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Teenage Pregnancy as Social and National Issue in the US - Coursework Example

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The paper “Teenage Pregnancy as Social and National Issue in the US” emphasizes the consequences that early pregnancy may have on the health of the young mother, her social status and financial independence. Young mothers' aid programs support teens with babies, but they still need improvement…
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Teenage Pregnancy as Social and National Issue in the US
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Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States Thesis statements: Though a review of literature and research studies, we will discuss how Teenage Pregnancy has become a social issue in the United States of America. Additionally, we will try to understand the various reasons of the high rate of Adolescent Pregnancy as well as the numerous repercussions it causes on the individual and the society. As it has become a social and national issue that needs attention, many programs and plans have been implemented to reduce the issue of teenage pregnancy and also to provide adequate support to teenage mothers. Outline: Introduction I Teenage Pregnancy as a social and national issue in the United States. A Statistics related to teenage pregnancy are high and show how it is no long a local issue. 1. Data within United States shows the high percentage of teenage women who become pregnant 2. International research and data reveals how United States has a very high rate of adolescent pregnancy when compared to other countries. B Historical overview of Teenage Pregnancy in the US shows how the issue became so rampant. II Reasons for High Rate of Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States A Disrupted family atmosphere leads to pregnancy among teenagers at a higher rate. 1 It has been seen that children from broken families are high-risk categories when it comes to adolescent pregnancy. 2 Children of teenage mothers are also a high risk category when it comes to teenage pregnancy. B The reduction in the age of first sexual activity has lowered considerably, giving way to increased cases of teenage pregnancy. C. Teenage pregnancy has also been seen at a higher rate in children and young adults who have been victims of child sexual abuse. D. Teenagers with fewer expectations from future and disappointment regarding their careers and education are another high risk category. 1. High rate of teenage pregnancy is seen among teenagers with poor quality of education. 2. Lack of clarity about future or career also leads to increased teenage pregnancy. III Consequences and Implications of Teenage Pregnancy A The future and career of teenage mothers is always uncertain because they are burdened with the responsibility of a child at a very young age. B Economically, teenage mothers are poor and depend on the national support to sustain their livelihood. C Teenage mothers often discontinue their education and hence, the career options for them remain very limited, making them dependent. D Teenage mothers also face health consequences because of inadequate facilities to lead a healthy life. E Children of teenage mothers have to bear the consequences of a poor childhood and lack of good education and support system IV Steps and Programs to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy and Support Teenage Mothers A Improve awareness about consequences of teenage pregnancy. 1. Better sex education at school 2. Parental support and mentorship B Develop vocational programs to make single mothers independent. C Acceptance in the society and support to continue the education. D Multiple programs focused on the same goal can help in drastic reduction of rate of teenage pregnancy. Conclusion Note Cards Teenage Pregnancy in the United States In the United States, the high rate of adolescent pregnancy has been a cause of social concern for over two decades. The number of teenagers who get pregnant and who become single mothers has been very alarming. The society has recognized it as a problem that has to be dealt with effectively (Armstrong, 2001). To understand this problem, it is necessary to take a step back and see the various reasons as well as the high risk groups that are involved in the issue. This study explores how teenage pregnancy is a social and national issue in the United States. It also tries to analyze the various reasons that are responsible for adolescent pregnancies in the United States. It is understood that teenage pregnancy also has consequences and implications not only on the individual, but on the society as well as the government. This research also tries to understand the various implications that teenage pregnancy has on many different levels. Furthermore, it also takes a look at the various programs that have been undertaken to prevent teenage pregnancy and the various steps adopted to support teenage mothers and their children so that they are assimilated in the society. Teenage Pregnancy as a Social and National Issue After the issue of teenage pregnancy came into scrutiny, many research agencies as well as independent bodies tried to understand the gravity through empirical research (Moncola et al, 2003). The results of the research were staggering because it was revealed that the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy among the developed nations of the world. The research done by UNICEF regarding this matter revealed that the rate of adolescent pregnancy is almost double that of Great Britain and 10 times that of Japan. Below is a comparison chart that shows how the United States ranks the highest among the countries that are a part of OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). (Source : UNICEF, 2007) These researches clearly illustrate how the United States has a high rate of teenage pregnancy when compared to the other countries across the globe. As it is a developed country, it is a matter of national shame because the society was not able to curb this issue at an