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Aspects of Automatic Text Analysis - Book Report/Review Example

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This book review "Aspects of Automatic Text Analysis" discusses the following books: The Anthill of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe, Nation by Terry Pratchett, and Nineteen Eighty-four by George Corwell. There are so many themes brought out that are extremely the same…
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Text analysis and interpretation Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Text analysis project The Anthill of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe Nation by Terry Pratchett A falling Out of Thieves or Old Men Behaving Badly by Akintokunbo Adejumo Nineteen Eighty Four by George Corwell A Man of the People by Chinua Achebe Between Nation Space and Nationhood by Professor Wole Soyinka In this discussion, the main focus books are; The Anthill of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe, Nation by Terry Pratchett and Nineteen Eighty four by George Corwell. There are so many themes brought out that are extremely the same. We realize the failure in nationalist way of governance, when both eerie rule in the Anthill of Savannah and National Socialist German Workers Party also known as the Nazi Party and the Communist Soviet Union falls down with a thud in Nineteen Eighty Four. The rulers controlled their subjects and fought tooth and nail to maintain their stronghold to power, this kind of governance where citizens are micromanaged has never worked anywhere. This proves that, democracy is and will always be the best form of governance. Denizens should run the government and freedom of the people to pursue the desires of their heart should be the focus in any governance. In Nation, we point out the importance of freedom of expression and the use of Science to be a trendsetter in the world (Hainich, 2009). A third person narration In George Corwell book shows when a protagonist Smith begins to have critical ideas against the tyrannical rule of the party that he is working for. No person is allowed to air their opinion and having a forbidden diary could lead to the death penalty. Though there are screens to spy on people attempting to write hate pamphlets or spread any form of propaganda, we notice that it is not only him who feels hatred towards the regime but also a man called Brien. He feels that there could be a tie cod that binds them together. The theme of love or rather lust also comes out when being a married man, Winston sleeps with a young girl, and does not care about the consequences of their actions. The lady is not a saint either for she throws cautions to the wind and gives herself up to him and she is not afraid to admit that it is not her first time (Titscher & Jenner, 2000). Corruption and dictatorship is the prevailing theme in Achebe’s book, the writer laments of the way leaders crushes down hopes and dreams that people had while fighting for independence. The citizens were against the European rule but, when they left, their rulers distanced themselves; like, with the poor reception of the entourage from Abazon and Sam amassing the wealth of the country by building a luxurious mansion by the lake. Oppressive tyrannical governance is a theme expressed, by the way, in which the president handles Ikem, this clearly reminisces the way of life in the totalitarian countries like Juntas in Latin America. Freedom of speech is something that not tolerated because, the gazette being the only one produced in the entire state; its contents are the instructions of the president and most information censored from the world. The Hierarchical state of power is a theme that is very bare where the three main characters strife and their contrasting characters. Ikem had a florid human rights activist attitude, totally, opposed to the president’s straightforward tyrannical rule; this in turn differs with reflective and intellectual nature of Chris. The difference in the two women in the book Beatrice and Elewa is a contrasting theme in that, Beatrice, the Girlfriend to the editor, receives Education abroad while Elewa a daughter to the local saleswoman has never seen the inside of a plane (Gomez-Rodriguez, 2010). Dilemma is a theme best described by Ikem’s peculiar habit of driving himself to work, despite his position as a magazine editor; he chooses to drive in an old car just to appear as an ordinary citizen. It takes the prodding of a taxi driver to point that he takes a job meant for a poor chauffer in Kangan. The story of Mau is repeatedly the theme of childhood to adulthood. Mau, a typical intellectual boy from the island has a choice to walk in the traditional way of his ancestors, but, because of the significance of the waves, torn between two worlds either, to prolong his boyhood shell or to embrace a man soul shell, he ultimately decides to take a larger mortal and ends up being the protector of his people (Bloom, 2009). We focus on the oppression women where Ermintrude narrates that, because they lack permission to education the only thing they look forward to is marriage. She concludes soon enough that it is up to her to find her destiny. When meeting Mau she introduces herself as Daphne and uses the island as an opportunity to make her wish come true. The question asked by a second theme “What does it mean to have a Nation?” gives a reader a lot to ponder. A Nation is impossible to define just like the earth and creation (Ingelheim, 2010). In his thoughts, he feels that he has no soul while, in real soul, he is a man with no country. Saving Daphne’s life, he turns around to thank the girl for saving his life, claiming that being alone as a man results