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Civil Engineering - Report Example

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The report 'Civil Engineering Report' is an example of an engineering report detailing management obligations that are associated with a site in Maryland, in its central part - Howard County, in accordance with the “Maryland 2000 Stormwater Management Manual”…
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EXPERIENCE RECORD FOR: KATALIN VALLERIA SZALLO EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 2008 FEBRUARY- CURRENT (6 months till July) Employer: XXXXX , Address: XXXXX Engineering Supervisors Name: XXXXX Job title and brief description of responsibilities: CIVIL ENGINEER DESIGNER- As a Civil Engineer Designer, one is responsible for overlooking the site servicing, as well as storm water management issues which may arise on site . Also the responsibility to perform construction site supervision as well as site inspection, is integral to this position. Note: See detailed job specific description after the Employment History. 2007 OCTOBER- 2008 JANUARY (4 months) Employer: XXXXX Address: XXXX Engineering Supervisors Name: XXXXX Job Title - Brief Description of Responsibilities: JUNIOR DESIGNER – As junior designer, one is in charge of designing and preparing plans and specifications for large subdivisions in Ontario. This included water, wastewater, street and storm drain design. Furthermore, calculations were performed for sizing and hydraulic gradient calculations in storm drain systems. 2007 JULY- 2007 SEPTEMBER – TRAVEL 2005 AUGUST- 2007 JUNE ( 1 year and 10 months) Employer: XXXXX Address: XXXXX Engineering Supervisors Name: XXXXX Job title and brief description of responasabilities: Civil Engineer Designer- help civil engineers plan and oversee, wastewater treatment systems, and other structures as well as functionally participate in related research projects. Local codes were considered in each situation. 2005 JUNE- 2005 JULY – MMMMM 2004 APRIL- 2005 MAY (9 months) Employer: XXXXX Address: XXXXX Job description: Civil Engineering Technologist (ADD MORE) 2003 JUNE- 2004 MARCH (10 months) Employer: XXXXX Address: XXXXX Job description: Civil Engineer Designer(ADD MORE) 2005 JUNE- 2007JULY- (2 Years) Employer: XXXXX Address: XXXXX Job Description: Self Employed , Designer, Rt. 32 Davis (Davis Property) Howard County- Maryland – USA This particular project involved the designing and building of a particular subdivision. This position was held by me at the following location: xxxxx, in Maryland USA in November 2006. The boundary site was provided, it was then necessary to begin with the site layout considering the Howard County Zoning regulations. Based on the RR-DEO zoning of the site, eleven lots were created, sized one acre or more. The Storm Water Management area is two acres, and the rest is for road, and forest conservation easement. -site layout based on the county requirement -utility layout (water- well , sanitary-septic easement) -storm drain design, storm drain sizing, hydraulic gradient calculations -pond design A. Introduction The following report contains justification and proposed methodology to the stormwater management obligations that are associated with this site, in accordance with the “Maryland 2000 Stormwater Management Manual”. The five (5) main obligations that were considered in our analysis are: 1) Channel protection (1 year storm), 2) water quality, 3) recharge, 4) overbank flood protection (10 year storm), and 5) extreme flood (100 year storm) obligations. B. General Site Information The site consists of 23.66 acres, more or less. The site is identified as Parcel 36 on tax map no. 15 in the third election district of Howard County, Maryland. The existing property contains one (1) large lot residential dwelling and outbuilding. The property is one third wooded and the remainder is lawn and meadow. A first order stream flows southeast to northwest along the western boundary. The site topography consists of moderate to steeply sloping land draining southeast to northwest. The hydrologic soil types of all soils within the property and surrounding properties in our study area are predominately type ‘B’ drainage class soils. The site is located within the Middle Patuxent Watershed of the Patuxent River (02-13-11-06) a Use I waterway. C. Impervious Cover Information The impervious cover on the property consists of an existing dwelling, outbuildings, and associated driveway. All existing buildings will be removed. Proposed impervious areas consist of the impervious areas generated by the construction of 11 single-family lots and driveways according to RR-DEO Zoning and the construction of the public road. Proposed