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Linguistic Data Collection with Critical Commentary - Essay Example

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The paper will examine phonetic transcription whereby real words from the interviewee will give a clear distinction between the previous and the current perception of the Freemasonry. It helps to give clear pronunciation of words by the speaker in order to be understood better. …
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Linguistic Data Collection with Critical Commentary
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? Linguistic Data Collection with Critical Commentary Insert Task Inside Freemasonry Data Collection Introduction and Background Linguistics is the study of the structure and nature of a language. Traditionally, it encompasses syntax, phonology and semantics. Synchronic study of linguistics aims at describing a language as it appears at the time. Diachronic studies describe a language in its historical development (Kurath, 2007). The philosophers from Greek brought a debate on the origin of language. They were the first in the Western countries to get concern about the theory of linguistic. Thrax Dionysus wrote the first Greek grammar during the first century Before Christ. It was a roman grammar model that led to Renaissance and medieval vernacular grammars. The rise of linguistics historically in the 19th century enabled it to become a science. During early 20th and late 19th centuries, a linguistic structuralist school was set up by Ferdinand de sausure. It allowed analysis of actual speech and learning about the basis and structure of a language. Noam chosky argued in 1950s that, structuralist program must study native speakers’ competence and not the performance. His approach to linguistic is referred to as transformational generative grammar was revised severally in the recent period to become an extended theory (Herold, 2005). The movie In this part of linguistic study, the paper address important aspects of linguistic understanding that involve methods of data collection in the study of languages. The paper will addresses special components of language in relation to the movie that was recorded by Fidel Channer. The movie takes a closer look at the language, which, the informants use to explain their views about Freemasonry (Kurath, 2007. During the interview, recording of visual and audiovisual takes place to allow further details to be analyzed. Taking of observatory notes also takes place while exploring the aspect of language in the form of scientific study procedures. The interview takes place in one of the Grand Lodges involving members of International Freemasons who agreed to take part in the discussion. They believe that in doing so; they will be promoting linguistic study in the area. Members of the Freemasonry international include Sally Roberts, John Hamil, Fleeta Chew sieael and Thiresia Spilioti. They intend to give an extensive understanding of the international order of the Freemasons (Herold, 2005). The previous studies indicate that there is a negative attitude towards the international organization of Freemasonry. The above named members have the first hand information. This can help us understand the status of the organization that has great membership across the globe. While the members provide the information, the language structure and formation should be observed with a closer view (Kurath, 2007). This will enable clear understanding of the language usage by native speakers. It is also important to look at discourse markers since they will help in the deeper understanding of the information distinguishing between the right and false information regarding the organization. The paper will examine phonetic transcription whereby real words from the interviewee will give a clear distinction between the previous and the current perception of the Freemasonry. It helps to give clear pronunciation of words by the speaker in order to be understood better. The following lines give the aspect of discourse, 01.15 01:0049 interviewee statements. Data Collecting Techniques There are different methods of collecting data in linguistics. They include participant-observation, interviews, introspection, written data and questionnaires. In the participant-observer, the researcher must be one of the native speakers of the language to apply this method of data collecting (Kontra, 2004). The method can be applicable to this research but, it cannot allow room for acquiring all the required information. Introspection is a method of data collection that involves a persons’ own community speech. It helps in data collection together with getting answers for a bout culture and language from the perspectives of the researcher together with the subjects. The researcher is expected to distinguish between values, behaviors and beliefs. The process provides insights and information on individual and the group (Kurath, 2007). It involves asking individuals to formulate answers to experiences in their life. On the other hand, interviewing takes advantage of two forms. They include Semi-structured interviews and structured interviews. The two allows an interviewer to get questions about the topic and ask them in an organized way. The interviewer can identify other questions during the interview and pose to the informant to get more clarification on the topics of discussion. The use of interviews has several advantages to offer this study. Interviews Interviews can be in two forms, structured and unstructured interviews. It enables the interviewer to organize the scope of the work through asking structured and extra questions to the interviewee to understand a certain concept in life. According to this research, it is evident that the interviewer is interested with acquiring more knowledge about the experience of the interviewees in their association with Freemasonry. It is important to use interviews since it provides chances for asking more questions about the institution than other data collection methods (Holmes, Bell, & Boyce, 2008). In this method, the interviewer can almost remain free to ask questions while establishing a conversation that relates to certain predetermined issues. An interview is a two a two person conversation. The interviewer initiates the conversation for specific