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Hospital Play - an Effective Approach for the Children to Develop Knowledge about Real-World Practice - Case Study Example

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The paper “Hospital Play - an Effective Approach for the Children to Develop Knowledge about Real-World Practice" proves the importance of play as an effective source of external influence on language, communication, and cognitive development of children…
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Hospital Play - an Effective Approach for the Children to Develop Knowledge about Real-World Practice
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Exploring Children’s Learning Experiences of the of the Exploring Children’s Learning Experiences The DVD selectedis “Hospital play”, which reflects the setting in which children develops, communication and language skills, knowledge and understanding of the world; as well as personal, social and emotional development. During the play, children developed many effective skills and information about the blood test, calamine lotion, caring for babies, testing blood with the use of microscope, labeling bottles and blood samples, understanding about the personal care while working in hospital environment such as wearing gloves and other such important activities. The play involve children playing a doctor’s play, with the help of an adult. Throughout the playing, children acquire interpersonal skills within their environment. In the play, children are presented a wide range of learning opportunities such as writing and communication. For example when the child is asked to write the blood sample. In the early learning period, children need to use many effective approaches in order to develop effective skills such counting in sequences, understanding language, in books, newspapers, streets, etc. The play also emphasized on the use of repetition,questioning and modeling to help the child learn new language and extend language skills One most important associated with the play is that it helps in communication and language development. In the play environment, children have better opportunities to learn and improve their language and communication skills. Playing and interacting with T.A results in improves the children communication and language skills by learning new words. For example, T.A.: …? What are we looking in the blood? Child: Blood test. T.A.: What are we looking in the blood test? The example clearly reflects difficulty for the child to understand what is asked as he was not able to understand the question. The children generally repeat new words they hear from adult. Repetition helps the to get the meaning .For example, T.A.: Are you going to put the baby in the bed now? Child: Yeah. T.A.: All right. Child: … I’ll put you in the bed now. These examples reveal that social interaction and play assist children to learn and acquire language skills during play. According to Whitehead (2007) in( Block 5 chapter 12) many children develop effective learning skills at the age of 4 and they communicate effectively in the manner of an adult. For example, in the DVD, it is observed that the child use the style and tone of language that is characteristic of adults. Child: I need an injection in a minute. In this sentence, the professional and authoritative style of a child is also clear. This clearly reveals that the children develop language and communication skills from observations and interactions social environment. In Block 5 chapter 12, Whitehead (2007) argued that listening, observing and experimenting with language and interacting with and imitating others helps in developing language and communication skills of children. Selected DVD of the play "Hospital play" also reveals that play, especially role play have a major contribution in developing understanding about the real world. During the play, children developed better understanding of the hospital environment, the process, and functions at the hospital as well as information about many equipments, tools, and items use in the real hospital setting. Children developed understanding about the procedure of blood test, collecting blood samples, labeling of bottles, the need and importance of names in order to label the blood samples and to recognise the samples of blood. Children learn that they need to provide care to the patients. During play, children gain technical terms such as a microscope to test the blood sample. Children also learn that they use calamine lotion, and they also explain that they keep blood samples and lotions in bottle with proper labels on bottles. Therefore, DVD clearly reveals that children develop knowledge about the world. As discussed and explained in book 3, study 1, Gaining knowledge and understanding the world depends on interpreting acquired observations, ideas and experiences. Thus, it is important that while teaching children, curriculum must be interesting with new attractive events in order to ensure that children actively participate to develop better understanding. In the play children learn on new knowledge through exploration of new environmental context . For instance in this context children explore new images and words such as syringe, gloves, and microscope. These activities and play develop better activities of children in order to realize and develop understanding about the world around them. It is also effective approach in order to develop wider information about the society and to identify the interest of children. The DVD of “Hospital play” also reveals how play has an important role in the personal, social, and emotional development of children.Emotional development is potrayed when the child puts “the child” onto bed. The study also reveals that there are a number of different important aspects associated with the wide range of experiences. It shows the way in which language and literacy develop in the context of authentic activities as children learn to make meaning in a holistic process. It is one of the most important aspects associated with the development of children’s