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Teachers as the Key Figures in the English Learning Process - Essay Example

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The paper "Teachers as the Key Figures in the English Learning Process" discusses that the best English teacher is the one that makes students improve their ability to convey their thoughts in an effective and grammatically sound manner. Thus, he should be not only an efficient teacher…
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ARE NATIVE SPEAKERS THE BEST TEACHERS OF THAT LANGUAGE? (English case study) NYAKZ 5/16/2011 A teacher is not adequately qualified to teach a language merely because it is their mother tongue Contents Contents 2 Abstract 3 Main body 3 Introduction 3 Native, non-native and the English language 4 Characteristics of a good English teacher 5 Enthusiasm 5 Friendliness 7 Open-minded 8 Respect for students 9 Care for students 10 Conclusion 12 References 14 Abstract A teacher is not adequately qualified to teach a language merely because it is their mother tongue. In fact the best English teacher is the one that makes students improve their ability to convey their thoughts in an effective and grammatically sound manner. Thus, he should not only be an efficient teacher but also an effective teacher. He should meet his objectives using the best methods and within limited time. Delivery is another important aspect in determining how ‘best’ a given teacher is. Countries of origin and first languages play a very minimal role in gauging the effectiveness and efficiency of an English teacher. Therefore, the best English teacher should not necessarily be a native English speaker; but he should know the English language in both breadth and depth. This assignment is about the factors that make teachers deliver effectively and efficiently in the English language other than having English as their native languages. Main body Introduction Teachers are the key figures in the English learning process. Their influence is fundamental to their students' progress or lack thereof. They can lay the best foundations for the students in English or alternatively, they can make students hate English language as a subject forever. Therefore, the role of English teachers is a vital topic of discussion because English is one of the most widespread languages all over the world. As a result, English teachers need to take into account crucial factors such as classroom atmosphere, classroom management, tolerance, patience and passionate to the language. Native, non-native and the English language From the experience we have had us students, we will agree that teaching is a gift. Several years at university and a degree do not necessarily qualify one to be the best English teacher; a degree will only equip someone with knowledge about teaching methods and resources. Likewise, the origin and the native language of the teacher play a very minimal role in the effectiveness and efficiency of an English teacher (Minor, 2002). Native speakers without professional English teaching background leads to making English less standard. This is because ‘most native speakers of English in the world are native speakers of some nonstandard variety of the language’ (Anchimbe, 2010). In fact language is so complex that being a native speaker does not automatically succeed one as a proficient teacher. There are some several factors determining this; language revolution or change, dialect variations, socio-cultural contexts, professional backgrounds and cultural variations. Hockings in his books argues that being a native speaker does not guarantee someone to be excellent in communication in English (hocking, 1974). Communication itself is far more dormant that the words used in the process because cultural differences do not lead to cultural distance in communication. Characteristics of a good English teacher The top five characteristics of a good English teacher are enthusiasm in teaching, friendly, open-minded, respecting students and caring about students. We can thus conclude that it’s the personality of the teacher that greatly affects the delivery and not his native language (Anchimbe, 2010). Enthusiasm A good language teacher has to be imaginative and innovative to make sure that students don’t get bored; good teachers work out to eliminate the monotony in a given class. This can be possible by coming up with new and interesting methods of teaching such as poetry; proper planning balances the language diet. The dramatic qualities of the teacher also play a very big role in effective language production and delivery of the message. The native language of the teacher will play a minor role here (Bernhardt, 1987). Another aspect in ensuring that an English teacher is not only efficient but also effective is planning; if any English teacher fails to plan, then he is planning to fail his objectives in transmitting knowledge in students’ heads (Bernhardt, 1987). There is no direct relationship between planning and native English speakers. Some people may be native English speaker but does not plan well for a class. As a result, they end up not meeting their expected objectives and goals (Brosh, 1996). The attitude of the teacher greatly influences the success of the students. For example, when a teacher believes that half of the class cannot properly learn the concept of passive voice, even if he teaches the concept well, indeed half of the class will not understand the concept well. In fact a good teacher should be able to reverse the attitude of the students if it tends to go negative (Brosh, 1996). Best teachers are not always native English speakers; but they must show a high interest and love for the English language. Great teachers not only love their subject, but they love to share that joy with students on the other hand, Interest plays a vital role in making teachers successful in passing across their lessons (Phillipson, 1992). For example, we may have a native English speaker that teaches English but he has no deep interest in the language. Such a teacher will not hit the objective of making the students grasp the concepts he teaches (Mollica, 1997). The best English teachers are those who make the lesson as interesting as possible. This can be possible by not stuffing students: one grammar structure at a time, one metaphor at a time, one word at a time, one student at a time, one part of speech at a time and so forth (Rosseberry-McKibbin, 1999). Another thing that builds up a good teacher is his perseverance and