function of getting relevant information piloted by the research objectives. Interviews help the interviewer to get into the other person’s life and experience so that learning and understanding of the issues can occur. For instance, when Charnner asks his interviewee questions, they explain extensively giving providing the opportunity for him to get their experience towards the international order of Freemasonry. Previously, it was perceived negatively. During and after the study we find that it is positive according to the interviews. It also gives the researcher the ability to carry out research on some issues that cannot be observed and require explanations alone (Kurath, 2007. The interviewer can learn more aspects using this method than others. First, there is an eye contact between the two people; intonation, facial expression and vocalization create the emotional part that cannot appear in other forms of data collection (Kontra, 2004). Phonetic Transcription Phonetic transcription deals with any of the small set of units of a language, which are about twenty to sixty in number and they are different from different language that are considered to be the basic structure of speech sound. In this way, words, sentences and morphemes get their representation. The differences in sound indicate great differences in the meaning of the words. For instance, there exists a difference between the words bit and pit. This indicates that there exist differences in labial phonemes (Kurath, 2007). This help to distinguish different words in English together with their meaning. In this context, b and p exist as different phonemes since they give a difference in words like bet and pet. Phonetic Transcription of words spoken by Sally Roberts Well am it is what you believe it to be, am it is often described as a curlier system of morality violating other grade of morality at electrifying symbols which basically means in simple language it a universal truth told in very special meaningful way using simples using dramas using……….. w e l l ? m ? t ? s wh ? t…. ? t t ? b ?, ? m ? t ? s ? f t e n d………. Problems in Transcription During transcription process there were great challenge the table that had sound symbols did not have some sound symbols. For instance, the sound “what” does not exist in the table. The solution to this was o find another source that could provide the sound to complete the transcription process. Disadvantages Interviews have several disadvantages. The interviewee may decide to provide false information on the research. This can occur due to lack of experience and knowledge or ignorance of the interviewee. The interviewer may fail to listen attentively to the conversation thus recording wrong information from the interviewee. This is quite critical since it can negatively affect analysis part of the research. On the other hand, other respondents may be bias in providing information. Thus, giving information that indicates personal reflection and not the reality of the matter (Kontra, 2004). The ethical issues in this kind of study come from analysis of the research. Researchers carry out their activities and analyze according to their point of perspective. This may reflect the interviewer’s perspective rather than the respondent’s opinion. Solutions There are different disadvantages of using interviewing as a data collection method. These disadvantages may contribute to a different perspectives relating to the research process (Horvath, & Horvath, 2000). It is important to minimize the effects of disadvantages. Researchers must be careful while carrying out their researches to avoid being affected by the prevalent disadvantages of this method. In this context, the interview was done in line with other methods of data collection. There are some notes that were taken during the interview process. These could give a guideline of what transpired during the interview. The interviewing process was covered through audio and audiovisual means. This enables to store the information concerning the interview and access it through observing and listening to the program. Choice of Informants Informants in the interview are very important people. They provide valuable information concerning the research. The Freemasonry is an international organization that has many branches in different parts of the world. For instance, it started in the 17th century as a humble organization before gaining international face. This is according to informants who took part in the research. It is important to consider the knowledge of the informant on the topic before including that informant in the list of interviewees. The relationship of the informants with the research projects is another aspect to consider. For instance, the first informant has a strong tie with the Freemasonry (Horvath, & Horvath, 2000). It is from her view that her grandparents were one of the masonries. For this case, she has access to most of the parts of the organization thus being able to provide valuable information. All the other informants have worked under the same institution for a reasonable period. This enables them to get enough information concerning the institution. Setting The area that the conversation takes place in this interview is quite relevant to the research question. It takes a national and international face. This enables the informants and the interviewer to explore a wide range of lexical language structures while expressing ideas. It provides the required platform to explore the language use fully (Kurath, 2007. It takes an outer overview of the premises first. The second stage the interviewer takes a closer look of the internal features. The settings help to explain more about the enterprise as language usage reveal itself. Ethical implications The informants in this context are interested in their security after providing the information through the interview. A formal organization made for us to undertake the responsibilities of the research. For instance, there was a formal signed authority to help the informants get the assurance of their security ones they provide the valuable information. The agreement stated clearly that there would be no sharing of the information with any other third party. This involved both the audiovisual and visual clips. The aim for the protection was to save the language department