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Education without Discrimination - Report Example

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The paper "Education without Discrimination" outlines that inclusive education has become a very imperative aspect in the educational sector in the twenty-first century. Inclusive education focuses on the modification of curriculum to enhance the understanding of students. (King-Sears, 2001)…
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Inclusive education has become a very imperative aspect in the educational sector in the twenty first century. Many teachers and instructors have continued to incorporate inclusive education in their teaching strategies. This has had positive impacts on overall student performance. Inclusive education does not only focus on disable students in schools but rather on ensuring that all students access education without any form of discrimination. It also focuses on modification of curriculum to enhance understanding of students. (King-Sears, 2001) All these aspects need to be put into consideration in order to improve students’ academic performance. This paper therefore carries out investigation on the concepts of inclusive education. It will further illustrate the foreseen impacts of these concepts on personal practices as a teacher. Finally, it shows personal plans for future learning and actions in regards to the discussed concepts. (Ainscow, 2003) Analysis carried out in my school reveals that inclusive education is being implemented. Many teachers within the school incorporate inclusive education concepts in their day to day activities. One of the concepts is whereby segregation and discrimination are not tolerated by both teachers and the administration. Students within the school are never discriminated because of their origin, colour, disability, ability, gender, family income or language among other factors. (Ainscow, 2001) A school curriculum plays a very important part in inclusive education. The school curriculum has been restructured to enhance learning of all students within the school. After thorough evaluations of possible benefits of restructuring it, the curriculum was adjusted to ensure that students understand whatever they are taught. For instance, the content was adjusted in such a way that it was relevant to the students. (Ainscow and Dyson, 2005) It was noted that teachers were even using examples that were not relevant in the twenty first century. This led to the change in the content and the overall performance of the students improved tremendously. In process of changing the curriculum within the school, the process of passing on the knowledge was also re-evaluated. This resulted in adjustments of teachers’ activities during lessons. These adjustment helped students to grasp whatever they were taught without straining. (Allan, 2008) Differentiated instruction is also another concept of inclusive education. It was noted that teachers within the school later on adopted differentiated instruction model in their teaching strategies. First of all, the school administrators organised for staff development programs. They were shown how to implement differentiated instructional models within their teaching practice. This training was carried out by professionals in the education sector. (McGuire, 2006) This resulted in change in the way teachers within the school carried out their instructional model. The differentiated model was initially adopted by few teachers and in the long run the entire staffs were using it. It was noted that some teachers were more comfortable with various forms of differentiated instructional. One of the ways through which differentiate instruction is implemented is through learning stations. Analysis within the school reveals that teachers were able to come up with learning stations or centres. In this case, they came up with stations for various subjects within the school. These centres also had different complexity levels. The centres had a wide range of books and journals on a specific subject. Students were then grouped into small groups of five students so that they used the centres as groups and not as individuals. They were then instructed to use a low level of complexity centre or station before using more complex centres. Using these resources; books, journals and magazines within the centres, students were able to discuss challenging topics and subjects. (Bradley and King-Sears 2002) Adjusting questions can also be used in differentiated instruction. Teachers within the school also learnt to use adjusting questions in their teaching strategies. It was noted that majority of the teachers in the school were giving students short tests and quizzes after each lesson. This made students to remain alert during lessons since they knew that they would definitely have a quiz after the lesson. In the long run, it was noted that many students who were very poor in various subjects were improving day by day. (Forlin, 2003) Grouping is the third way through which differentiated instruction is implemented. Through differentiated instruction, teachers were able to group students basing on specific aspects common to them. This was because the teachers noted that students had different learning styles. They were therefore grouped according to their styles of learning and interests. These groups were not static in nature. Students had the freedom of changing groups as long as it improved their learning and understanding of the subject. (Bradley and King-Sears 2002) Differentiated instruction is best implemented through independent studies. This is where students contact teachers as individuals on areas or topics that they never understood. Teachers within the school also encourage studies that are independent in nature among students. This was more so implemented to students who had already understood basic content in different subjects. Those students who are interested in learning more about the subject can then contact the teacher and they are given assignments to do. (Forlin, 2004) Independent studies allow students’ interest to grow as they learn more and more of the subject. In independent studies, students are free to choose the topic that they desire the teacher to give them more assignments. As students get feedback on these assignments, they tend to improve in their weak areas. (McGuire, 2006) The curriculum as earlier on illustrated, is an important aspect in inclusive education. Differentiated instruction is also implemented through the compacting of curriculum. It is quite evident that teachers within the school carried out compacting of the curriculum too. This is whereby the teaching curriculum is tailored in such a way that teachers don’t have to repeat what has already been taught. This was carried out because after evaluating the teaching