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Sustainable Solutions on How to Reduce Construction Waste during Construction Sites in UAE - Essay Example

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As the paper "Sustainable Solutions on How to Reduce Construction Waste during Construction Sites in UAE" tells, the increase in the construction pollutants during the construction growth activity in the UAE has led to serious illnesses and health problems for the construction workers…
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Sustainable Solutions on How to Reduce Construction Waste during Construction Sites in UAE
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Overview of UAE construction pollutants The increase in the construction pollutants during the construction growth activity in the UAE has led to serious illnesses and health problems for the construction workers. The sick days have caused undue delay in the project submission and construction deadlines. These problems have led to even greater problems in terms of environmental safety. These construction pollutants come in the form of air , sound, and waste polution, which are all generated by the construction, equipment, and transportation activities at the site. These activities, equipment, and materials which are stored at the construction site are not always stored in the proper manner and as such, cause problems with regards to the performance of the workers and the use of the surrounding amenities. Most of the construction area pollution is being caused by activities such as drilling, piling, cement mixing, etc. which generate immeasurable dust stemming from the construction activities at various locations which utilize machinery in the mixing and exhausting of materials. With dust being pointed to as the major cause of air pollution, it has become quite evident that the chemicals and fuels necessary to proceed with the project need to be considered in terms of storage and use in order to lessen its harmful effects, discomfort, and air pollution at the site . Co2 emissions are normally traced back to the maachinery and stored materials. Over time these emissions affect not only the environment, but the moral of the workers whose productivity is directly tied in with their sick days. More sick days on their part often results on delayed project completion. Due to these aforementioned reasons, it is quite obvious that proper storage, organization, and regulations must be implemented at the construction sites fortheir materials, components, and machinery which can help to lower the pollution generated during the construction period. The sound pollution created by the vibration of the machinery and vehicles at the construction site due to the haphazard use of the equipment or low quality of construction materials used. The soil and heavy materials that move around at the site cause a vibration which create noise that can adversely affect the health and hearing of the workers. As such, a variety of building related illnesses can be noted during this span of time among the workers. Unfortunately, the noise cannot be avoided because of the size of the machinery used and large scale vibration that it creates. However, the noise pollution can be managed through the use of insulating materials and the fencing in of the construction site in order to muffle the exterior noise created. Alongside these concerns, waste pollution must also be addressed due the 73% ratio of waste created by the current UAE construction practices. These waste materials also increase the level of Co2 emissions according to studies by Begum R.A. et al. (2006). Waste pollution is defined by any unused materials or earth materials dug up which need to be transported to landfills or recycling centers from the site in order to create more work space. The extra materials that are left unattended often created a problem for the project management team as these cause extra waste pollution and need to be stored onsite until such a time that it can be taken away. This problem is caused by the lack of awareness on the part of the project developer when it comes to the proper storage and disposal of the left over wood, roofing, ceiling, and other construction materials that go unused or become scrap material at the location. Reducing the existing waste at the construction site often results in better working conditions for the workers. The study conducted focuses on waste pollutuion due to the high waste infection that exists in the UAE construction sites. Also included will be the lack of education and management plans on the part of the project developers which would compel them to design and address the construction waste and pollution problems that occur during large scale projects. Sustainable solutions in terms of waste management and pollition will be presented in great detail in the following section, providing an insight into the possible methods that could promote waste reduction and sustainable environments in a construction site. Sustainable Package This section of the study will focus on a package of solutions that are meant to address the waste pollution in UAE construction sites through evaluated solutions stemming from previous studies which compare the existing UAE constructions sites with other countries. While the sites utilize an almost standardized construction procedure during various phases, the study will focus on the relationship of the activities with the existing waste management reduction. Framework implementation, site waste management plans (SWMP) According