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Technology Transfer in the Spacecraft Sector of the Aeronautical Industry - Research Proposal Example

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The paper "Technology Transfer in the Spacecraft Sector of the Aeronautical Industry" discusses the issues in transfer of the spacecraft technology, the benefit of technology sharing between the costs to nations, spacecraft advances in technology as well as faster adaptation to technology…
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Technology Transfer in the Spacecraft Sector of the Aeronautical Industry
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Technology Transfer in the Spacecraft Sector of the Aeronautical Industry Inserts His/Her Inserts Grade Inserts Tutor’s Name 7/1/11 Technology Transfer in the Spacecraft Sector of the Aeronautical Industry Table of contents 1 Introduction and background ____________________________________________3 2. Rationale of research ___________________________________________________ 4 3. Theory and research review _____________________________________________ 5 4. Problem Statement­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________________________________________7 5. Research objectives____________________________________________________ 7 6. Type of research________________________________________________________8 7. Importance of the research problem ________________________________________9 8. Limitations of study______________________________________________________9 9. Proposed Research schedule: strategy and approach____________________________10 10. Conclusion_____________________________________________________________11 11. References _____________________________________________________________14 1. Introduction and background Technology transfer in spacecraft sector is a sensitive issue for government and industry as it is considered highly strategic and military oriented. The technology developed by NASA for the space program has yielded multiple benefits for engineering, communication, transportation, medicine and many others. Technology transfer in any sector is important to public and private enterprise around the globe as it leads to development of new products and the public reaps the benefits. Institutions like NASA and ROSCOSMOS are extremely secretive about their research and accomplishments however, they have developed technology sharing programs that have been of extreme importance to the industry. In the United Kingdom, the Science and Technology Facilities Council has been chosen to facilitate the transfer of technology from European space agency (ESA). (Space technology transfer handled by SFTC).The Small Spacecraft Initiative was started in 1994 by The Office of Advanced concepts and Technology’s (OACT) Spacecraft and Remote Sensing division to implement a new approach to technology integration and to reduce the time and cost taken to develop space missions for scientific and commercial applications (Technology). In the 20th century the space race between USA and Russia led to guarding of space secrets and technology however the end of the space race resulted in more technology transfer and cooperation between the two countries (Freudenrich).In the present there are still strict restrictions on the transfer of technology regarding spacecraft which inhibits sharing between countries. Export of spacecraft technology requires explicit government permission and it contains a lengthy process (Research Export Controls Laws and Regulations). Technology transfer in the spacecraft sector has worldwide implications as emerging countries such as China and India have ambitious space programs. CNSA the Chinese space agency in 1995 was transferred manned spacecraft technology by the Russians and thus technology transfer between countries and India and USA have started cooperating in spacecraft technology (China). There are many opportunities for countries to cooperate in this context and reap benefits not only for their space programs but rather earthly benefits as well. 1.1 Rationale of research Research on this topic is required to investigate whether technology transfer is a strategic goal of space agencies around the world. The spacecraft sector has special implications for not only aircraft but other transportation vehicles and communication technologies. Software used in spacecraft and for communication with spacecraft is fundamental to developing the communication and transport sectors of the economy. NASA’s charter states that it is bound to share technology with public and private enterprises and other space agencies have been following the same path. However, there is no compulsion or initiative to share technology with other countries. Although there are instances of cooperation between countries, spacecraft technology transfer is still low as countries such as India and China are extremely secretive about their developments. Countries individually are trying to develop hyperplane technology for space and defense purposes but no cooperation has been noted so far. The need for research on this issue is apparent as space is the right for all mankind and advances in technology should be shared between countries especially developed and developing countries. Effects of spacecraft technology are not reserved for space missions but rather they affect technology, communication, transport and aircraft around the world, thus research is required to establish the need and benefits of technology transfer in spacecraft technology. 