great concern because teenage mothers face a big medical and social risk than women who get babies when they are much older. Teenage mothers are usually young and their reproductive system is yet to be fully developed. This presents a health risk for carrying the pregnancy and during delivery. The babies born of these mothers also face similar risks associated with immaturity of their mothers’ reproductive systems. Cases such as still births are high among such mothers (Allen 72). Besides the health risks, these mothers face psychological and social problems because they are not ready to have the children they get at such ages. They may be rejected by their families and society for getting children out of wedlock, and in such cases, they face financial and emotional problems because most of them are not employed by this time, therefore, not able to meet the financial needs of the baby and them. Some face stigma and discrimination in school, church, and other social places that may leave them depressed and suicidal at times. There are many views on teenage pregnancy with some proposing that such mothers be allowed to perform abortions until they are ready to have children. Some, in opposition to abortion say that such a trend will encourage unsafe sex that will increase spread of sexually transmitted diseases and increase the rates of immorality in society and, especially among the young people. Besides, they argue, abortion is virtually murder and should not be allowed at any cost. 2.0. Relevant Facts. Teenage pregnancy has been on the increase in the US since 2005, having declined between 1990 to then. In 2006, for instance, more than 10% of all births registered in the US were by teenage mothers below the age of 20. Of these, 67% are by girls of ages of 18-19. In 2005, 725, 000 girls of the ages 15-18 fell pregnant and 415,000 of these carried the pregnancies to term. Between 2006 and 2007, teenage birth rate increased by 2% (Dryburgh 114). Medical reports show that teenage mothers almost twice likely to have premature births than mothers of 20 years and above. These babies face health conditions such as long-term disabilities when they survive or death. There is a direct link between a teen mother’s lifestyle and the health of the baby that they carry. Such mothers are at the peak of their cognitive stage struggling with the effects of late adolescence and a need to fit into society as a teenager despite the pregnancy. Most of them are still affected by peer influence and teenage lifestyles. They eat unhealthy food in order to lose or not to gain weight, they smoke, drink alcohol, and engage in drugs and substance abuse. According to statistics, these mothers are more likely to smoke compared to older mothers. A survey carried in 2007 showed that while 10% of older mothers smoked while they were pregnant, 17% of teenage mothers did the same (Martin et al 257). Babies born of mothers who smoke while pregnant get exposed to health problems so that their health deteriorates at and after birth. They are likely to be born prematurely, with a low birth weight, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The mothers themselves are exposed to complications of pregnancy such as placental problems. Teenage mothers fail to attend prenatal clinics where they get essential education and enlightenment on how to care for their unborn babies and themselves while pregnant. These form 7.1% compared to 3% of older women who fail to attend prenatal care. This means that these teenage mothers carry a pregnancy they know little about, thus exposing themselves to pregnancy-related complications. Teenage pregnancy is directly and indirectly related to Sexually Transmitted Infections STIs. Each year, the US reports approximate 19million new cases of STI infections. Out of this number, 9 million affect young people of ages between 15 and 23. The most common of the STIs include Chlamydia, Syphilis, and HIV. These have adverse effects for both the mother and unborn baby are difficult to treat, especially, when they are not detected early enough. Diseases such as HIV are viral and not have cures yet, meaning that they affect the mother or child for a life time (Martin et al 178). Apart from teenage mothers experiencing health complications, babies born of them too are exposed to health complications. These babies are at more risk of dying within the first year of birth than those born of older mothers. The risk increases with younger mothers like those of 15 to 18 years. Babies who are born prematurely are almost definitely under weight .These babies are more likely to have one or a multiple of their organs un/ underdeveloped. Such babies develop breathing problems in the form of respiratory distress syndrome, brain hemorrhage, and problems with their intestines. Besides health complications, there are quite a number of other problems of teenage pregnancy. These mothers are likely to drop out of school because of the increased responsibilities or fear of stigmatization. Studies show that only 40% of teenage mothers get to complete high school and college. This is compared to 75% of other girls who do not get pregnant as teenagers. Without a proper education, the young mother lacks adequate skills to enable her secure a good job to meet her financial needs. 75% of unmarried mothers including teenage mothers live on social welfare for the first five years of giving birth to their first children. 64% of the children born out of teenage mothers live in poverty compared to 7% of mothers who get their children much later. In terms of performance, these children are likely to perform poorly in school and eventually fall out of school. 