endurances. Regardless of the day to day challenges, good teachers will not be discouraged but instead use the discouragements as stepping stones. Such a teacher must have enough sense to survival in such times (olsen, 2000). Language competency and teaching techniques go hand in hand in enhancing teacher effectiveness in the classroom. These techniques are methods of teaching which the teachers employs to achieve his objectives. Thus, English teachers must be in a position to adapt to new types of techniques that best suits the class he is teaching (Burchfield., 1992). A good teacher is a classroom manager because it is his role to maximize available class time and maintain discipline within the students. As a result, their routines must be a function of the age of the students, the physical environment, and the purpose of the instruction. Being able to handle and organize the classroom means a greater probability of success in implementing teaching plans (McCombs, 1997). If the students are actively involved in a class which is set at their linguistic level and which takes into account their interests and backgrounds, they will be so busy learning the language that discipline will, in large measure, take care of itself. Just like other institutions in management, classrooms are extremely complex places where teachers have to make moment-by-moment decisions to translate a plan into action while attempting to maintain a friendly, constructive atmosphere (Witcher, 2001). Friendliness Teaching comes from within. As a result, the best English teachers should love the children from within or take them as their own child. When you love students, they will be comfortable with you and then true teaching can take place. Good teachers should understand the needs of their students and they should be adequately equipped to impart their knowledge and experience with passion.  Good teachers always establish good rapport with students. As a result, students will be free to discuss issues and ask questions that concerns them. Thus a good teacher is a student, a friend, a teacher and a role model to the students (meyer, 2000). The best education only occurs in a social climate; children cannot achieve in an unwelcoming and hostile environment. It is the role of an effective teacher to promote a comfortable learning environment. Some students are afraid to make mistakes in English in an English class because they are afraid to be laughed at. The teacher should come up with proper ways to curb such a behavior (Horwitz, 1997). A friendly atmosphere must be the major characteristic of the classroom. Students need to be shown that the teacher cares about what they are going through and is doing his or her best to help them learn effectively while developing their proficiency levels. Learners after all need a rich and safe learning environment that is exciting, engaging, and allow learners to take risk. In such an atmosphere, students become self-motivated, willingly playing an active role in the learning process (Witcher, 2001). A good teacher is the one that inspires his students to work hard. He challenges them by setting some pass marks and then goes ahead to reward those that fulfill the pass marks. Open-minded One of the common characteristics of any language is its dynamics nature. As a result, a good English teacher should not necessarily be a native English speaker; a good English teacher is a person who is ready to improve his/her teaching skills day by day in order to adapt to new teaching methods and to the dynamics of the kinematics of the English language. A good teacher should remain relevant; regardless of the rapid technological advances, the metamorphosis within the English language and the form of language used to discuss the English language. A good teacher is thus a student for life and is the one that is open minded (McCombs, 1997). Such a teacher should always seek sources that help him to know the challenges facing the growth of English. A good teacher should be able to maintain classroom dynamics, excitement, and a sense of fun throughout the class. This is because students can see the passion of their instructors toward the presented materials, which gives them a reason to become motivated. Teachers can achieve this by engaging students in role plays in class (Egbert, 2001). Respect for students A good English teacher is a good listener and should not lose his/her patience very fast (Mollica, 1997). This is because many students make very big mistakes during the initial steps of any given concept. Many students do not want to feel stupid if they don’t understand a given concept. Thus, it is the role of good teachers to make sure that every student is given his own time to understand a concept; a great teacher never embarrasses a student in front of the rest of the class. This requires a high degree of the teacher’s patience. In addition to that, the best teachers should be willing to explain something willingly and repeatedly until every student understands it. Patience also has no link with native English speakers (Rosseberry-McKibbin, 1999). Care for students A good teacher should not necessarily be a native English speaker. Instead, a good teacher is the one who can help students draw and discover their hidden source of positive energy on which they will lay foundation of their education. By this I mean a good teacher is the one who goes to the drawing board to look for the strengths and weaknesses of each and every student (Minor, 2002). He then comes up with methods of making the strengths stronger and turning the weaknesses into strengths; then he can praise or encourage every student. A good teacher needs to understand the needs of the students and then triggers their curiosity using any available tools. He should show signs of sincerity while addressing these needs (McCombs, 1997). The best English teachers show a high sense of empathy to the students (Burchfield., 1992). By this I mean the best teachers should feel the difficulty faced by the students and understand theirs feelings; sympathy entails wearing the students emotions and walking with them throughout the lesson (MacIntyre, 1998). For example, the teacher can learn something he got no knowledge in it and then uses it to put himself into the students’ shoes. Empathy is something inborn and it has no special and direct relationships with native English speakers. Thus, the best English teachers are those who learn from their own mistakes because no one is perfect. Such teachers must have a high approachability