communication skills. Majority of children’s language-based meaning-making is in terms of speaking and listening which is supplemented by mark-making and developing understanding of the nature of symbols. (Block 5, p.42) . "Hospital play" is very effective to children care givers to develop better understanding about the children communication. With this play, children not only developed understanding about the personal health, safety, but they can also develop better understanding of their responsibilities and role in the community. The concern of children for crying babies, wearing gloves and other such activities clearly reveals that play have an important role in developing better learning skills. In conclusion, the DVD "Hospital play" provides detailed understanding of the child development through communication and language skills, knowledge and understanding of the world; as well as personal, social and emotional development. 2. Theory and values for early years practice: comparison and contrast of professional strategies for promoting children’s learning and development with those of the adult featured in selected DVD clip Introduction I implemented a professional strategy for promoting children’s learning and development by role play. I set a table for hairdresser play and children R, L, and S came to play. They asked me to sat on the chair and asked me if I would like my hair to be done. child put some hair extension to my hair and another child combed my hairs. I asked them to take turns. Children were acting like professional hair dressers. They used their prior information and knowledge to put accessories to my hair, combing, and using hair spray etc. As compared to the professional in DVD, I did not asked questions from children, instead involvement of students in the role play, their curiosity, and interest encouraged them to speak and they kept talking continuously. This clearly shows how children are intensely curious as they try to understand the world around them . it is from such curiosity that represent a variety of stimulating and chalanging experience that motivates young children to develop confidence , flexibility and dressing. In addition, children curiosity allows them to absorb new experience that they interprete to lead them to an understanding of the nature of things. (Chapter 17) Therefore children’s natural curiosity can be utilized to help them develop positive attitude towards themselves. PSED is therefore essential since children need to share equipment, adult time, space and attention throughout the day. There are similarities reflected in this example to that of the video, in this example children learned that hair extension are used in hair dressing, a knowledge most probably learned from their daily experience and observations. In the video play, the child puts on gloves before handling his sick ‘baby’ Many people take an active role in the childrens education, and many of the people join the field of childrens education as a profession. This requires better learning and skills in accordance with the detailed and proper understanding about childrens education and their development. There are various important aspects associated with the education of children. It is the responsibility of the professionals to have complete information and knowledge about the education of children. Theory and values for early years practice Jean Piaget provides a detailed description of various developmental stages of children and importance of the role of play for the early childhood learning and development. Play assist in the cognitive development of children. From my example, it clearly that children learn new ideas from playing and interaction. This is possible through personal observations or shared experience from other children who introduce new ideas into the playing context. The new ideas are then absorbed by other children who after observing also do the same activities. It emphasize that children learn from their environment context. As compared to Piaget many other scholars and researchers emphasize on the importance of the social environment and external stimulus for the child development. The example can be compared to childminder example in Block 5 p 112. In both examples the practioners have provided the experience for children to explore. It encouraged the children to take an active approach to a new exploration by expounding on the activity. In my example, children took hair extension and comb to do my hair, others also spray my hair, this clearly shows how one activity increased their confident, therefore directing them from one step to another. According to Block 5, children’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances. For example, socio-cultural theory by Lev Vygotsky also reveals the importance of social and cultural interaction in learning and development of children (Sylva et al., 2008). Vygotsky’s concepts of zone of proximal development (ZPD) also assist in understanding of the role of educator in order to develop better understanding of the social and environmental factors as well as important role of environmental factors in learning. Based on this theory, it is clear that children need to develop effective approaches in order to deal with the problems associated with learning and development. The DVD of “Hospital Play” clearly reveals that children efficiently developed understanding about the environment. They gained sufficient information about the practice sat the hospital with the understanding of the real life process of blood tests and taking care of babies. In the study Block 5, Katz stated that children developed better understanding of the environment by directly exploring and practicing the things around them (Katz, 1993). As discussed by Katz (1993), children learn by exploring, examining and asking questions about their environment. Hence, the DVD clearly reveals the effective approach and practice for the children to learn about the hospital environment. In study 1, E100 book 3, Margaret Carr (2001) emphasized on the point that there is need to focus more on the developmental need