for future studies in languages. Research validity and reliability The research in this paper is of great validity (Herold, 2005). It has information from the right people in the institution. They have worked in the institution for a long period. This indicates that the informants have reliable information considering the research. This research provides more information that is concrete than previous researches that were carried out. The research has used several data collection methods that give it a great aspect of combining the method to eliminate any errors. For instance, recording of information through visual and audio together with taking notes during the study is the strongest point that this study reveals. All data collection methods have been included to ensure that any fine information left out by one method, the other one can be able to reveal. Weaknesses and Future Amendments Since the research included almost all the data collection methods, very little weaknesses can be cited. First, the information given by the interviewee comprises of personal knowledge about Freemasonry. This can be a weakness in that some of them can give contradicting information, which can easily affect the efficiency of the research. Analysis in this context based on the interviewer’s point of view. This can alter the relevancy of the collected information. The other weakness is that the research dealt with a few members of the institution. The other branches might have more solid information that those which participated in the research. Therefore, it is important to take samples from all corners of the organization to access full and solid information of the institution. The research procedure should include several body organs to help in analyzing ideas from informants. This will facilitate analysis from different perspectives without biased motives (Kontra, 2004). This will enable the research project to have perspectives that are not specifically personal but professional. Research Question The main question to be addressed in this context is how people perceive the Freemasonry. According to previous literature, it is true that people had a negative attitude towards this organization. This is the stepping-stone for the study. The previous studies dealt with language in the same perspective but using different resource (Kurath, 2007). This research borrows research methods and data collection methods to find its course. For instance, previous literature used same recording techniques to store information for future use. Analysis The information will be analyzed basing on individual informant suggestions. It is possible to use tables and graphs in analyzing the traits provided by the informants. Getting into the mind that this step will occur sometimes latter, it is quite healthy to keep the records adequately for future referencing during analysis. The data collection and recording method should be able to provide the required information for reference. For instance, the visual and audio-visuals together with the written documents can assist in providing other details, which may have remained unnoticed. The informant names can be aligned the corresponding information given. The next step can be verifying similar and different information across the informants. This can easily evoke some questions which may include how, why, and what and son. Conclusion Inside Freemasonry is a great movie, which help to collect and analyze data in linguistics taking advantage of all the methods of data collection. While the members of the freemasonry narrate their story, the notes are taken alongside with recording of the visual and audio scripts that enable further analysis get better. Some features can be identified easily while others require great keenness to find. Therefore, the audio and the visual are of great importance during analysis of language use. Phonetic transcription is an important aspect of language; it provides the ability to identify sounds while using them phonetically correct in a language. The interviewer made an undertaking of protecting his interviewees during and after the discussion by providing a formal signed document to assure them of their security. References Gordon, E., & Maclagan, M.A. (2002). A longitudinal study of the ‘ear/air’ contrast in New Zealand speech. In J. Holmes & A. Bell. (Eds.), New Zealand ways of speaking English. Macmillan Publishers, Washington Dc. Herold, R. (2005). Solving the actuation problem: Merger and immigration in Eastern Pennsylvania. Language Variation and Change, Macmillan Publishers, New York. Holmes, J., Bell, A., & Boyce, M. (2008). Variation and change in New Zealand English: A social dialect investigation. Project report for Social Sciences Committee of the Foundation for Research, Science, and Technology. Wellington: Victoria University New York. Horvath, B., & Horvath, R. J. (2000). Place and apparent time: interpreting the effects of place and space. Presentation at NWAV 29, Michigan State University. Kontra, M. (2004). On current research in spoken Hungarian. International Journal of the Sociology of Language Macmillan, Publishers, Washington DC. Kurath, H. (2007). Studies in area linguistics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, New York. Transcription table vowels IPA examples listen   ? cup, luck Amer   ?: arm, father Amer / Brit   ? cat, black Amer   e met, bed Amer 1 ? away, cinema Amer 2 ?:? turn, learn Amer / Brit 2 ? hit, sitting Amer   i: see, heat Amer   ? hot, rock Amer / Brit 3 ?: call, four Amer / Brit 4 5 ? put, could Amer   u: blue, food Amer   a? five, eye Amer   a? now, out Amer   e? say, eight Amer   o? go, home Amer 6 ?? boy, join Amer   e?? where, air Amer / Brit 1 7 ??? near, here Amer / Brit 7 ??? pure, tourist Amer / Brit 7 consonants IPA examples listen   b bad, lab Amer   d did, lady Amer   f find, if Amer   g give, flag Amer   h how, hello Amer   j yes, yellow Amer   k cat, back Amer   l leg, little Amer   m man, lemon Amer   n no, ten Amer   ? sing, finger Amer   p pet, map Amer   r red, try Amer 8 s sun, miss Amer   ? she, crash Amer   t tea, getting Amer 9 t? check, church Amer   ? think, both Amer   ? this, mother Amer   v voice, five Amer   w wet, window Amer   z zoo, lazy Amer   ? pleasure, vision Amer   d? just, large Amer   Read More
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