2. Theory and research review The space war that the USA and Russia started in the 20th century fizzled out by the end and resulted in cooperation among the two countries. Although, there have been many obstacles in technology sharing in the spacecraft sector as although there are many scientific and practical benefits to the technology sharing, the sharing of sensitive information is a serious consideration. In this case, political and military issues have been stronger than the benefits of technology transfer. Despite the concerns, joint projects such as Apollo-Soyuz test in 1970 have been successful and yielded many benefits such as improvement in relations, efficiency and sharing of costs. It yielded many concerns as well such as the equality of benefits shared between the countries and the consequences of sharing sensitive information and loss of technological and scientific supremacy for the USA. (Lewis) Russia has further been involved in technology transfer with China in 1995, promoting China’s ambitious spacecraft program which has achieved great heights although China has not been open about technology sharing in this sector. France has also maintained a limited space program with Russia and India and Russia have also cooperated on spacecraft technology. In the late 1990’s, China signed agreements with France, Sweden and Brazil for tracking stations resulting in greater cooperation between the two countries. (China) The most important technology sharing venture can be seen as the development of the International Space Station which facilitated technology transfer between the USA, Europe, Russia, Japan and Canada. The project was started in 1998 and is to be completed by end 2011. The European Space Agency is a unique example of technology transfer and sharing along with the pooling of financial resources. Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom all provide intellectual and financial resources to ESA and Canada is also with ESA in specific projects. (ESA) Current advances in collaboration between states include agreements between USA and India and the UK and India. India is the emerging power in space technology with its first unmanned spacecraft entering lunar orbit in 2008. ( According to the research undertaken, the instances of cooperation between states regarding space are on the rise. With Latin American countries, Iran, CIS countries developing spacecraft and mission; china and India are at the forefront even though USA and Russia still dominate the sector. It is obvious from research that countries see great potential in technology transfer in the spacecraft sector as it enables them to develop better spacecraft, aircraft, tracking and communication technologies and learning from each other’s experiences helps in the successes of their satellites and manned and unmanned spacecraft. Findings from ESA and the USA laws and regulations on technology transfer show that the transfer of technology to nonmember countries in ESA is restricted and all technology is to be patented (Kallenbach). Whereas in the USA, laws such as ITAR and EAR regulate the export of sensitive high-level technology which recently President Barack Obama has relaxed in India’s favor (Jacobson). Further research indicates that there is a political context to the technology transfer issue as many countries such as USA are unwilling to share technology with China, Russia and Iran due to the political context whereas with India technology sharing seems relatively harmless. Russia is aiding the other CIS countries such as Kazakhstan in its satellite communications but projects to create spacecraft are still in their initial stages (Bank). In Latin America Brazil and Mexico are the countries with well developed space stations. Both countries have been involved in space projects with USA although Brazil has followed a more independent course with space agreements with China as well (Newberry). The International Space Station provides an unprecedented level of cooperation and technology sharing which will lead to commercial and technological benefits for all countries involved. Russia’s late inclusion in the ISS proved how vital cooperation and technology sharing is in the current age. China is now also looking to join the ISS project (Denny). 3. Research problem statement and research objectives 3.1. Problem statement The purpose of the study is to identify the issues facing technology transfer in the spacecraft sector and whether the benefits outweigh the costs. Furthermore, the research aims to outline the progress made in technology cooperation and the current trends in technology transfer. 3.2. Research objectives The objectives of the research are: To identify what technology transfer actually means in the context of the spacecraft sector. To identify the current trends in technology transfer in the spacecraft sector. The current collaborations and which countries are partnering up with each other. The research aims to show the future partnership ventures and trends toward multilateral or bilateral technology cooperation The research aims to identify the obstacles and issues that technology transfers face in this sector. As this sector possesses sensitive technology that may prove beneficial for commercial purposes as well there are many political and strategic issues hindering its transfer. To identify the benefits of technology transfer in this sector. The aim is to recognize the benefits that different countries may obtain out of this technology transfer and how the world and its citizens will benefit. Contrast the issues and the benefits of technology sharing in the spacecraft sector. As there are many tradeoffs and countries like USA that have achieved far more in space technology may lose more than gain in the transfer it is essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. To analyze the current cooperation trends and how they reflect the political scenario and to what extent are they influenced by international relations and policies. The research aims to provide a substantiated conclusion on the effectiveness and importance of transfer of spacecraft technology among countries and whether it proves beneficial to the development of future technology and to the countries space programs. 