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The Nicholson School - Responding to Children's Sociocultural Context and Learning through Play - Case Study Example

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The paper "The Nicholson School - Responding to Children's Sociocultural Context and Learning through Play" will begin with the statement that the Nicholson School is situated on Balmain Peninsula which is facing the Sydney harbor and since its foundation; it has become an integral part of the area…
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PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE PORTFOLIO {Insert university’s name} {Insert instructor’s name} {Insert student’s name} April 7, 2013. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE PORTFOLIO Item 2: Responding to children’s sociocultural context, strengths and abilities Summary The Nicholson School is situated on Balmain Peninsula which is facing the Sydney harbour and since its foundation; it has become an integral part of the area. The aim of the school is to provide not only a challenging but also a creative environment in an environment that is secure for learning. The children are from different backgrounds and the school provides a learning environment that develops the children physically, mentally, intellectually and socially. The children’s talents are also developed and those with special needs are nurtured so that they feel valued and recognized. The existing environment motivates the Nicholson school students to be motivated in attaining excellence in personal endeavors in developing not only attitudes and skills but also values that will enable them to become contributing members of the society and community at large. Due to the fact that the community has high expectation of the school, the school responds to the needs of the students in line with the community’s aspirations. Hence, the Nicholson staff and parents work together with an aim of ensuring that every child is not only self motivated but also organized and responsible. Additionally, the size of the Nicholson School as well as its pleasant environment makes it possible to foster a close family type atmosphere that is characterized by a caring nature ( The Nicholson School ensures that children are involved in welcoming their families whenever they visited the school. The teachers also ensure that the children appreciate and honour the uniqueness of each family despite the diverse social and cultural backgrounds. Prior to meeting, the aspect of team is promoted among children by making them involved in cleaning the classroom and playground ( Analysis/Synthesis According to Alma & Janet (1998) one of early childhood education goals is to assist children to be separated from their families as they join school. But it is important for the educators to ensure that they remain connected to their families despite being in school. () points out that it is important for early childhood educators to ensure that children develop the ability to be emotionally strong and solve problems. This can be attained by ensuring that children are a resource to one another by offering encouragement and comfort. According to Slee (2003) in any given classroom culture the early childhood educators ensure that they encourage and honours strong connections. The mentioned enables children to be in a position to demonstrate their abilities and strengths in empathizing and negotiating relationships. Reflection Through ensuring effective leadership with the community and the school is in line with my teaching philosophy that if in situations whereby parents work together with the school, learning process become continuous. This is because it enables sharing of information thus healthy learning environment thus children’s learning and development is supported. Additionally, I had learned the importance of ensuring a learning environment that is inclusive of all the stakeholders. I noted that Nicholson School has a good environment that promotes effective and inclusive learning. Topic 3A Learning through play Summary Nicholson School has adopted a play based learning whereby the students make sense of their social environment by using objects and representations. The school has various physical activities for children from kindergarten to year 6 and the focus is mainly on fundamental movement of skills. Physical activities and sports are accepted as part of the Nicholson School curriculum an aspect that makes the children to wholly develop( created environment makes the children to socially, physically, morally and emotionally develop that portraying the culture of the school. Synthesis/reflection It is evident that children’s learning is not only holistic but also dynamic and complex. Additionally, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, cognitive, creative as well as linguistic aspects of learning are interrelated and interwoven in the classroom setting. The adapted play context enables children to easily express their uniqueness and personality. Additionally, play based learning enhances dispositions such as creativity and curiosity. It is further evident that play enables children to making connections between the past experiences and the new learning. Consequently, children are in a position to develop concepts and relationships if they are exposed to play based learning. Ritchie, Crawford & Clifford (1998) play enables children to learn as they create, improvise, discover and imagine. Consequently, play results into a supportive environment that enables children to solve problems, ask questions as well as engage in critical thinking. Greenman (2005) points out that play expand the thinking ability of children an aspect that enhances their desire to learn and know. Studies have indicated that early childhood educators adapt a number of roles in playing with children as well as using different types of strategies with an aim of supporting learning. In most cases, educators engage the children in sustained shared information with an aim of expanding their thinking abilities. Through play based learning, educators create a learning environment that enables children not only to create and solve problems but also explore and construct. Consequently, the main reason why educators interact with children is to build attachment. According to Ritchie, Crawford & Clifford (1998) attachment is attained by use of play experiences and routine. Additionally, educators take note of spontaneous teachable moments as they take place with an aim of using them in promoting learning in children. Reflection I have discovered the importance of adopting play based learning because it enables children to be confident and involved learners. I discovered the necessity of ensuring play based learning strategies that provides children with sound being and sense of security an aspect that makes them to be confidence to not only experiment but also explore as well as try out new ideas just like Nicholson School. From the observation, I have recommended Nicholson School play based strategies that enable the children to make generalizations and predictions on various activities. However, it