conditions runoff computations were based on the lots having 20% impervious area (proposed building and driveway area) while the paved public roads were considered additional impervious areas. D. Site Specific Information D.1. Justification for Type of Facility A geotechnical investigation of the subsurface soils encountered in the vicinity of the proposed SWM facility revealed loamy soils at the ground surface transitioning to sandy mica soils below. The geotechnical report indicates that infiltration may occur but the drainage area exceeds 10 ac., the limiting area for an infiltration type facility. For a drainage area of 12.0 acres the only best management practice (BMP) applicable is a “Micropool Extended Detention Facility”. Due to the sandy mica sub-surface a clay layer will be required at the bottom of the micropool-extended detention facility. D.2. Methodology In accordance with the “Maryland 2000 Stormwater Management Manual” this site was tested for five items; 1) channel protection (1 year storm), 2) water quality, 3) recharge, 4) overbank flood protection (10 year storm) and 5) extreme flood (100 year storm) requirements. Based on the Howard County, Development Engineering Division Bulletin dated February 13, 2001, overbank flood protection (10 year management) and extreme flood protection (100 year management) are not required for this site. Therefore, this report only details the preliminary design of water quality, recharge and channel protection (1 year management). D.3. Water Quality Water quality is required for all on-site disturbed areas and the proposed off-site S.H.A. Service Road, Dozer Place, disturbance. Water quality for proposed drainage area 1, the area draining to the pond, is provided through a combination of extended detention and the permanent wet pool volume within the SWM Facility. The rear lot areas, outside of drainage area 1, not draining to the SWM facility, lots 1-6 and 8-11, within drainage areas 2 and 5 respectively, do not require W.Q.v because these areas will not be disturbed. They contain areas that are outside of the B.R.L. and contain septic reserve areas. Water quality for Dozer Place is provided through the grass channel credit. All criteria required to meet the W.Q.v within the grass channel have been met and as specified within the enclosed computations. D.4. Recharge Because recharge is not drainage area specific recharge was calculated for the entire site area and the proposed disturbance required for the construction of Dozer Place. Recharge has been provided through the grass channel proposed along Dozer Place and Wally Court. Under the grass channel credit recharge is automatically met without the need to meet any criteria. D.5. Channel Protection The existing conditions drainage area map was divided into three (3) drainage areas as defined by the three (3) distinct on-site flow paths, labeled as design points 1 thru 3. Under proposed conditions two of the existing drainage areas remain the same as existing because these areas will remain undisturbed due to their location outside the BRL and or within the Non-Buildable Preservation Parcel. The existing drainage area, draining north to Design Point 1, was divided into 5 separate drainage areas under proposed conditions due to the proposed drainage patterns. Two (2) of these proposed drainage areas, drainage area 2 and drainage area 3, drain to proposed culverts beneath Dozer Place, an SHA Service Road. Drainage area one (1) drains into the proposed Micro-Pool SWM Facility, drainage area four (4) drains into the proposed inlet (Inlet I-13) and the remaining drainage area, drainage area five (5) drains directly to Design Point 1. As shown within the following SWM Runoff Summary only drainage area one (1), the area to the proposed SWM facility, requires Channel Protection as a result of a 1 year discharge over 2.0 c.f.s. Channel protection for proposed drainage area one (1) was provided through extended detention within the proposed SWM Micro-Pool Extended Detention Facility. As shown within the enclosed CPv computations a 2.0” diameter orifice was provided at the water quality extended detention elevation, elevation 441.50. Additionally an analysis was performed to ensure that the detention time for the one (1) year storm frequency associated with this orifice was between 18 and 24 hours. The riser crest (elev. 444.00) used to pass all storms above the 1 year storm, in particular the 10 and 100 year storms, was set above the CPv extended detention elevation (443.35). Additionally a token emergency spillway (elev. 446.75), provided as a safety measure, was set above the 100 year water surface elevation (elev. 445.10). D.6. Forebay A forebay, sized to one tenth of an inch (0.1”), or 363 cu.ft., over