curriculum, it was noted that some topics were being repeated in different subjects. This was changed. (King-Sears, 2001) In this case, if students had been taught a concept, the inclusive curriculum stipulated that they be taught other topics that they do not know and were challenging to them. This means that teachers analyse whether students have mastered a specific concept. Once it is clear that they have understood, then the next topic is handled. This enabled teachers to finish the set curriculum in good time and even allowed students time to carry out their revisions. In compacting, teachers learnt to keep proper records to ensure that none of mastered content or topics is repeated. (French, 2000) Thematic units are also used in inclusive education and more so in differentiated instruction. This is whereby information from different disciplines is combined into one theme that is broad in nature. Most of the information that is integrated together emanates from real life situations. This has played a great role in helping students to link classroom knowledge to real life situations. This enables students to remember learnt concepts easily and therefore are able to pass their examinations with ease. This was also implemented by the teachers. Teachers within the school were also in a position to implement differentiated instruction through the use of tiered assignments. These assignments are structured in such a way their difficulty or complexity levels is different. These tasks are definitely tailored by teacher for small groups of students according to their level of understanding. Another concept in inclusive education is universal design. Universal design acknowledges that each person is very unique when carrying out their studies or learning. This concept therefore helps to bring out the best outcomes for students despite their diversities. Teachers within the school noted that students have different abilities in respect to talking, hearing, writing and even reading. (Hallam, 2003) It has been quite evident that teachers within the school have incorporated universal design in their teaching strategies in order to deal with the differences among students. Teachers also learnt to use technology to help learners who have personal preferences in their learning strategies. This has enabled learning goals within the institution to be achieved with ease. (King-Sears, 2001) In relation to universal design, teachers in the school have learnt to use wider range of instructional materials in their teaching so that students can fully understand. Teachers have therefore learnt to present their lessons in diverse ways. This allows learners to have different ways of acquiring information. For instance, some teachers use both graphical and print formats. (King-Sears, 2001) As teachers continued to learn students’ abilities, they also came up with a multiple way through which students would express themselves. Initially, they tended to be inclined on one way of response from students. The teachers however with time allowed some students to give their responses through writing while others were allowed to speak out their answers. This was allowed basing on their diversified abilities. This highly encouraged learning of all students hence their overall improved performance. (King-Sears, 2001) In relation to universal design, teachers decided to come up with diversified strategies of engaging students during lessons. This was carried out basically to get their attention. Through this they would gain interest and even be motivated to learn. For instance, stories, pictures and graphs are incorporated. This flexibility is very essential and encourages students to yearn for more information concerning the topic. (King-Sears, 2001) Through incorporation of universal design, teachers learnt to teach in a manner that is predictable. This is where concepts are taught in a straight forward way that all students can understand. The overall use of complex language was highly minimised. This enabled all students to understand whatever the teacher was putting across. Teachers also become more tolerant in relation to students’ pace of understanding concepts. Teachers within the school have also been able to include inclusive education when handling disability cases. It has been quite evident that teachers within the school do not discriminate students who have some ways of disability. (Loxley, 2007) This has resulted in the students feeling accepted and this motivated them to work harder. Teachers also analysed the curriculum and sought ways through which they would modify it to ensure that even the disable students are benefiting just like the rest of the students. (King-Sears, 2001) In this case, rubrics and checklists helped teachers in overall analysis of the curriculum. There were staff meetings where teachers gave their suggestions on areas within the curriculum that needed to be modified. Some of these aspects wee very creative indeed. Teachers who were handling students with disabilities collaborated with those teaching other students without disabilities. This played a very big role in helping learners who had disabilities that were mild in nature. For instance, there were some students who could not hear clearly unless a teacher spoke so loudly. This helped alleviate the problem of such students failing their examinations. (McGuire, 2006) The school curriculum was modified in such a way that the teachers were able to give individual attention to students with disabilities. This does not mean students with disabilities had a different curriculum from the rest of the students. It was rather tailored to ensure that they had maximum attention, understanding and even retention of the subjects. The first step that was taken was the analysis of overall school curriculum. Then areas within the curriculum that depicted poor design were modified according to teachers’ suggestions. Finally artistic ways were incorporated in the curriculum that would help students with both major and minor disabilities. McGuire, 2006) Analysis of practices in the school reveals that the school has greatly strived to offer inclusive education to students. According to Geoff Munns and King Sears, the teachers’ practices within the school are in total adherence to inclusive education. This is considering the fact that the institution has put in place strategies to ensure that all students within the school understand whatever is being taught. (King-Sears, 2001) In his article, King Seers argues that education or school curriculum has to be modified to the specific needs of the students. It is quite evident that teachers within the school have tried to modify the curriculum to ensure even students with minor and major disabilities comprehend whatever is being taught. (King-Sears, 2001) In accordance with King Sears’s article, the school has