to Defra (2009), it is imperative that construction waste is properly managed in order to create a sustainable solution to the construction waste problem. The construction waste management plan is normally comprise of the so-called 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recyle. This in turn, increases the efficiency of reducing construction waste and management. The tudy, which was conducted in Malaysia, indicates that impelenting the site waste management plan (SWMP) resulted in an increased waste reduction ratio at construction sites. This is due to the SWMP which enhances the documentation and responsibilites of the site managers and contractors when it comes to the methods by which they plan on properly manage and reduce the amount of waste at the sites. Normally, this is accomplshed by utilizing landfills or the Triple Rs which was reported by WRAP (2007). Project managers are required by the SWMP to keep a record of the scale and type of waste management produced and the persons involved or responsible for recording the information. The person assigned is normally the engineer, contractor, or designer under a timescale. Such plans minimize the waste production during the elementary stage of the waste management plan. In the second stage, preventive solutions are developed and presented to the project team which is used to reduce and prevent waste. These steps will most likely be different in terms of commercial, infrastructure, and educational development, resulting in more effective SWMPs. This is the more logical approach in terms of implementing a well developed waste management plan within the UAE. It can actually be integrated into the mission objectives of the construction industry. The highlights of this program will be further discussed in the next section. Enhancing the level of knowledge and awarenes among construction professionals In order to create an effective SWMP plan, all construction staff members must be made aware of the need to ensure their efficiency and the sustainability of the plan. This will therefore requite training in order to help them understand the strategies and documentation required that will result in the recommendation of future improvements in terms of waste reduction and management in the final project review. In Malaysia, Papargyropoulou (2011) learned that there are some factors that can affect the results of the implemented SWMP. Something that will be affected by the lack of knowledge and promotion within the construction team and the cost of the SWMP. Interviewed for the study, the contractors in Malaysia had to prove that they had a clear idea of the proposed SWMP. The interviees showed a lack of SWMP knowledge and minimal understanding of how the plans would result in waste reduction. Malaysia and the UAE share similar awareness problems. There is a need to raise awareness about the use of SWMP and encouragement for the use sustainable practices. The UAE already recognizes the problem of waste pollution and the need for sustainability in the construction management field. Using SWMP concepts in the country will result in a better framework for waste reduction, provided the construction professionals are required, in the form of encouragement, to attend training and workshops in order to prevent any problems in implementing SWMPs. The existing commonalities between Malaysia and the UAE in terms of low knowledge levels and awareness among the construction professionals shows the need to properly train the concerned parties with regards to the waste management plans. Malaysia has already successfully addressed the problem while the UAE has yet to actively address the same problems. There is no doubt however, that following the Malaysia template will most likely result in the same high results for the UAE. Afterall, the only difference betweent he two cases is the increasing level of obligation in terms of SWMP legislations and policies, a point that will be better addressed in the next section. Government Role The government role in the successful implementation of waste and noise reduction and management cannot be belittled. It is the governments role to oversee and monitor the implementation of the SWMPs at all construction sites within a sustainable package. In the case of the UAE, government role cannot be emphasized enough as specificl legislation and policies need to be drafted, developed, and passed in order to widen the coverage of the waste and noise management sustainabiity programs. Legislation will lead to a uniform and standardized SWMP throughout various projects under the lead of properly educated construction staffers and professionals resulting in sustainable and adaptable construction programs. In the UAE, a conceptial heirarchy system meant to motivate those concerned will appeal to their sense of obligation. The tradtional approach to this problem will not work because the seeds of professionalism, responsibility, and achievement needs to be planted in the future professionals in terms of their ability to work in a sustainable construction field. Only the government can mandate a national target in order to reduce the waste and noise problems at construction sites. Considered the ultimate motivational strategy, the construction sector will be sure to meet the government mandate for sustainable construction in both the public and private sector. The national target is the ony way to set the value or percentage of achieving a target ratio for waste reduction. This will result in a competition betweent he construction corporations in both the