is essential for the school through play to ensure that they create an environment that will provide them with resources that will intrigue, challenge, surprise and support their investigations as well as make them in a position to enjoy the learning process. Topic 3B: Intentional Teaching Summary The teachers at Nicholson School ensure that they create an effective learning environment for their students and they are well versed with the development of the child. Depending on the needs of the child, Nicholson school teachers apply various instructional strategies. For instance there is additional support and the parents are involved in making policies on the additional support. After, the child has been enrolled, the teachers work with the parents and the teachers continuously with an aim of reviewing their needs at every level ( Analysis/synthesis Intentional teachers apply a number of strategies in the classroom. From the applied strategies in Nicholson school early childhood education, it is evident children learn via guided activities. Intentional teaching enables the children to be free to manipulate and explore materials and acquire the necessary skills via their own daily experiences. For successful intentional teaching, there is a fair amount of adult-guided experience. According to Alma & Janet (1998) in adult-guided experiences, educators put up experiences where they model skills, present information as well as guide learning towards attaining a specific academic goal. According to Ritchie, Crawford & Clifford (1998) it is essential for educators to establish a learning environment that is not only rich in interactions but also in materials. The mentioned enables the children to practice thinking, negotiating, choosing, problem solving and risk taking. Furthermore, in Nicholson School teachers apply intentional teaching whereby they are in a position to articulate and knowledge about what they want to attain with the children. Therefore they incorporate achievable and challenging goals in all the learning activities, interactions and daily routines with the children. Hence, they purposefully set up the environment whereby they provide materials and come up with various decisions that will enable children to attain their learning goals. Finally, one of the key concerns teachers have with intentional concept teaching is that it seems to focus on intentions, goals and intentions and the educator is not placed at the centre of the child but rather the curriculum. Reflection I discovered the importance of intentional learning in ensuring an effective learning environment. A good learning environment can also be effective if an emotional climate is created at the beginning of the learning process. However, the materials at the Nicholson School fail to place the material and equipment at strategic places so that children can recognise and desire to use them in their daily learning activities. I realized that Nicholson School teachers ensure that they understand the needs of the children they work with. Topic 5 Assessment for Learning Summary: The Nicholson School applies different approach assessment for learning using different strategies. The Nicholson School makes use of observation so as to have a better understanding of the children’s interests, abilities and strengths. From the children’s creativity, writings, sayings and other activities, the educators access the children’s development and learning. There are spelling and essay writing activities whereby the learning is assessed. It is evident that the teachers are also aiming at assessing the progress of children’s development and learning. Nicholson School teachers provide writing essay skills and give the students tips guides on how to go about essay writing and later assess. Lessons on how to go about spelling is also offered. Parents are advised how to help their children with spelling. Parents are encouraged to talk to their children how certain words are spelled by sounding them. They should also encourage their children to practice writing at home using computer and papers. Lastly, they are encouraged to use dictionary together with their children ( The teachers also apply teaching methods that draw from families’ experiences, knowledge and perspectives. In a classroom setting, Nicholson School teachers use wide range of assessment tools with an aim of indentifying not only children’s expressions and ideas but also conversations and interactions with an aim of understanding the interests, abilities and strengths of the children ( Analysis/synthesis According to Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2009) there are various ways that early childhood educators assess children’s learning in a number ways that not only inform their practice but also their learning. Additionally, from the highlighted summary the educators ensure that the children’s learning is not only responsive but also authentic to how children are in a position to demonstrate their development and learning. It is evident that Nicholson School teachers ensure that the strategies they apply not only objective but also transparent and in a position to provide families with information regarding their children’s learning and development as well as things they can do so as to support the children. Curtis & Carter (2008) pointed out that assessment for learning informs a wide range of program planning decisions about the children on an individual basis. Furthermore, it is important that assessment for learning is carried out continuously and on an individual basis. This is because it assists in improving children’s outcome. Reflection In assessment for learning, I have discovered the importance of providing children with various writing, drawing, singing and reciting activities. The parents should be involved in assessment for learning in order to create an effective learning environment. Additionally, I have learned the importance of the interpretation of each of the strategies with not only the child but also with the child’s family with an aim of creating a clear picture of the children’s interest, abilities and strengths. Due to the fact the learning of children by their experiences, cultures and values, the school has adapted strategies that will incorporate the aforementioned aspects. Consequently, I will ensure that I adopt assessment strategies that are developmentally, linguistically and culturally appropriate to ensure that the assessment is authentic in nature. Furthermore, Nicholson School teachers use children’s daily activities to ensure that the children’s learning needs are taken into consideration. Finally, to develop an accurate picture of the children’s learning and development, I recommend the school for taking into considerations their cultural context. Topic 4: Learning Environments Summary: Physical environment within the Nicholson School provides more than workplace and shelter for the children. The outdoor and the optimal environment for children is designed in such a manner that it supports the maintenance and development of positive partnership and relationship within the school community with an aim of ensuring that children’s