to nothing the two create a Nation. To be a nation, one need to sacrifice greatly as seen. When Mau courageously risks his precious life and his human dignity by milking a wild swine to feed a baby who arrives by the first boat in order to maintain the nation. Daphne, on the other hand, kills a man to protect a nation that she adopts as her very own, sacrificing her innocence. Because they both had a mission to fulfill, they go their separate ways to be leaders in their own rights (Dixon, 2009). Passive faith that turns to active inquiry in Science but still maintaining high moral standards contained in a Nation. Mau as well, as Daphne are logical and resourceful and do not take for granted their questioning authority. This people have strong affection for their homes and, despite the rapid awakening of knowledge, their high regard for their people remain intact. Loyalty and humanity goes hand in hand with logic in this book, when Mau saves the baby or the girl Daphne, he does not feel honored but he wishes to maintain his own life. He feels that without other people on earth then life would lose its meaning the uttermost issue that they care about is the presence of humans on each other’s world (Mehler & Kohler, 2007). Genre The genre of all these books is western as depicted by the proper use of language and all the concepts, the above books fall under novel and poetic genre perfectly. These genres brought about by the different themes provided in the books. Theme Variety In the first and second book, the writers almost have the same theme that is the totalitarian dictatorship rule. In both novels, No critical thinking allowed, as seen in the way the government gives instruction on what should be written in a public gazette in the Anthill of the savannah. In the same way, the, party in Nineteen eighty-four does not even allow an individual to write in a diary. Rebellion is a theme highlighted in both books as seen when Ikem criticizes the unorthodox rule of the president in Kangan state, and when Smith goes against the rule of not writing in a diary coupled with a death sentence. Loyalty theme comes with Chris being a bosom friend to both the editor and the president causes a conflict causing Chris and the editor to face the wrath of the president. Smith, thinking that Brien is against the party, tries to entice him to join in his hatred towards the government only to realize that he is the chief Spy of the party after he betrays him. However, there is a huge contrast in the characters of the main characters Ikem in Anthill of Savannah and Smith in Nineteen Eighty four. While Ikem is not afraid to ridicule and air his thoughts openly, Smith tends to use coded language to put his feelings down (Orwell, Pynchon & Fromm, 2003). Love theme described when Ikem falls in love with a learned Beatrice. In Corwell book; however, lust clouds love when a married Smith, continues with an affair shamelessly with Julia with whom they share the hatred burning down their heart for the authority. The role of women in both books is that they are sex objects as shown by Cornwell. Julia joins a sex league and sure enough when sleeps with Smith on their first date while confessing love to him. Torture applies in both books but different context. As seen when Beatrice is mentally toured when she attends a party that hosted by Chris, the information commissioner and meets a journalist from America who, disrespects and talks ill of the Kangan’s governance. This gives Beatrice the idea of the way West countries see African leadership, that cannot stand anywhere near the political arena of the world. On the same breathe, physical torture inflicted on Smith with revelation of his association with a rebellious group called the brotherhood. This causes imprisonment in a dark cell and then latter to a room infested by rats, which was a phobia for him since childhood. In the Nation by Terry Pratchett, a different theme of sacrifice by an individual presented not like the two books above, where people their freedom. Here, the main character Mau willingly sacrifices to save a child that is dying of hunger and faces a pig to milk it. Though Daphne has inferiority complex inflicted on her by the people and believing that she has nothing to look up to, she believes in herself and latter lead her people. In this book, we see that the governance is not barbaric or colonial but rather scientific leaders in the world. Mau and Daphne both have logical and query reasoning where they ask questions in anything regarded important. Expression of total freedom in the nation disapproves suppression, rather, the choice to follow their dreams. Apart from sorrow themes expressed in the two first books, Nation presents humor though toned down. Mode In both stories, the mode is more of sadness and a cry for real freedom. Chinua Achebe finalizes his work by quoting a poem that literally cries for his country. Smith and Julia create a small world of their own where they share their emotions on the way the party is ruling them. The tone of the anthill of the Savannah and Nineteen Eighty four is rather somber as seen by constrain of freedom of expression by the characters in both books. The fact that a person is not allowed to express his opinions openly is very overwhelming to an individual. The mode, however, contrast in a sense that, Daphne is living in her own world in the Nation making her happy and with the desire to help other people on the planet, where as in both the anthill of the savannah and nineteen eighty four the people live at the mercy of the totality authority that they find themselves. Use of imagery and Metaphors The perfect function of language and a good development of the plot are properly construed in both books. The heading of the