private and public sectors who tend to reap economic benefits from such government mandates. These are then passed on to the real takers and clients as their own economic benefits. Such a target can be achieved once a systematic plan for distribution within the construction industry is created and implemented. The easier the government makes it for the construction companies to comply with the environmental requirements, the more compliant the companies will be. Focusing on the desgn state of the project in relation to waste generation reduction was clearly mentioned in the study of Papargyropolou et al. (2011). It highlights the benefits of procuring the right sustainable materials for the UAE. By redesigning the way construction is conducted in the UAE, a transformation in an overall level will occur in the industry. The discussion on waste management will be further presented later on in this study. In conclusion, it is important to remember that proper coordination and communication between those involved are the main keys to creating a sustainable , achievable, and implementable waste management strategy in the construction industry. Waste Avoidance Al-Hajj A. & Iskandarani T. (2012) have studied the waste management plan of Nebraska as key element of waste management in construction sites. In the Nebraska scenario, waste management comes from controlling the source of waste production. When adopted, the results usually show the most minimal possible construction waste. In the case of the UAE however, while the steps can be adapted to our culture and business dealings, government guidance is necessary in order to implement important strategies that deal with waste source production. One of the first issues that was addressed was the standarizing process of design and building systems and materials. Standarized processes nomally aimed itself at reducing the waste that results from modeling and remodeling projects. Then Nebraska addressed the coordination problem between parties in the initial construction stage related to design requirements and procurement. The procurement strategy needed to coordinate the business end with the suppliers, designers, and designers using sustainability regulations as a guide. The third step required the contractor to ensure a proper storage space for all construction related materials, taking into consideration the possible damages the materials could incur on a construction site. The final part of the stratefy covered the design and implementation of a management monitoring system overseeing the generated waste and fills using a tracker which is updated with the waste information from the construction site in terms of weight and volume, or dimensions. Noting proper segregation using a well oriented plan also helps to make proper use of the existing waste at the site. All of these steps are actually doable within the UAE and should be highly successful once done. Estidama is already leading the way by following the building pearl rating system in Abu Dhabi, considered as the first step in adopting a national sustainable construction program in the industry. Attitude and behavioral factors in controlling waste management It is important to note that there have been several studies covering the behavioral aspect of contractors towards accepting and implementing the waste management plans using the Triple R parameters. Lingard et al. (2000) has said that contractors tend to positively react to the concept of treating waste reduction. This was further supported by McDonald and Smithers (1998) in the sense that implementing waste management and reduction practices is something that professional contractors experience (Teo et al., 2006) and support. They are the people who gain the most knowledge and background through experience. They are the people who compare problems and develop their own solutions using shared knowledge and awareness. Tam et al. (2005) supports these claims and offers that educational workshops help contractors and team staff to be better prepared for the behavioral aspect of dealing with the waste reduction practices. There are some common points among all of these aforementioned studies. Forst, the contractors have a positive reaction to waste management plans even though they do not understand its impact upon human health and behavior. The common behavior factor among contractors pertain to their culture, awareness, and experience in the construction practice and size of waste generated. They are also more conscious of the impact of humans on the environment in a lack of pre-disposal stage management using the reduce, reuse, recycle program. In the UAE, there is a lack of professional practice and awareness about possible consequences due to improper waste management. Something that relates directly to the culture of the workers on site. Lack of education and knowledge often creates difficulties for them in the area. However the staff attitude can be improved through additional training, workshops, and an enhanced level of education which can be helped by the government through brochures and obligatory workshops for fhose interested in working in the construction field. Waste reduction within the design stage In order to properly maage waste, waste reduction and management must be implemented from the initial stage of project design. The reduction in construction waste can be seen and solved through several key phases. First of all, it is important to standarize the design of building materials. Resource Venture, as published in the Construction Waste Management Guide (2005), a construction handbook from Portland, the reduction of standard materials into variable lengths results in increased waste at construction sites. Therefore, flecibility and adaptability is spaces will help reduce the creation of waste during remodeling or changing of space functions. Deconstruction is important in terms of design in order to achieve workable designs. By disassembling a building system, certain aspects of the building system could be reused or moved to more functional sections. Landfills in the UAE Landfill discussions cannot be avoided during these discussions in relation to its application in the UAE. Landfills in the UAE have been a waste destination since the fledgling start of the construction field in the country. Sustainability has altered the reliability of this solution to waste. Only inorganic waste is now dumped in landfills. Al Qaydi S. (2005) explains that the proper geographical distribution of landfills in the UAE have allowed for the avoidance of certain waste problems in landfills. However, landfills create a different kind of problem, noise and odor pollution. Affecting the ground water table causes dangerous pollutants to be released into the public realm, which endangers the lives of the UAE residents who rely on underground water as a resource. Al Quadyi (2005) suggested that the best way to deal with the issue is to place the waste landfills away from the residential areas. Placing them instead in industrial cities, a practice adopted by the UAE with the assignment of the Jabal Ali area as a construction waste landfill. Located between Adu Dhabi and Dubai, there are no residential areas along its path. The main considerations for this decision stemmed from its soil, wind direction, and the possible future urban expansion of UAE. The importance of pretreating waste, specially pumping hazardous waste into the ground needed to be addressed in order to reduce pollution consequences in relation to underground water. Current sustainable legislations in the UAE Both LEED and Estidama adhere to existing guidelines that merges sustainable construction from within management in a successful manner within the UAE. Abu Dhabi, under the local arm of Estidama evaluates all their projects from beginning to end. It requires the approval of the urban planning council for any project, and its sustainability must be justified prior to the construction project. It has 3 main fields of mandatory waste reduction covering non-hazardous waste materials, reduction of construction waste, and dealing with operational waste on a large framework. A waste management plan is submitted containing those narratives and evidences with regard to waste management handling. Waste Management in Building and Construction Projects brochures in Abu Dhabi shows that 70% waste reduction can be achieved by 2015 using the Estidama process. The system uses electronic databases which allows for the monitor and control of all related waste information. LEED meanwhile, is best used in the emirate of Dubai where, according to Al-Hajj A. & Iskaandarani T. (2012) it was implemented in a construction project with a noticeable improvement in waste production management, emphasizing waste segregation during construction. NC-v2.2 and MRc2 credits in LEED focuses itself on alternative solutions to landfills using recycling and reusing strategies. Emphasizing preventing waste in construction sites and the reduction of waste during the construction process. It is still being implemented by Dubai authorities and has produced a sustainable level within the construction industry of the emirate. The local and global effect of the proposed sustainable package on the UAE It is possible to implement a sustainable package in the UAE in relation to construction waste on a local and global level. The enhancements produce a economical benefit for the country as the reduced construction waste creates more community jobs with fewer sick days. The government role in the goal of achieving reduced waste management creates a new dynamic for the local community and entices all to particpate and appreciate the results of this undertaking. By creating a positive image for the professionals and residents, their sense of pride will increase and create a sustainable dimension of prestige in todays society. Interest in marketing will be increased due to the waste reduction management plan which is normally well received in the construction industry, creating a dynamic community bonded by the desire to reduce waste. Raising the level of awareness will be more logical and considered fundamental on a local level because of the sustainable package. The reduction of hazardous impacts will positibely affect the lives of the people living in the UAE. On a global level, the image of the UAE as a sustainable country will give it an edge as an investment destination. Placing it on the map due to its proper waste management programs in support of the environment. Conclusion Waste generators at the intial project design to the last phase of construction can be properly stored and dealt with on a professional level by professionals. Addressing and analyzing the cause of waste helps construction companies to eliminate environmental problems. While the waste management status of construction sites in the UAE is threatened by malpractice on the side of ignorant contractors, proposed sustainable managment plans can still help to reduce construction waste by enhancing waste management platforms supported by the government. Read More
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