learning opportunities are maximized ( Additionally, forms, colors and textures used in creating an environment are important as the occupants are in contact with them. The outdoor and indoor environment leaves the occupants with a lasting impression. For children learning environment, details such as lighting, smell, color and texture have greater impact on their abilities. Consequently, environment can be a source of pleasure and discomfort as well as reward, entertainment, information and education. The school has used tools such as sound, lighting, color, smell and texture to create an effective learning environment ( Synthesis/analysis From the environment it is important to acknowledge and appreciate the fact that Nicholson School learning environment assists children to understand various concepts which educate their senses as well as provide them spatial awareness, in addition to encouraging their interactions and nourishing their curiosity. Nicholson School learning environment assist in ensuring connection and continuity in children’s learning process and the school does not constantly change the learning environment so as to create a sense of continuity and belonging that children may feel in a given environment. According to Marsh (2009) an environment that is predictable enables the children to develop a sense of belonging, security and ownership over a space that promotes complex and engaged learning. In Nicholson School learning environment children have the opportunity to play with the provided materials repeatedly and as a result they are in a position to use them better and hence create a learning environment that is more complex and richer more than one offered by single one-off experience whereby same materials are used. In situations whereby early childhood educators are planning to use the same experiences and materials, they need to ensure that they are interesting and engaging enough to sustain the involvement of the children. Flexible and open-ended materials are used in the school so as to engage children’s senses as well as one that provoke their engagement, curiosity and wonder. Reflection I appreciate the way the Nicholson School has put into consideration the aspect of space into consideration while designing children’s learning environment. Open plan has been used to enable children to engage in symbolic representation such as drama, creativity, drawing and dance. Open plan provides flexible and easy access arrangements for various learning choices over a period of time. Therefore children in Nicholson School are in a position not only to identify but also engage with the resources and activities that match their current curiosity and interests. Topic 1-School Context Summary: At the Nicholson Street Public School values are taught in the classroom setting so as to assist the students in developing love for the purpose of learning. The values also assist the children to pursue high standards and excellence as well as develop respect and care for others and themselves. The values and policies put in place by Nicholson Street Public School ensure that children put pride in their work as well as exhibit a sense of social justice and fairness. The rules further permit the children to understand and respect Australian culture in addition to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences in a multicultural society ( Nicholson Street Public School ensures that children appreciate the multicultural society and history of Australia and actively participate as citizens. The Nicholson Street Public School expects all students to attend school on a daily basis and be in class on time so as to prepare for learning. They are also required to maintain a neat appearance and be dressed in accordance with the school uniform policy. The Nicholson Street Public School further requires the children to follow class rules and speak in courteous manner in addition to cooperating with learning and instruction activities. The school rules and policies further require the students to treat other students, staff and other members of the school community with respect and dignity. They are required to also take care of the personal belonging and that of the school. The Nicholson Street Public School prohibits any kind of behavior that infringes the safety of others such as bullying, harassment ( The school requires all students to put on their uniform on a daily basis.   Analysis/synthesis The policies and rules put in place by the school ensure positive behaviour among children. Additionally, most childhood educators assume that children are aware of what is socially acceptable and what is not. Marsh (2009) points out that the aforementioned issue focuses on eliminating negative behavior instead of introducing positive ones. Therefore, it is essential for early childhood educators to ensure that children have reliable coping strategies instead of only focusing on removing antisocial behavior. Additionally Slee (2003) in his study points out that early childhood educators should aim at promoting social skills among children t the right place and time. The mentioned can ensured through putting in place effective school policies. Consequently, educators need to train children on how to develop sensitivity to situations that are social in nature. Researchers have further pointed out that children learn via observation and as they grow up they become selective in their behavior. In most cases, they use various cues from the environment, therefore it is essential for early childhood educators to teach the children social skills. Reflection Just as the summarized school policies above, the school has adopted rules to ensure that children develop positive social behavior. Additionally, I recommend the school for is also school counselor who guide children and support them in dealing with antisocial behavior. Further, the existing open communication between the parents, students and teachers with an aim of promoting school policies and ensuring positive behavior among children creates an effective learning environment. References Alma. F, & Janet, R. (1998).Unpacking educational environment. Australia: Institute of early childhood Macquarie University. Curtis, D & Carter, M (2008). learning together with young children: a curriculum framework for reflective teachers. New York: Redleaf Press. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. (2009). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia. Retrieved from on April 7, 2013. Greenman, J. (2005) Caring spaces, learning places. Children’s environment that work. USA: Exchange Press. Kearns, K. (2010). Frameworks for learning and development (2nd ed.).Frenchs Forest NSW: Pearson. Marsh, J.C. (2009). Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum, the steacher’s library. New York: Taylor & Francis. Ritchie. S, Crawford,M.G & Clifford, M.R. (1998). First School Learning Environments Supporting Relationships. Retrieved from on April 7, 2013. Slee, J. (2003) Managing difficult behavior in young children. Research in Practice Series Volume 10. Illinois: Research Press. Read More
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