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What It Means to Be an Engineer - Essay Example

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This essay "What It Means to Be an Engineer" focuses on ENGR 104 which stands as the course the author enjoyed most in his entire training. With the theoretical frameworks and the lab experiments that they had, he gained much expertise and experience that will help him be more competent…
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What It Means to Be an Engineer
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Evaluation ENGR 104 Final Quiz ENGR 104 stands as the one I enjoyed most in my entire training. With the theoretical frameworks and the lab experiments that we had, I gained much expertise and experience that will help me be more competent in the field of engineering. However, apart from the mentoring, advising exercises, and improved curricula, there is much more to be done to enhance this course and the field at large. The first approach is for scholars to make trade-offs between achieving marketable or practical skills and engaging in educationally developing activities.

(Lord, 2011). In addition to this, programs should be conceptualized and a distillation of what is most significant while eliminating numerous prerequisites and key requirements should be done. In this manner, scholars with financial issues can work off-campus while others can benefit from a year or semester-abroad programs. To be more specific, laboratory classes can be improved too, particularly in ENGR 104. It would be useful and interesting to create and evaluate a means of assessing the best way in which the objectives are achieved.

According to Lord, 2011, specialists in the assessment sector can cooperate with the faculty members committed to laboratory development to strategize and test assessment methods relative to objectives. In this context, out of the three labs of this semester, the “greatest invention” is the one I enjoyed most, while the “heart rate” is that I liked the least. This is for the reason that, for the greatest inventions, I could probably reflect on engineering geniuses in laboratories experimenting, connecting, and redesigning devices until perfection, yet these are processes that change everything around us.

In the future, I would enjoy seeing the effectiveness of real laboratory equipment as opposed to simulated ones. It would be more brilliant to see if an engineering student learning online can differentiate between a simulated and a physical experiment.

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