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Automation System Implementation in manual process of a company - Research Paper Example

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AUTOMATIC SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION IN MANUAL PROCESS OF A COMPANY Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Automatic system implementation in the building assembling process of Turner Construction Company Turner Construction Company uses the old fashioned manual way of constructing buildings…
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Automation System Implementation in manual process of a company
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It has however stuck to the manual way of piecing together buildings. The construction of a building is a typical assembly process. It involves piecing together a number of standard items in order to come up with a customized product. The customized product is a building that is constructed according to the specifications of the owner. It could be a tall skyscraper towering above all the rest in the vicinity; a cylindrical structure; a dome shaped structure; an arc shaped structure or even a basic one roomed house.

There are several standard items that form part of a house. A standard item is one which is produced in denominations of equal sizes. They are used everywhere in accordance to the pre set size denominations. Standard items are strategically positioned in order to assemble a complete house. They include doors, window frames, window panes, plumbing pipes, electric wires, taps, sinks, bath tabs, floor tiles, nails, bolts, screws, roofing tiles, water garters, building blocks, door latches, door locks, iron sheets among others.

These are produced in common sizes that are universally acknowledged. A typical building assembles these standard items in accordance to a well laid out design. This makes the construction of a building a typical assembly process. For the sake of this extract, a single building is considered. A single self contained one roomed bedsitter. This bedsitter’s walls are made of standard building blocks. The roof is made of standard corrugated iron sheets and roofing tiles. It is a building with no storey.

It is a square shaped building, 15feet by 15feet. The roof if flat but inclined towards the back of the building. It has one main door and another that leads to the washroom. The washroom is a single rectangular room, 4feet by 8feet. It is complete with a toilet seat, a shower head and a tap on a sink. The building has two windows, one in the front and another small one leading from the washroom behind the house. A 5000liters plastic tank is on the roof. Metallic pipes are used for plumbing. Plastic pipes through the walls create passages for electric wiring.

Standard ceiling boards are below the roof in the house interior. The floor is done with standard square tiles. The building requires several materials to be able to put up. The bill of materials in the next page categorically outlines the material that is required for each portion of the building. The building is divided into eight key portions for proper analysis of the materials required. These portions are the foundation, floor system, wall system, roof system, plumbing system, electric system, finishing and the miscellaneous.

Bill of Materials PORTION NAME MATERIAL Foundation Building blocks Ballast, Sand, Cement, Water Building rocks Rocks Sand Sand Cement Cement Murram Murram Gravel Gravel Floor system Sand Sand Cement Cement Wall System Building Blocks Ballast, Sand, Cement, Water Sand Sand Cement Cement Twisted Metal Bars Steel Door Frames Wood Window Frames Steel Roof System Trusses Wood Cross Members Wood Iron Sheet Galvanized Iron Roofing Tiles Ceramics Eaves Wood Gutters Galvanized Iron Plumbing System Sink Vitreous China Shower Head Galvanized Iron Toilet Seat Vitreous China Metal Pipes Galvanized Iron Plastic Pipes PVC Taps Brass Elbow Joints PVC and Galvanized Iron Electrical System Cables Copper Switches Plastic Sockets Plastic Bulbs Glass and Iron Meter Box Steel, Plastics and Copper Finishing Doors Wood Windows Steel Ceiling Boards

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