factor so that students remain free to them hence enabling the free flow of information from the teachers to the student (Horwitz, 1997). Most native English speakers are fast while making English speeches. Many students will not get his message clear because students appreciate teachers that speak slowly, clearly and those that avoids the use of slang and idiomatic expressions. Hence, native English speakers are not necessarily the best English teachers (Lang, 1993). Best English teachers are not only those who are concerned with making students get the knowledge but also making students gain the appropriate skills. Just like a coach can’t make an athlete a good runner by explaining to the athlete how to run, an English teacher too can’t make students good speakers by explaining grammar to them (Egbert, 2001). As a result, the best English teachers are those who impart all the skills necessary in English-reading, writing and speaking. Such teachers encourage students to practice the English language both in breath and width (MacIntyre, 1998). English teachers should teach students how to study English effectively. This helps a lot in ensuring that students feed for themselves. This technique can be achieved by encouraging students to read magazines and newspapers (McCombs, 1997). Best teachers always remember that in a classroom, it is the students who are guests of honors and not the teacher. They never allow their ego to rule them in any given situation. Instead, they let the students’ opinions drive the lessons (Bernhardt, 1987). Again, this is a trait people are born with it and it has no link with being a native English speaker. The best teachers know when students are having a good day or a bad day. They then come up with strategies to help students cope with the arising challenges. Therefore, the best English teacher is not necessarily a native English speaker (Horwitz, 1997). A good teacher shows some love to all the students regardless of sex, color, looks and social status. This will help in making the students feel a sign of equality in everything and thus compete equally. Students should be equal in the eyes of the teacher and receive an equal opportunity to participate and receive adequate feedback on their performance. The advantage of doing so is to show students how they are performing and to increase their motivation through praise (Lang, 1993). Conclusion In summary, the best English teacher is the one who challenges us, motivates us and deepens our appreciation and understanding of the English language; he has not to be a native English speaker. The best teacher is the one with a high sense of humor and the right fusion of empathy and sympathy; he is the one that makes students improve their ability to convey their thoughts in an effective and grammatically sound manner. Such a teacher should treat each student as if each student can learn and hope they do so. A good English teacher is someone who cares, shares and dares. Someone who cares about his/her students and tries to give them everything relevant as far as the English language is concerned, someone who shares his/her experiences with colleagues and someone who dares to teach English language effectively and efficiently. Thus a good teacher is a friend, a student, a psychologist, a parent and a role model to the students. A good English teacher should encourage his students to speak loudly, think positively, participate actively and respect each other. The classroom atmosphere is affected by the teacher's attitude and behavior and thus the teacher plays a big role in affecting the success of a student. The complexity of English as a foreign and a second language classroom requires a qualified teacher and an adequate classroom environment. The end satisfies the means. As a result, the success of a successful English teacher should be measured not from his native language but from the success of his students. It seems that a successful English classroom is the direct consequence of a qualified teacher. Another important thing with best English teachers is the fact that they must recognize the difficulties faced by students and do their best to address these problems and difficulties. This should be done on an individual level because difficulties vary from one student to another. To be fluent and excellent in English, we do not necessarily need to have native speakers as our teachers. In fact, with appropriate skills and comprehension, non-native teachers can be much better. References Anchimbe, E. A. ( 2010, december 29). Retrieved from Bernhardt, E. &. (1987). A decade of research in foreign language teacher education. Modern Language Journal, , 289-299. Brosh. (1996). Perceived characteristics of the effective language teacher. Foreign Language Annals , 125-138. Burchfield. (1992). Linguistic Imperialism. (R. Philipson, Ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. Egbert, J. a.-D. (2001). providing support for non-native learners of englishnin the social studies classroom. the social studies , 92 (1), 22-25. hocking. (1974). All what I was taught and other mistakes: a handbook of common mistakes in English. Horwitz, E. B. ( 1997). A graduate course focusing on the second language learner. Modern Language journal , 518-530. Lang, H. M. (1993). Characteristics of effective teachers: A descriptive study of the perceptions of faculty and deaf college students. American Annals of the Deaf , 252-259. MacIntyre, P. D. (1998). Conceptualizing willingness to communicate in a L2: A situational model of L2 confidence and affiliation. Modern Language Journal , 545-560. McCombs, B. &. (1997). Development and validation of the learner-centered battery: Selfassessment. The Professional Educator , 1-21. meyer. (2000). Barriers to Meaningful Instructions for English. Theory into practise , 39 (4), 228-236. Minor, L. O. (2002). Preservice teachers' educational beliefs and their. The Journal of Educational Research (96), 116-121. Mollica, A. &. (1997). The good language learner and the good language teacher: A review. Mosaic , 4, 1-16. olsen. (2000). Learning english and Learmning America: immigrants in the center of a storm. theory into practise , 39 (4), 196-202. Phillipson, R. (1992). Linguistic Imperialism. oxford: Oxford University Press. Rosseberry-McKibbin, B. a. (1999). Turning Frustrations into Success for English Language. Witcher, A. O. (2001). Characteristics of effective teachers: Perceptions of. Research in the Schools, , 45-57. Read More
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