the impervious areas, is required to treat run-off prior to entering all proposed BMP. As shown the proposed forebay volume is greater than the required 363 cu.ft. over the impervious area of drainage area 1. E. Conclusion In accordance with the “Maryland 2000 Stormwater Management Manual” the site was analyzed for the five (5) SWM criteria; 1) channel protection (1 year storm), 2) water quality, 3) recharge, 4) overbank flood protection (10 year storm) and 5) extreme flood (100 year storm) requirements. Overbank flood protection (10 year) and extreme flood protection (100 year) are not required for this watershed as determined by Howard County. Therefore only recharge, water quality and channel protection were analyzed for this site. Recharge was provided through the use of the proposed grass channels proposed along Dozer Place and Wally Road. Water quality is provided within the proposed SWM facility through extended detention, the proposed permanent wet pool, and through the proposed grass channel along Dozer Place. Channel protection is provided through extended detention within the proposed SWM facility. Therefore SWM for the subject property has been provided in accordance with the “Maryland 2000 Stormwater Management Manual”. All stormwater run-off has been adequately treated prior to its discharge into wetlands or waters of the State of Maryland. Recharge requirements were met through the guidelines outlined within the “Maryland 2000 Stormwater Management Manual”. Water quality will be provided within the proposed stormwater management facility through a shallow micro pool and extended detention. All proposed BMP’s will be in accordance with the “Maryland 2000 Stormwater Management Manual”. N/A This applies to the Eastern Shore. Channel protection was designed based on twenty-four (24) hour extended detention. Stormwater discharges are not in sensitive resources since this is a USE I Waterway. All BMP’s will have an enforceable operation and maintenance agreement. All BMP’s will have water quality pre-treatments. N/A This site is not considered a “redevelopment site”. Mt. Pleasant Cemetery- Visitors Center 375 Mount Pleasant Road City of Toronto- Ontario-Canada I was performing this job in April-May of 2008 while working at my current company xxxxx. My role was to supervise the installation of the Atlantis Basket Storm System. The above noted development is intended for runoff generated from the development site which will be conveyed through the underground and overland storm drainage systems; treated through one Stormceptor for water quality control; and attenuated through the on-site surface and underground - Atlantis stormwater detention/ exfiltration tanks - storage system around the parking area. The post-development peak flows generated from the development site will be controlled below the corresponding pre-development equivalents under the complete range of the 1:2 to 1:100 year design storms. The post-development peak flows into the existing trunk storm sewer system under the 1:100 year design, storms will be limited to the level below the 1:2 year pre-development peak flow. The stormwater runoff, exceeding on-site conveyance and storage capacities or under emergency situations, will spill at the south end of the development site toward Moore Avenue, as it currently does, at less than the corresponding pre-development peak flow levels. The subject site currently consists of asphalt-paved roadways and landscaped/grassed areas. The internal storm sewer system collects and conveys the minor stormwater runoff and discharges into the existing 78” (1,980 mm) trunk storm sewer system situated within the designated easement traversing the subject site in a north-south direction. The major stormwater runoff exceeding the conveyance capacity of the existing storm sewer system drains overland towards the south end of the site on to Moore Avenue. Considering a total area of 0.88 ha draining towards Moore Avenue, the pre-development peak flow is approximately 0.042, 0.055 and 0.092 m3/s under the 1:2, 1:5 and 1:100 year design storms respectively. Under the post-development conditions, a part of the grassed areas and asphalt-paved roadways will be replaced with one building and parking areas in addition to landscape areas. Water quality and quantity controls, therefore, are required to satisfy the stormwater management objectives and targets endorsed by the City of Toronto, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and other regulatory agencies. As a part of the overall stormwater management plan, it is proposed that the minor stormwater runoff will be collected and treated through a proposed Stormceptor Model STC-2000 to provide Enhanced (Level 1) water quality control. The major