early stage and it got elevated to a very high rate. Within the United States also, the statistics are very high, even though there has been a slow drop in the rate of teenage pregnancies. The peak period of teenage pregnancy was around 1990-1993 where the teenage birthrate was at an alarming rate of 60 births per 1000 women. According to the research done by Guttmacher institute, the birthrate has reduced to 41.9 births per 1000 women (Guttmatcher, 2010). This is a slow progress and indicates that the efforts carried out should be done in a much more aggressive manner. Researchers also tried to identify if there are any demographic trends related to teenage mothers. As per the research done by Botting et al in 1998, there were certain demographic groups that were particularly vulnerable to teenage pregnancy. Some of them include children who live in care facilities, those who are homeless, students who underperform in school and have less hopes of bright career, children of teenage mothers, members of ethnic minorities such as people who have Caribbean and Bangladeshi origin and youngsters who are involved in crimes. (Kaplan, 1997 and Botting et al, 1998). The research done by Kaplan also revealed how the demographic category of people who have lower income and a lower standard of income showed a higher vulnerability to teenage pregnancies. Even though the issue of teenage pregnancy has come to the forefront over the past two decades only, it has been prevalent in the society for many centuries. However, only after the issue of children being born out of wedlock came to the limelight, people started recognizing it as a social issue. Also, in earlier times, as long as the consequence of a teenage pregnancy was marriage, it did not become an issue that needed attention. However, during the 1970s, the age of marriage become late and hence, a large number of cases of teenage pregnancies were reported and the numbers became very alarming (Adams, A., & D'Souza, R, 2009). This sudden upsurge in the number of unwed single mothers as well as medical abortions during the teenage bought the matter to the forefront. Therefore, the issue of teenage pregnancy was no longer one that would concern just the teenage mother or their immediate family, instead became an issue that concerns the society as a whole and the national also. It also had many implications at the local and national levels. Reasons for High Rate of Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States Due to the high rate of teenage pregnancies across the United States, it became necessary to understand the various reasons that were responsible for it. It was very clear that the issues that lead to teenage pregnancy were at multiple levels and could not be attributed to one particular issue. Researchers identified the following reasons for the high rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States. Disrupted family atmosphere It has been noticed that the children who are from disrupted family atmosphere are much more vulnerable to teenage pregnancy. If the family atmosphere is not healthy and robust, teenagers tend to step outside the house and indulge in dating and sexual activity, which often results in pregnancy (Dryburgh, 2002). For example, it has been seen that children who come from a family of divorced parents have a higher tendency to be pregnant during teenage. Similarly, children who are born of teenage mothers are also more prone to facing this issue. A disrupted family atmosphere leads to many different types of insecurities in the children, and many of them manifest into getting involved in drugs or pre-marital sex at a very young age. This tendency is much higher in those families where there are instances of violence as well as physical abuses. Therefore, as there are more cases of divorces as well as high number of single parents, it has contributed to the high rate of adolescent pregnancy. It is also clear that a good family support system is necessary to ensure that teenagers are well aware of the consequences of sexual activities during their teenage and are cautious to prevent any teenage pregnancy. If the family atmosphere is healthy, then the children have lower insecurities and hence, they are lesser prone to getting pregnant during teenage or adolescence. Lower Age of Sexual Activity Over the years, the age of menarche in women has become much lower that what it was before. Early onset of puberty in both boys and girls leads to curiosity about sexual activities and hence, any misinformation during this age can result in pregnancy at a very young age. This can indirectly resulted in increased sexual activity at a much lower age. Teenagers are becoming sexually active at a much lower age, even before they are aware of the consequences of it (Kaplowitz, 2006). There could be numerous reasons behind the early onset of menarche in young girls are various, the most important ones being changes in lifestyle and food. The age at which menarche and sexual activity begins in today’s young generation is one where the teenagers are still very young and innocent. Sexual Abuse Very often, sexual abuse during childhood and teenage years can alter or make changes to the perception and attitude towards sexual behavior. This leads the person towards a stage of abused adolescents, directly resulting in the initiation of sexual activity at a younger age and also to have more partners (Botting et al, 1998). Thus, many teenage pregnancies result because of the different unresolved feelings as well as behaviors that the teenagers may have due to sexual abuse. As many teenagers are young, they do not understand the manifestations of sexual abuse and hence, do not know how to vent out their feels and emotions. This situation is tricky and it often leads to teenage pregnancies. Hence, the teenagers undergo a lot of trauma at a very young age. They have not only to deal with the sexual abuse, but also have to go through teenage pregnancy, which can result in both physical and mental stress. Low Future Expectations Teenagers with fewer expectations from future and disappointment regarding