3.3. Type of research The type of research undertaken needs to be in line with the resources available. Time, money and availability are all factors that need to be considered when defining the methods and types of research to be undertaken. Ideally, for every research project primary and secondary research is essential. However, in this scenario primary research would prove a difficult task as to contact various space agencies is improbable. However, interviews can be conducted with various scholars and professors as well as authors on this topic such as Bart L. Denny, Dwayne A. Day and Jeff Foust. Secondary research mainly through the internet is the main research method to be employed. It provides varied sources, points of view and reports to be perused. There is an abundance of secondary sources available on the issue on the NASA and ESA websites, from newspapers, United Nations website, NASA publications and other space related websites. These websites provide information regarding the history of technology transfer between countries and the current trends. Research can be gathered from various research reports compiled by Eurasian development bank, NASA, ESA, Futron Corporation, Secure world foundation and others which focus on specific regions and developments. Secondary research from books by Mark Williamson and magazines such as The Rotarian and The Space review provide insights into the issue. Newspaper articles provide valuable information about current technology sharing agreements and ventures undertaken by various countries. They also provide an insight into the socio-political considerations of the collaborations. The internet proves to be a resource that provides information regarding the issue from every point of view. 3.4. Importance of the research problem The research problem focuses on the integral issues faced by the countries and the spacecraft sector and the tradeoff between the benefits and costs of technology transfer. Thus it focuses on integral matters and defines the problems in the context of their effects around the globe. Aeronautics is a field which spends billions of dollars of taxpayer revenue in technological research and advancement, the research problem addresses the issue of whether if this expenditure can be reduced to a great extent through technology sharing then why is it not. All these issues and their effect on citizens, politics, communication, transport and economic development need to be studied in order to find solutions and increase sharing of technology. Countries such as Brazil, Mexico, India and other are spending billions of dollars that can be spent on development, infrastructure and eradication of poverty. Technology transfer reduces the duplication of research and production and saves time and money. The research problem is important as it covers all aspects of technology transfer and its implications. It also covers the goals of technology transfer that may not always be focused on mutual technological and economic benefits but rather on political considerations. 3.5. Limitations of the study The limitations of the study include: It does not cover each concept of technology transfer separately in depth. It focuses on general technology transfer in the spacecraft sector without regards to whether its space stations, satellites, tracking, launching, manned or unmanned space missions and others. The study does not incorporate primary data and findings. It does not contain surveys or direct information and relies on secondary research mainly from the internet. The study focuses on various countries but does not take into account Africa. Although the study takes into account political considerations regarding technology transfer it does not focus on their details such as the effect of US and Iran relations on Iran’s space program. 4. Proposed research approach, strategy and schedule The proposed research approach is to first collect all data available on the history of spacecraft; and the collaboration between countries which started between Russia and USA in the 1990’s. Research reports regarding technology transfer in the industry, in different regions and between different space agencies should be gathered. Articles from space related websites and official websites such as NASA, ESA and other provide large amounts of data regarding current collaborations and the objectives of technology transfer in the industry. However, the data should focus on technology transfer between countries rather than between the space agencies and commercial entities. The next step is to review the research and contact the authors of some of the articles regarding the issues. The research gathered contains vast amounts of data that needs to be perused and analyzed for its relevance to the study. The relevant data is to be categorized into issues, benefits, current trends and socio political factors that affect the transfer of spacecraft technology. The data is further categorized into specific relationships such as technology sharing and collaboration between USA and Russia, USA and Canada, USA and Europe, USA and India, Russia and India, Russia and China, Russia and the CIS countries, Iran and China, Iran and Russia, Brazil and the USA and others. This will identify the nature of the relationships between countries and what factors affect them. The research problem emerges from the reviewing of initial research. Once the reviewing of research is complete and the research problem is identified; further research needs to be done on specific issues that the research problem addresses. The research needs to be analyzed and conclusions are drawn based on all the facts available. The strategy is to use all the material available and look at the research problem from different perspectives. As technology transfer is a sensitive issue with far reaching implications, the researcher can view it from various perspectives such as from the perspective of nations, space agencies, public, military, governments and scientists. Thus the research should cover all elements of the problem. Once conclusions are drawn and the study provides a specific outcome, the research and study should be reviewed to determine whether it fulfills the requirements and addresses the issues defined by the research problem. 