3.0. Positions/ Debates. There are two debates concerning the issue of teenage pregnancy. Some, usually referred to as liberalists argue that the young mothers should be allowed and encouraged to abort the pregnancies when they occur so that they are given another chance to go on with their studies and get children at the appropriate times when they are ready to. These argue that the embryo, at such a time is not yet developed to qualify as human, therefore, abortion will not qualify as murder (Pittman 56). They say that everyone is at liberty and free to do whatever one wants upon his/ her body as long as it does not affect the other person. To them, denying a woman the chance to perform an abortion is an infringement on her rights and a denial for her to live her life as she may want (Orend 418). Conservatives, however, believe that abortion is morally wrong and should not be allowed unless the pregnancy puts the mother’s life in danger and it is the last option to save her life. They argue that human life begins at conception and abortion is actually murder of an innocent baby. They draw their references form the biblical stories of creation citing God as the sole giver and taker of life. No one has the power to decide the destiny of another human being, however young and helpless it may be (Singer 31). Abortion corrodes societal morality by encouraging teenagers to indulge in irresponsible sexual behavior with the knowledge that they can always get rid of the baby in case they fall pregnant. It removes consciousness form the teenagers, making them to lose any feeling of guilt and shame or remorse for their actions. The teenagers know that they can get away with any wrong doing and that society supports them in this (Mackie 98). Besides morality, encouraging abortion will increase the rates of teenage pregnancy, which will in turn increase the rate of spread of STIs. When teenagers know they do not have to worry about pregnancy, they are likely to throw away caution and concern for other implications such as diseases. As we saw earlier, the prevalence of transmission of STIs is quite high among teenage mothers. Rather than abort the children teenage mothers carry, these reservationists encourage the mothers to carry their children to term than give them up for adoption or register with social welfare programs to get assistance for bringing up the children (Finer et al 267). The two debates share the common view that getting children at such an early age for teenage mothers is quite a difficult situation given the circumstances the mothers are in. fathers to the babies usually deny responsibility, and even when they accept responsibility, they are not in a position to take care of the children or their mothers. Most parents feel ashamed of their teenage girls when they get pregnant or let down by them, and tend to disown them at this time of need. As much as possible, teenagers should avoid such situations that can land them into pregnancy. The two differ on how the pregnancy should be handled (Miller 56). We cannot dismiss either of the two debates as they both carry some weight and reasoning in their arguments. Liberalists are being practical and empathetic to the plight of these young adults and trying to understand them and giving them a chance to reconstruct their lives. Conservatives, on the other hand, are being normative and urging the teenagers to do what ought to be done according to morality. They base their argument on ethics and sanctity of consciousness. If teenagers adopted the conservative approach, we, definitely would have a society with high rates of morality and decency. There, however, will be many cases of school drop-outs and children on the streets due to many teenage mothers giving birth (Benerjee et al 418). If we adopt the liberalist approach, on the other hand, we will have less teenagers giving birth, thus fewer street children and those living in poverty, and a highly educated society with well paying jobs. There, however, will be an erosion of morals where teenagers will engage freely in sexual behavior. There will also be increased cases of reproduction complications as a result of abortion complications (Makinson 256). 4.0. Values. For the liberalist approach, they base their argument on preservation and respect of human rights. Women are human beings, therefore, women rights are human rights and they should be protected. Women have been perceived in many societies as the weaker sex, who would otherwise suffer on the hands of men if their rights are not given special attention and protection. To the liberalists, a woman deciding to have an abortion is one of the greatest expressions of her human rights and freedom, and this should be safe guarded by all costs. Men and those who are not party to the life of the child should not be allowed to have any say, whatsoever upon the decision a woman makes regarding her productivity (Riddle 314). These perceive the world in empirical terms and treat issues should as they are. The problem of teenage pregnancy is inherent in today’s society and telling teenagers to abstain is not very practical. Telling the teenagers to be strong and lose up their teenage hood to mother hood is also not very practical. The most appropriate thing, therefore, is to tackle the issue of teenage pregnancy in the most practical ways possible (Gilligan 76). For the conservationists, morality supersedes every other reasoning and should be upheld by any functioning society. Human life is sacred and we all have the responsibility to protect that life at all costs. Abortion should be avoided as it constitutes to committing two wrongs in an effort to make things right. Teenagers who fall pregnant should seek appropriate help from social workers and their churches if they get disowned by their parents and guardians. A child is a blessing from God who should not be got rid of (Shah & Ahman 132: Smith 198). 