followed his three steps that he recommends in modifying a curriculum. These steps were strictly followed therefore enabling teachers to deliver services more effectively and efficiently. In accordance to Lewis and Batts’ strategies, teachers within the school have implemented differentiated instructional models. (King-Sears, 2001) This is part and parcel of inclusive learning since the strategies enhance learning of all students without any favouritism. This is in relation to students’ abilities, disabilities, race, and language, country of origin, gender, colour and family income. All the above mentioned articles have helped me to interpret what is happening in the school as important. I have understood that they are practices or strategies that will definitely improve students’ performance in the long run. (Batts, 2005) A thorough analysis of these concepts shows that they will have positive effects on my future practices as a teacher. This is because I will not segregate or discriminate students because of their abilities, race, colour, family income, disability and gender among other factors. I will be better placed to handle students without favouritism. (McGuire, 2006) Another way through which my teaching practice will be affected is the way I will handle diversities in the classroom set up. This is in relation to students abilities. I will be in a position not to discriminate learners because of their abilities. I will therefore put in place diversified mechanisms of passing on knowledge to them. I will also not just allow them to express themselves in one way. I will however give learners the freedom to express themselves in ways that they feel most comfortable with. This could be through writing or even just speaking out what they feel the correct answer is. (Geoff, 2006) I foresee a situation where I will be in a position to organise the students into groups and give them assignments to handle after class. This will definitely enable students to discuss areas that they never understood during the lesson. Through this, students’ performance will automatically improve. (King-Sears, 2001) These concepts will have positive impacts on my practice as a teacher in the future. I have learnt that given opportunity, students with major and minor disabilities can still perform as well as other students. As a teacher, I have a part to play in ensuring that students with disabilities perform according to their maximum potential. These concepts will enable me to effectively handle students with various disabilities. (McGuire, 2006) I will be in a position to modify the curriculum even in the classroom set up so that students with disabilities fully understand. In this case, I will be in a position to give individualised teaching to students with disabilities. This will definitely enhance their attention, understanding and also retention of the subjects. (McGuire, 2006) Through the use of universal design, I will recognise students’ unique ways of learning. I will not use just one mechanism or strategy of passing on knowledge to them. I will be in a position to come up with learning station centres. These centres will have different levels of complexity. Students will be in a position of graduating from one level to the other. This will help them understand topics and subjects more. I will carry out compacting of the curriculum so that there will be no repetition of topics that have already been learnt. This will help me to finish teaching the curriculum in good time. This is considering the fact that time will not have been wasted repeating topics. This will also help make lessons more interesting to the students. As they gain attention, they will understand and finally improve their performance in the long run. All in all, the differentiated instructional model will help me to deliver my teaching services effectively and efficiently. (Loxley, 2007) Interaction with inclusive education concepts has stirred me to put in place plans for future learning. I have planned to carry out further research on this topic. This involves looking out for books and journals on inclusive education topic and read. This will enable me to have full knowledge on the topic. In relation, to this, I intend to carry out e-learning on this topic. This is because I realised that there are so many articles that many people have written in relation to inclusive education that can be accessed online. This will give me a wide range of resources on the topic. Through this my understanding of this topic will be enhanced and play a great role in my future teaching strategies. (Geoff, 2006) I also have plans of carrying out primary research on the topic. In this case, I will collect primary data from schools in relation to how they implement inclusive education in their teaching strategies. This will enable me to collect first hand information and practical ways that are currently being implemented. With this information, I will be very well equipped for my future teaching. (Geoff, 2006) In relation to inclusive education concepts, I intend to write papers on the topic. This is more so after carrying out primary research in schools. Through these papers, I will be in a position to get criticism from my friends, colleagues and lecturers. I will then work on areas criticised. This will definitely improve my learning in relation to this topic. (Geoff, 2006) I plan to carry out further group discussions with my colleagues concerning this topic. This is because I realise that they also have collected a lot of information on this topic. I will be in a position to get help in areas that I do not fully understand. Through these discussions I learn more aspects that pertain to inclusive education. (Loxley, 2007) In conclusion, inclusive education is an essential aspect in the twenty first century. Inclusive education ensures that students are handled without discrimination on favouritism. This is in relation to their abilities, family income , colour, race, disabilities among other aspects. In inclusive education, the education curriculum can be modified so as to enhance student attention, understanding and retention. Differentiation instructional models are very essential in inclusive education. They play a great role in improving students’ performance. Universal design is also part and parcel of inclusive education. It focuses on diversified means of engaging students during lessons. This is way various means of technology are incorporated in the dissemination of information or knowledge. Universal design stresses that students have diversified ways of learning. It therefore enables teachers to allow students to express themselves in different ways. All said and done, inclusive education has immeasurable attributes in the education system in this twenty first century. Read More
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