their careers and education are another high risk category (Moncloa et al, 2003). In many cases, it was noticed that the teenagers who became pregnant often were not very good performers at school and did not have a lot of interest in doing well in their studies. This challenge of not being able to excel in studies often results in a rebound towards sexual activities, leading to teenage pregnancies. The feelings of disappointment in studies coupled with high pressure and helplessness can manifest in getting sexually involved at an age where the focus should be more on studies. Once they get pregnant, any further hopes of building a good future or excelling in studies also goes away. Similarly, those children who feel that the future before them is uncertain and bleak are also much more prone to getting pregnant during teenage (Jaskiewicz, J; McAnarney, E, 1994). Their thought process is often governed by the fact that there is nothing much they have to look forward to in the future. Therefore, either out of depression or in the need of a distraction, they also being to participate in sexual activity at a very young age, without thinking about the consequences. This often results in teenage pregnancy. Therefore, the lack of confidence in studies as well as lack of clarity about future is some other reasons behind high rate of teenage pregnancies. In addition to the above mentioned major reasons, there are several others such as lack of proper sex education or contraception, teenage rapes, drug addiction and so on that also are reasons of teenage pregnancies. All the above reasons combined together result in the high rate of teenage pregnancies in the United States. Consequences and Implications of Teenage Pregnancy It is a known fact that teenage pregnancy has many social consequences and implications not only on the individual who has become the parent at the young age, but also on their families, the society and even the nation. The future and career of teenage mothers is always uncertain because they are burdened with the responsibility of a child at a very young age (Rich-Edwards, 2002). During the age when people devote most of their time and energy to building a career and future for themselves, teenage mothers have to take the responsibility of their children. Due to this reason, they never get a chance to think or plan a career or decide about their future. Only when they have the children and face the challenges of maintaining their livelihood, they understand the value of career and education. Because of this fact, they struggle about their future and do not know how to sustain a livelihood in today’s world. Motherhood at this young age brings in a big change of perspective for them and hence, they are often forced to abandon their own dreams and passions to take care of the child. As the future is uncertain for them, the children also bear the consequences of the conditions of poverty and dependence (Rhode, 2007). Economically, teenage mothers are poor and depend on the national support to sustain their livelihood (Boonstra, 2011). Due to early motherhood and the responsibilities of the child, the teenage mothers continue to remain dependants throughout their lives, with very little hopes of a bright future ahead of them. In addition, it has also been seen that single teenage mothers have lower acceptance in the society, therefore; they also do not have support from their immediate family or relatives. This isolation along with lack of education or careers forces them to be total dependants of the state. Also, due to lack of good education and a career, most of the teenage mothers depend upon the funds from the government and thus, a huge amount of tax payers’ money goes into providing sustenance to these teenage mothers and their children. Therefore, there is no financial independence as far as the teenage mothers are concerned. Another main consequence of teenage pregnancy and motherhood is that they have to discontinue their education and thus, do not have good educational qualifications (Hoff et al, 2003). Many of the teenagers also have low interest in studies and drop out as soon as they get pregnant. Even if they have interest in studies, it is difficult for them to continue pursuing education as they do not have much support from family to take care of their children, and hence they drop out. Therefore, the career options for them remain very limited, making them dependent. Even if they wish to opt for employment, there are certain low paying job that they are forced to take up, such as being nannies or being the housekeeper. While these jobs can be a source of income and provide some respite from the condition, they are often characterized with long working hours and low pays. Therefore, these jobs never move on to become a proper career option for the teenage mothers in the long run. It is very difficult for them to move beyond these conventional occupations and find something that would make them financially independent (Silverstein, 2007). The lack of proper education is the main hindrance that they face when they consider planning their career. Another consequence that teenage mothers have to face is health challenges. Teeange is not the right age for a woman to bear a child. Teenage mothers also face health consequences because of inadequate facilities to lead a unhealthy life (Zavodny, 2001). Furthermore, the early age of pregnancy often has negative effects on their bodies. It is recommended that the female body is suitable for pregnancy only after they complete at least 18 years of age. Due to early pregnancy and lack of proper support system, the body also takes a toll, making them weak and further dependent (Luker, 1996). Post-pregnancy also, they fail to get adequate care and this complicates their health issues further. Therefore, bad health post pregnancy is another consequence that most teenage mothers face. Teenage is also not a suitable age for pregnancy because it can lead to complications included risks of maternal deaths (Mayor, 2004). Children of teenage mothers have to bear the consequences of a poor childhood and lack