5.0. Negotiation. It is not easy to address such a sticky issue as teenage pregnancy and get to an agreement to satisfy both groups. A solution, however, needs to be arrived at as it is a social problem. The problem, however, presents a complex dilemma on the best way forward. Rather than solving the problem when it occurs, it is advisable that parents, teachers, social leaders such as priests, and teenagers take it upon themselves to enlighten others about the problem of teenage pregnancy and the consequences it comes with. The guardians should counsel the young adults against engaging in premarital sex. Besides being morally wrong, its consequences are grave such as quitting school and transmission of STIs. As a second option when abstinence fails, teenagers should be taught how they can use protection to avoid contracting STIs and pregnancies. This is a practical approach that will help in evading the problem of pregnancy. In the event, however, that pregnancy does occur, parents and guardians of the girl should take their time to seek a viable approach and solution. Parents should understand their children and know that it does not mean that when a girl falls pregnant she is of bad character or ill behaved. It is only by mistake that one gets pregnant as there are many others who engage in sex and do not. The blame is what aggravates the situation and makes the teenagers opt to abort rather than stand the shame and being branded immoral. Rather than blame, the parents should accept their girls and stand by them to protect them from the harsh social environment they could face. With the support of parents and the significant others, the teenager’s situation will be made lighter as part of the burden is cast off her shoulders. There is much to life than teenage hood and doing all the crazy things teenagers do. Any mother will confess that there is in greater joy and satisfaction as that of bringing up a child. Despite the challenges the teenager may face, the gratification and pride that follows after seeing your child grow overshadows and takes away the pain experienced. There are numerous examples of children who were born out of wedlock, went through life’s harshness, and still made it as great persons in life. Abortion is a short term solution that will save the day for the teenage girl. Finding it so easy to get rid of such a big problem, however, will serve as an encouragement for the girl to indulge more into such irresponsible behavior. It is for this reason that a high percentage of those who abort have the tendency to procure more subsequent abortions within short spans of time. This is much higher compared to teenagers who give birth and fall pregnant subsequent times. Weighing the two options, giving birth to the baby seems to be the hardest options, but will in the long-run turn out to be the better option. Abortion, on the other hands, presents an easier solution in the short term, but complicated in the long term. Complications associated with abortion are worse than those of giving birth. I am not saying that giving birth is easy, but looking back at the child you brought forth despite the pain gives more pleasure than undergoing an ordeal that may affect one’s reproductive system and having nothing to show for it. However much some of us may want to hide our humanity, our emotions are active and will flow unconsciously at the thought of losing a child. There have been numerous reports of women undergoing psychological torture because of an abortion they committed or breaking down whenever they see any child as it reminds them of theirs. conclusion. There is no easier way to deal with the problem of teenage pregnancy. Society and parents can only learn to adapt to the fact that our society and children are faced with many issues because of advancement of technology. We cannot afford to brand teenagers who get pregnant as ill behaved or wayward as it has become a normal occurrence that can happen to anyone. In dealing with the problem, parents and guardians and the involved teenagers should always remember to seek a lasting solution to the problem rather than a quick one with lasting effects. It is in this light that is urge all of us to be cautious about abortion as it presents an easy solution, but with more risks both medically and psychologically. We should appreciate the gift of life, whichever way it comes. Although an outdated cliche, it still applies to ask ourselves what would have happened to us if our mothers decided that we were unwanted and got rid of us. Works Cited. Allen Collin. Peer Pressure and Teen Sex. Psychology Today, Vol. 7(13): 125. 2003. Print. Allen talks of the effect of peer pressure on sex and indulgence on other anti-social activities. Teenage sex is highly consequential on teenagers and can have grave effects on them. Society has a great role to play in guiding teenagers to avoid falling victim of peer pressure. Banerjee Biswajit., Pandey Kahe., Sengupta Berkley., Mondal Mani. Teenage Pregnancy: A Socially Inflicted Health Hazard. Indian Journal of Community Medicine, Vol. 34(3): 227-231. This article talks about the risks of pregnancy in society and on girls. It advocates against the use of abortion among teenagers seeking better social intervention in its place. Dryburgh Heather. Teenage Pregnancy. Health Reports, Vol. 12(1):9-18. 2002. Print. This report gives detailed analysis of the rates of teenage pregnancy in the US in the last seven years. It compares teenage pregnancy and motherhood to adult mother hood, thus the effects in both. It gives effects of teenage pregnancy for the both the young mother and the baby born. Finer Lawrence., Lori Frohwirth, Lindsay Dauphinee, Susheela Singh & Moore Ann. Reasons US Women have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Vol.37 (3): 110-118. 