5. Conclusions The study provided significant conclusions about the issues facing technology transfer in the spacecraft sector. The most important realization is that the USA and Russia are no longer the only two major players in the space race. Developing countries such as China and India have stolen the spotlight with ambitious space programs developing faster than the Russian and USA space programs. Other countries such as Australia, Korea, Iran, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, CIS countries are also developing space technology. Technology transfer in spacecraft between countries used to be a matter of technology transfer between Russia, USA and Europe now the whole world is stepping onto the scene and thus the issue has gained further significance. Technology transfer yields many benefits not just for space programs but for commercial purposes as well. The development of spacecraft technology requires billions of dollars and thus it is a drain on the economy. It also takes a long time for spacecraft research to translate into results due to manufacturing and experiments. Technology transfer decreases the costs and time allocated with this process as it makes use of technology already been perfected by a different country’s space agency. It also provides different technological views and methods in order to develop a better product. Since different countries have achieved different technological advancements, technology sharing leads to mutual benefits and a more efficient outcome. As was seen in the International Space Station when the USA failed to deliver, the involvement of the Russians saved the project from failure. It also helps develop spacecraft technology for commercial uses such as in aircraft and transportation. Technology transfer also enables use of components from different parts of the world such as use of Canadian components in NASA’s space shuttles. It leads to improvement in foreign relations and trade as well as dispersing benefits of technological innovation around the globe. The issues that transfer of spacecraft technology faces stem from its sensitivity in a strategic and military context. Countries view space technology as vital to their military development and are thus hesitant to share advances in technology and want to retain their supremacy. Many countries also have laws that prohibit the export of high level technology and thus safeguarding the country’s technological development. Other obstacles are faced when one country is more advanced than the other and considers technology transfer as a loss rather than a benefit. This causes countries such as the USA to opt for technology sharing only when other economic and political benefits are to be gained. Political considerations also play a major role in the hindrance of technology transfer. The USA is not keen on sharing technology with countries such as China, Russia and Iran due to political issues and threats. However, it considers India a prime location and in wooing the country for economic cooperation has signed deals for spacecraft software technology transfer and cooperation as well. The current trends in technology transfer point to further collaboration between countries. The International Space University in Massachusetts and the development of the International Space Station are facilitators of technology transfer and sharing. However, current scenario still establishes the precedence of political goals over spacecraft development as seen in the case of USA’s collaboration with India. The study establishes that the benefit of technology sharing outweighs the costs to nations as it enables speedier advances in technology as well as faster adaptation to technology. The ongoing drive to build better spacecraft requires further cooperation between countries and sharing o technology to decrease costs and improve products. As in the future there are expected to be further financial constraints on space research and development technology transfer is the answer to better technology for all. 6. References Bank, Eurasian Development. "Space Industry in CIS Countries: Prospects of Cooperation." 2010. 5 1 2011 . "China." 4 1 2011 . corporation, Futron. "China and the Second Space age." 15 10 2003. 4 1 2011 . Day, Dwayne A. "The benefits of a new space race." 26 4 2004. The Space Review. 4 1 2011 . Denny, Bart L. "International Cooperation in Human Spaceflight: ." 2008. 5 1 2011 . ESA. 5 1 2011 . ESA. "ESTEC." n.d. Foust, Jeff. "The other rising Asian space power." 18 12 2006. The Space Review. 4 1 2011 . Freudenrich, Craig. "How the Space Race Worked." 5 1 2011 . Jacobson, Douglas N. Intenational Trade Law News. 14 3 2010. 6 1 2011 . Jakhu, Ram. "The Case for Enhanced India-Canada Space Cooperation." 8 2008. 5 1 2011 . Jones, Morris. "Courting India In Space." 26 11 2010. Space and Travel. 5 1 2011 . Kallenbach, P.A. "Agency Law and Practice in the Protection of Inventions." 1989. ESA. 5 1 2011 . Lewis, Major Carl E. "US-Soviet cooperation." 1989. Global Security. 6 1 2011 . Newberry, Robert D. "Latin American Countries with Space programs: Colleagues or Competitors?" 4 9 2003. 5 1 2011 . "Notes on Technology Transfer." 5 1 2011 . "Press Briefing on Chinas Manned Space Programme: Achievements and Prospects." United Nations Information Service. 4 1 2011 . "Research Export Controls Laws and Regulations." Michigan Tech. 6 1 2011 . sheenai, Neena. "India, the United States, and High-Tech Trade." 14 3 2010. The American. 5 3 2011 . Siddiqi, Asif. "The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project." 4 1 2011 . "Space technology transfer handled by SFTC." 5 1 2010 . Technology, Panel on Small Spacecraft. "Technology for small spacecraft." 1994. 5 1 2011 . Vick, Charles P. "IRIS & Irans Emerging Space Program." 22 10 2010. 5 1 2011 . Weiss, Julian. "Star Wares." The Rotarian July 1993. Williamson, Mark. Spacecraft technology: the early years . Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2006. Read More
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