of good education and support system. These children fail to get a healthy family environment because the single mother is not able to provide a wholesome family support system to them. Additionally, due to financial challenges and constrains these children grow in a difficult environment. As the mother depends on the assistance provided by the state in most cases, it is difficult for them to lead a normal and healthy childhood. They have a higher tendency to indulge in crimes and lack interest in studies due to lack of proper guidance (Montgomery-Anderson, 2003). Therefore, the overall standard of life that they lead is very low, thus forming a sort of vicious cycle when it comes to teenage pregnancy (East et al, 2007). Therefore, the teenage mother, the child of the teenage mother as well as the entire society faces the repercussions and implications of teenage pregnancy. Steps and Programs to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy and Support Teenage Mothers Even though the rate of teenage pregnancy is slowly lowering, it is mandatory to take aggressive steps and actions to ensure that the rate drops considerably in the United States. The first step is to make sure that there is enough awareness about the consequences of teenage pregnancy. Good awareness and knowledge is necessary to prevent teenage pregnancy. This has to be done at two different levels. Firstly, a good and consistent educational program should be introduced in educational institutions and community centers which aim at creating awareness about sex education so that there is a drop in the rate of teenage pregnancy (Manlove et al, 2002). The second stage of creating awareness is at family level. Families, especially parents should make sure that children have good level of confidence and do not feel insecure in any manner. They also should participate in providing accurate sex education to the children. In addition, there should be good channels of communication between the parents and their teenagers so that instances of teenage pregnancy can be avoided. For example, children should feel comfortable discussing issues such as sexual abuse with their parents. It is the responsibilities of both parents and teachers to make the environment comfortable for the children so that they do not face insecurities. As much as preventing instances of teenage pregnancy is important, it is equally necessary to provide the required support to teenage mothers. For this, vocational educational programs as well as career counseling should be introduced (Morehead & Soriano, 2005). Offering such options to teenage mothers will help them in learning specific skills which will open never avenues, so that they are lesser dependent on the state for their livelihood. They should also be provided with career-oriented training so that they can move beyond the conventional roles of being a housekeeper or nanny, so that they can prove their worth and lead a respectable lifestyle. For example, the introduction of programs such as the School-to-Work Opportunities Act and Educate America Act enabled in 1994 and 2000 respectively aim to empower single teenage mothers to continue their education and be independent so that they are independent and can provide a better standard of living to their children (Besharov, D. & Gardiner, K, 1997). While the government introduces these programs, the society also has a higher responsibility in this matter. Often, it has been seen that teenage mothers are stereotyped and are often alienated from the mainstream society. Teenage mothers should be accepted in the society and no social stigma should be associated with them. Community centers and neighborhoods should also involve these teenage mothers so that they can also assimilate well in the society and be active participants in it (Dodson, 1998). In addition, the children of teenage mothers should also be assimilated well in the society, without any form of discrimination or alienation. Along with all these actions, one important aspect that needs to be considered is that all these steps should not be a one-time exercise or activity, instead they should continue on an ongoing basis so that there is a long term impact. To battle an issue as serious as teenage pregnancy, persistence holds the key because then only all these different programs would be able to complement each other and bring about effective results at a national level. Conclusion This study shows that adolescent pregnancy is a serious issue that the current society faces. Furthermore, teenage pregnancy has many different implications at multiple levels. At one level, it may pose a health threat to the teenage mothers, and at another level, these teenage mothers are dependent on the allowances provided by the government to meet their daily needs. While there are many programs that offer support to the teenage mothers, it is necessary that programs run for a longer period in a continuous manner so that much more effective and impactful results are seen. The priority should be given to make teenage mothers independent so that they can hope for a better life for themselves and for the children. Works Cited Adams, A., & D'Souza, R. “Teenage contraception.” General Practice Update 2.6 (2009): 36-39. Print Armstrong, B . "Adolescent Pregnancy.” Handbook of Social Work Practice with Vulnerable and Resilient Populations. Ed. Alex Gitterman. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2001. 53-54. Print Besharov, D. & Gardiner, K. “Trends in Teen Sexual Behavior.” Children and Youth Services Review 19.5 (1997): 341–67. Print Boonstra, H. “Teen Pregnancy Among Young Women In Foster Care: A Primer.” Guttmacher Policy review. 2011. Web. 1 Nov 2011. 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A league table of teenage births in rich nations. Innocenti Report Card No. 3.. Florence: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre. 2007. Print Zavodny, M. “The effect of Partners' Characteristics on Teenage Pregnancy and its resolution.” Family Planning Perspectives. 2001. Web. 1 Nov 2011 Read More
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