2005 This report attempts to elaborate on reasons as to why American women tend to prefer to have abortions arther than carry a pregnancy to full term. This has profound effect on teenagers view this as a fashionable trend, thus imitating them Gilligan Carol. In A Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1993. Print. Gilligan, a strong feminist advocates for women liberation and freedom to Be allowed to procure abortions whenever they want because it is they who bring up the children, especially when the fathers of the children deny responsibility. Her book forms the major part of the debate on this article on the morality versus reality of teenage pregnancy. Mackie John Leslie. Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong. London: Penguin. 1990. Print. Mackie, in his book advocates strict discernment of right from wrong and that the two should never be interchanged. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong no matter the situation. This is the argument carried by conservationists who believe that it is morally wrong to procure an abortion no matter the circumstances. Makinson Carolyn. The Health and Consequences of Teenage Fertility. Journal of Family Planning Perspective, Vol.17 (3): 132-139. 1985. Print Makinson talks of the consequences of teenage pregnancy. In her writing, she says that teenagers face more risks during pregnancy than older mothers. This forms the core of the paper’s reference on risks of pregnancy. She offers critical insight to the plight of teenage girls and the problems they go through and options available for them. Martin Joyce., Hamilton Brady., Sutton Paul., Stephanie Ventura., Menacker Fay., Kirmeyer Sharon & Mathews Jason. Births: Final Data for 2006. National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 57(7): 127-139. 2009. Print This report provides statistics on teenage pregnancy since 2006. It compares the rates as they have been changing over the years, providing a basis to analyze the trends of teenage pregnancy and its prevalence among the youth. Miller Christopher. The Conditions of Moral Realism. Journal of Philosophical Research, Vol.34(123-155). 2009. Print The article talks about realism when approaching the issue of morality. It urges people to be realistic even when demanding morality of others, saying that in some issues, morality is questionable and can be subordinated in an effort to achieve an end. This is the argument that liberalists use in arguing for abortion, that at times it is acceptable to procure an abortion for the good of both the bay and the mother Orend Brian. War and International Justice: A Kantian Perspective. West Water, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press: 2000. Print Orend talks the issues of justice for women as they fight for their rights in a male-dominated world. Women’s fight for justice and liberation has been quite drastic with demands of freedom over their bodies. Some of the freedoms they fight for are the right for them to procure abortion without having to face the law as they have rights to their bodies. Pittman Genevra. Abortion Safer than Giving Birth: Study. Reuters, 23 january 2012. Retrieved 4 February 2012. This article by Pittman argues in favour of abortion, citing various advantages for one having an abortion rather than giving birth, especially for teenage girls whose reproductive systems are not fully developed. Riddle John. Eve’s herbs: A History of Contraception and Abortion in the West. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1997.Print Riddle gives a comprehensive history on the use of contraceptives in the US. He argues that with the right use and education on the use of contraceptives, teenagers can be saved from the menace of teenage sex, therefore, avoiding incidents of abortion or getting unwanted babies. Singer Peter. Writings on an Ethical Life. London: Harper Collins publishers. 2000. Singer is a moral iconoclast who does not believe in morality and is an antagonist of religious teachings on morality. He argues that the world is a real place with no room normative thinking for issues such as morality. This forms a major part of liberalists thinking and argument for abortion in disregard of morality regarding abortion. Shah Imam. & Ahman Ernest. Unsafe abortion: Global and Regional Incidence, Trends, Consequences, and Challenges. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada, Vol. 31(12):1149-1158. 2009. Print The journal article talks of the dangers of having abortion on women and teenagers. The process can have lasting effects on the teenagers such as damage of the uterus, denying them a future chance of having children. Smith John. Risky Choices: The Dangers of Teens using Self-Induced Abortion Attempts. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, Vol. 12(3): 147-15. 1998. Print. Smith heralds the dangers of teenagers procuring abortions upon themselves or using non-medical ways to procure the abortions. Such a practice can have drastic medical implications on the young girls, leading to reproductive complications. Wallach Wendell., & Allen Colin. Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong. Cambridge: Oxford University Press. 2008. Print. Wallach and Allen talk of the difficult of differentiating right from wrong as there is only a thin line between the two. Such is the debate about abortion as the two present a complex dilemma that weighs heavy on both sides. One needs to be keen and critical to perceive the right thing rightfully from the wrong. Read More
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