stormwater runoff up to the 1:100 year design storm will be attenuated through an interconnected surface storage and Atlantis water detention/exfiltration tank system within the proposed parking areas. The storm runoff generated from the development area will be released with controlled rates (through an orifice tube) to limit the 1:100 year post-development peak flow into the existing trunk storm sewer system below the 1:2 year pre-development peak flow level to minimize potential adverse impacts on the existing storm sewer system. Although the Atlantis detention / exfiltration tank system allows exfiltration into the surrounding ground, this potential exfiltration volume has been excluded in the storage requirement calculation to be conservative for water quantity control. The results of the hydrologic analysis (see Attachment 2 for details) indicate that the on-site water detention storage volume of 180 m3 is required to control the post-development peak flows below the corresponding pre-development peak flow levels under the 1:2 to 1:100 year design storms. Under the current design, an active detention storage of 205.2 m3 is provided through the surface storage (69.0 m3 as shown in Drawing SW1) around the parking area, and the underground storage within the Atlantis water detention/exfiltration tank system (136.2 m3). The Atlantis system is comprised of a underground trench (130.15 m long x 2.45 m wide x 0.45 m high, see Drawing C01 for details) containing one hundred ninety (190) Atlantis modules long, six (6) Atlantis modules wide and one (1) Atlantis module high. The dimensions of single Atlantis module are 0.685 m long, 0.408 m wide and 0.450 m height. To limit the 1:100 year peak flow into the existing trunk storm sewer system below the 1:2 year pre-development peak flow level, a 97-mm diameter orifice tube (1.0 m long maximum) with an invert elevation of 94.04 m has been proposed and installed in the Stormceptor MH as illustrated in Drawing C01. MPGC’s (Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries) intention is to provide enough on-site detention storage to ensure that increased runoff from the proposed development site has minimal impact on the downstream Moore Park ravine system in terms of both water quality and quantity. All storm catch basins, MHs and Stormceptor will be inspected and maintained on an annual basis / as required to ensure that they function as designed. In particular, the Stormceptor will be maintained in accordance with the recommendations specified in the current Owner’s Maintenance Manual to clean up annually, or immediately after a spill, or once the sediment depth in the Stormceptor reaches 0.30 m. We trust the foregoing addresses the stormwater management requirement in terms of water quality and quantity control, however, please advise if you have any questions or require additional information. Provide technical assistance to City Engineer and prepare and review construction plans. Travel to county offices to pull record drawings, file easements for record, pull recorded data, etc. Input record data/as-built information, prepare reports and maintain records and files Coordinate with other Agencies, and Suppliers Coordinate with other Agencies The runoff or hydrology component of SWMM operates on a collection of subcatchment areas that receive precipitation and generate runoff and pollutant loads after simulation evaporation and infiltration losses from the subcatchments. The routing or hydraulics portion of SWMM transports this runoff and possible associated water quality constituents through a system of closed pipes, open channels, storage/treatment devices, pumps, orifices, weirs and regulators. GRADING: One of the most important properties of straight lines is their angle from horizontal. This concept is called "slope". In the site grading I hat to calculate repeatedly the slope of the terrain. I did this applying Analytical Geometry’s linear equation: Determining the average slope of a hill using contour lines. Slope can be given in two different ways, a percent gradient or an angle of the slope. The initial steps to calculating slope either way are the same. I pick the area for which I want to calculate the slope (an area where the slope direction does not change; do not cross the top of a hill or the bottom of a valley). Once I have decided on an area of interest, I draw a straight line perpendicular to the contours on the slope. For the most accuracy, I start and end my line on, rather than between, contours on the map. I Measure the length of the line I drew and, using the scale of the map, convert that distance to feet. I Determine the total elevation change along the line I drew (I subtract the elevation of the lowest contour used