story itself is a metaphor in that the author talks about the realization of the country’s history and its many models. How can history be used to show the meaning and transaction without measuring stick in literature? This metaphor talks of political and cultural conflict that presents itself during and after colonialism. The use of song also is very crucial in this book by reference to a “Ten Green Bottles” repetitive song. This simple song states that the bottles hanging on the wall are dropping one after the other. The bottles symbolize the falling down of the major characters in the book. When Chris succumbs to death, he tries to utter “the last green…” a joke about their fall. The Poem “Africa” quoted by the author indicates his obvious stand. He means that, the leaders have turned Africa a laughing stock to all the nations of the world. All the promises that the continent had have been broken down. The use of Metaphor is highlighted when Smith dreams about his childhood, when his mother and sister starved to death during the war because of his greed; this is followed by a rather disturbing dream of him having an intercourse with a woman at his workstation. His dreams are, however, not properly structured and usually have a connection with his past. The dreams signify his fear for death, his sexual desires and his hope for the rule that is not oppressive that he loathes. The dreams reveal a lot about the happenings around Nineteen eighty-four than merely what is captured in the book (Adams, 2008). Flash back, is applied when, he puts in his diary the time he met an ugly prostitute and made love to her three years earlier, and, the three Revolution leaders who had survived after being arrested and confessing to sabotaging the government at trial. Smith had a “Memory hole” a paper bag where he would store all the papers he gathered. Imagery in violence and war is used to portray the state of the cells infested with rats where after torture he, is dumped. Nation by Terry is full of metaphors like; “the wave” that causes death to so many people leaves Mau thinking that he is the last man standing. Nation, the heading indicates the presence of human is dependence of each other and Dark current that Mau is willing to resign his fate are metaphors. With the arrival, of the ghost girl, his world changes and he realizes that he has work to do to lead and protect his people. Plot Development In Eighteen eighty-four, it’s a fact that properly structured in three major ideas by corresponding three chapter divisions. Here, the title of the book is used as the first chapter in the eight chapter series. Pointing out the monarchy totalitarian atmosphere, where one party, even the feelings and thoughts of people, controls everything. It is in these circumstances that Smith creates his unorthodox way of thinking. Second section depicts the development of Smith’s love for his workmate Julia; he feels that this is a person that he can lay down his innermost feelings. In a strange twist of events, they build a little world around them of feelings and affection, this leads to betrayal by Brien whom he thought was a defector only to realize that he was a chief informer of the party. The third and final part of the story tells of Smiths punishment. In the Anthill of the Savannah, the writer indicates the rule of a man called Sam, a dictatorial head of state who had served in the military previously. The man attained his military training in Britain and returned to rule his motherland. He ruled the country with an iron fist, holding power with a tight grip and making corruption a household name. In this government, Parliament was unheard of; he only assigned a Minister and military leader, whom he referred to as State Research Council (Nord, 2005). The Minister for information Mr. Christopher and the president had a friendship that went a long way at the military school in Great Britain. Things started to take a different turn when Sam got in to power. Information commission meant censorship of all information of the state; this is the main cause of disagreement with Chris practicing loyalty to Sam while at the same time controlling the editor of the National Paper According to the president’s specifications. The editor is a close friend to Chris and they all went to the same school in Britain. A critique of Sam’s governance, the editor named Ikem gets in trouble with the president and drags Chris along. Being an intellectual, he believed that he cared for the people of Kangane. He is opposed to belonging to an elite group and grows radical in the book. In Terry Pratchett book, the world is described as the same as human beings are currently living in much subtle and non subtle way. A boy called Mau who has finalized the rituals on the rites of passage inhabits tiny islands scattered across Southern Pelagic Ocean. In this book, its new leader transfers the Nation from child to adulthood. Before wave, the boy and the rest of the people had moved with a simple belief that only children asked questions as fun. With the progress of the nation, the survivors group through a crisis that hit religion. The Nation leaves behind its child like behaviors and decides that it will not be primitive or colonial. The nation pushes forward to be Science leader in all nations. Set Achebe gives a postcolonial setting in his work for the president ignores his subject when they seek an audience with him. George Cornwell talks of Oceania a tyrannical state where trust has been thrown to the dogs, leaving people suspicious of each other. Finally in Terry Pratchett work the scene revolves around the sea with only one survivor who latter meets a lady friend and decides to build their own country (Anderson, 2009). The pictorial presentation to the Anthill of the Savannah This picture depicts a typical Biafran Town in Kangan where villagers watch the federal troops. Poverty and is portrayed here by the rags that both the troops and civilians wear. Hunger stricken faces of the civilians cannot be ignored, this picture tells it all (Adolphs, 2006). Word Extract “He had gone perhaps two hundred meters, and was in the dark patch midway between two street lamps, when he was startled by something soft bumping against him. The next moment Julia's arms were clinging tightly round him. ‘You see I've broken my first order,’ she whispered with her lips close against his ear. ‘But I couldn't help it. We had not fixed up about tomorrow. Listen.’ In the usual manner, she gave him instructions about their next meeting. She kissed his cheek almost violently a number of times, then slipped away into the shadow of the wall and promptly disappeared. Her lips had been cold, and in the darkness, it had seemed to him that her face was pale. He had a curious feeling that although the purpose for which she had waited was to arrange another meeting, the embrace she had given him was intended as some kind of good-bye” (Cornwell, 2003). Simple Sentences 1. He had 2. And Was 3. When he was startled 4. Against Him 5. She Gave him 6. Julia’s Arm 7. Around him 8. She kissed his Cheeks 9. Her lips 10. Seemed to him that her face Compound Sentences We hadn’t fixed But I couldn’t help it waited was to arrange fixed up and I was in the dark about Then slipped Complex Sentences He had gone perhaps But I couldn’t help it because Midway between two streets She gave him instructions about their next Her lips had been cold, and He had a curious feeling that purpose for which she had It had seemed to him she had waited was to arrange By assembling and analyzing in details a verbal text, we are able to identify ranks in clauses and the dominance on each other. Simple sentences influence in the arrangement of sentences while complex completes the formation of a sentence. Simple sentences have verbs and noun. This subject thoroughly highlights the thought of a writer. Verb is a doing word, so “startled” is an action performed by the subject “he”. Nouns also indicate the name of places, countries and establishments (Salkie, 2005). Coordinators are used to join two compound sentences. Commas are placed before adding coordinators except in short sentences. In complex clause, sentences are built by one or more simple clauses and so subordinators should have commas after introduction of independent clause except when in the midst of a sentence. Student should be discouraged against adding commas before subordinators because this is a grammatical error. In this example, “Her lips had been cold and He…” a comma is used before ‘and’, while, “Purpose for which she had” needs no commas because it is complete. By analysis, the constructions of sentences in the novels and the extracts are highlighted. With the identification of subordinators, simple, compound and complex sentences to this book, I have acquired the necessary knowledge and now I can construct simple and smart sentences without encountering any issue. By the samples and analysis, the students enjoy creating sentences, by writing their thoughts down in a short and correct form. Nineteen eighty six is a text that I can relate to and introducing it as verbal text for the students, I am able to bring the psychological scene of what was happening in the book and asking the students if they can imagine the set of the story and infer it with their way of life, this is helpful in literature. Improvement of skills to tackle both language and related subjects come forth in the analysis. I have put a lot of emphasis on theme development in organization of any genre of writing. The main story is based on a theme, with this; a reader is able to point out what the idea of the writer. With the analysis that I have done, I realize that a theme is the main issue before a major verb. Advising student to include not only one theme in a paragraph when referring to a specific person or a place helps them be good authors. While concluding a story, a previous theme can be re-written to make a clause that follows (Frolund, 2007). References Achebe, C. (2009). Things fall apart: authoritative text, contexts and criticism. London: W. W. Norton & Co.. Adams, T. S. (2008). Man of the People. New York: AuthorHouse. Adolphs, S. (2006). Introducing electronic text analysis: a practical guide for language and literary studies. London:Routledge. Anderson, R. G. (2009). Leader of Men. New York: BiblioLife. Bloom, H. (2009). Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. New York: Infobase Publishing. Dixon, T. (2009). A Man of the People a Drama of Abraham Lincoln. New York: BiblioLife. Frolund, T. (2007). Genrefied classics: a guide to reading interests in classic literature. New York: Libraries Unlimited. Gomez-Rodriguez, C. (2010). Parsing Schemata for Practical Text Analysis. London: World Scientific. Hainich, R. R. (2009). The End of Hardware, 3rd Edition: Augmented Reality and Beyond. New York: Booksurge. Ingelheim, M. G. V. (2010). Influential Literature Analysis on the Pecking Order Theory: An Investigation. London:GRIN Verlag. Mehler, A., & Kohler, R. (2007). Aspects of automatic text analysis. New York: Springer. Nord, C. (2005). Text analysis in translation: theory, methodology, and didactic application of a model for translation-oriented text analysis. New York: Rodopi. Orwell, G., Pynchon, T., & Fromm, E. (2003). 1984. London: Plume. Salkie, R. (2005). Text and discourse analysis. New York: Routledge. Titscher, S., & Jenner, B. (2000). Methods of text and discourse analysis. London: SAGE. Read More
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