from the elevation of the highest contour used). To calculate a percent slope, simply divide the elevation change in feet by the distance of the line drawn . Multiply the resulting number by 100 to get a percentage value equal to the percent slope of the hill. If the value calculated is, for example, 20, then what this means is that for every 100 feet covered in a horizontal direction, 20 feet in elevation will be gained or lost. To calculate the angle of the slope, divide the elevation change in feet by the distance of the line drawn, (after converting it to feet). This is the tangent value for the angle of the slope. Then, apply an arctangent function to this value to obtain the angle of the slope. The angle calculated is the angle between a horizontal plane and the surface of the hill. POND DESIGN The design of the storm water management facility consisted of laying out and developing the various system components, (pond shorelines, pond cross-sections, pond sideslopes, inlet structures, weir structures, outlet structure and the receiving streamcourse). Sizing the various components to convey the anticipated flows, was confirmed by computer simulation. During the hydraulic simulations, each of the system components were evaluated and sized to meet all of the criteria, standards, assumptions and requirements of the project and the City Standards. The pond was completely re-designed three times to accommodate the significant changes in earthworks volumes. Yet, at all times, the primary objectives did not change. Care was taken to ensure that the environmental objectives were not lost and that the facilities could still provide sufficient capacity for stormwater management. Refinements included: a reduction in deep water areas, significant increases in marsh land areas, a creation of additional islands which were both functional and compatible with the stormwater management and environmental objectives. Rt. 32 Davis pond I conducted the pond sizing using the following procedure: I outlined the various watersheds in the property that effects Use the NRCS (SCS) method to determine runoff, including selection of appropriate rainfall distributions and Curve Number values. To perform this calculation, I used the TR-55 program developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). TR-55 is valid for watersheds that have a time of concentration from 0.1 to 10 hr. Determine capacities of various outlet configurations Determine appropriate volumes for detention ponds Route a hydrograph through a detention pond (TR-20) The TR-20 is developed by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). With TR-20 I got a chart with hydrologic evaluation of flood events for use in analysis of water resource projects. The help of the program I developed a flood hydrograph from runoff and I routed the flow through stream channels and reservoirs. Routed hydrographs are combined with those from tributaries. Understand some of the water quality improvements possible by use of detention ponds . Rational method (Use the Rational equation to determine runoff, including selection of appropriate rainfall intensity values and runoff coefficients ) Manning’s formula TR-55, TR-20 Orifice calculation NOTE: The above text (blue) can be inserted under the following title (01-Curriculum Letter.doc file) Rt. 32 Davis (Davis Property) Howard County- Maryland – USA Mt. Pleasant Cemetery I am responsible for all of the management and coordination issues of the construction of storm drain systems. I’m in charge of answering questions asked by the Contractor which are related to the design and details of storm drain systems. This includes installation of the Atlantis Basket as well as backfilling. Materials that need to be used for bedding are often approved or suggested by me personally.. I am in charge of quality control of the materials delivered and used on site. One problem that I have encountered is that one of 5 Catch Basins delivered to the site, was damaged. The PVC pipe that should have a circular shape was stored in an unsuitable condition, and resulted in deformities thus taking up an oval cross section of the area. I provided two options for the contractor. One option was for the contractor to provide in writing, a notice of written responsibility for the good tie of the pipe. The second option was a written notice that the contractor would not use the pipe whatsoever. The contractor’s decision was to replace the pipe which projects out from the catch basin. NOTE: The above text (blue) can be inserted under the following title (01-Curriculum Letter.doc file) Mt. Pleasant Cemetery- Visitors Center 375 Mount Pleasant Road City of Toronto- Ontario-Canada Read More
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