of children by developing interest of learners in learning and resolving problems faced by young children Comparison and contrast of professional strategies for promoting children’s learning and development with those of the adult featured in selected DVD clip Based on the above theoretical discussion, it is important that the educators and professional working with young children must have sufficient understanding and information about the effective strategies of child learning. For example, in the "Hospital play" many effective strategies can be implemented such as role play, the external influence of teachers by developing interest of students discussions. One most important aspect of play as a learning influence to provide an environment that provoke children to communicate and ask questions due to curiosity and interest. Since, it is essential that professionals must implement strategies that can be more effective and interesting for inviting students participation. One more effective strategy that can be used in the "Hospital Play" is to provide a chance for the learners to observe things and environment. Educator can also participate actively with students to involve them in learning; both physically and mentally. Therefore, compared to the strategies presented in the DVD, teacher need to be more involved with children. Instead of only communicating with the children and asking questions from children, the professional should provide an opportunity for the children to ask questions as suggested by socio-cultural theory of Lev Vygotsky. Another contrasting aspect is that the DVD do not show active involvement of children in the play, instead, it reflect passive involvement of educator and children. The educator needs to practice role play by actually letting children to perform various roles instead of using dolls. Role can be more effective as compared to the strategies and approaches used by professional in the DVD. Conclusion In conclusion, “Hospital Play” reflects an effective approach for the children to learn and develop knowledge about real world practice with the help of play. Many theories suggest the importance of play as an effective source of external influence on language, communication, and cognitive development of children. Therefore, using play effectively can help professionals to enhance the information of children about the complex process in the real world. 3. Complete the checklist to show the extent to which you have addressed academic skills in TMA 04. TMA 04: Checklist for Part 3 Please indicate in the table which response applies to you. Checklist questions Yes Partially No Use of module materials: Have you selected relevant information from the module materials which support what you want to say in your essay? Yes Have you used the module materials to back up the points you have written about in your essay? yes Have you referenced correctly? yes Structure of your assignment: Have you got an introduction, middle and conclusion for each part of the assignment? yes Have you used sub-headings to help structure your work? yes Does your work have a logical flow from one point to the next? yes Have you answered each part of the assignment? yes Academic writing style: Have you used an appropriate style of language in your writing? For example ‘did not’ rather than ‘didn’t’; correct and consistent tense use yes Have you written in paragraphs? yes Have you proof read your work to make sure you have included everything asked for in the question and that your spelling and grammar is correct? yes 4. Considering your tutors comments and feedback in previous TMAs, identify the areas you need to work on in preparation for the EMA My first TMA the response was well arranged .According to tutors comment, the reflection of idea and responding to the task was well organized and analysed. Previous TMA contains partial reflection, which requires my improvement in analytical and critical approach with the support and theoretical evidence. Another area highlighted issue in TMA 2 is to match study topic with the authors and the correct explanation of each concept and idea. Previous TMA also reflected that there are many important areas, which require more focus and attention such as the use of more analytical and critical approach for the discussion. There is also need to provide more study material to support the statements and comments. It is also important to bring more clarity for the citation of works and resources. The citation and information about the theories need to be more specific and clear. TMA 3 lacked connection of theories and study material with the practice. Therefore, it is important to focus on better implementation of the theory and practice in order to utilize theories more efficiently in the real world practice. Based on tutors comments and feedback in previous TMAs, the requirement was to use E100 material and resource DVDs provided in the course, without relying heavily on the outside material resources. For this reason, the material used for this study is used from the sources provided in the course material. The DVD is also selected from the given choices; that is “Hospital play”. The learning outcomes for this assignment are met in accordance with the provided checklist. Based on tutor’s comments, the use of ICT in the education is also practiced in order to bring improvement in the process of learning. Using ICT in educational learning is very effective technique as it allows better approach for the educator and professionals to observe child development. It is also very effective approach in order to record and identify any learning difficulty and disability. Thus, for the preparation for the EMA, it is important to use the DVD as one of the best resources for observing development and behavioral changes among children. It is one of the most effective approaches in order to ensure that learners must practice and improve their learning skills. Tutor’s comments also assist in identifying the importance of using theoretical grounds with the practice. The use of resource material, content, and other such relevant resources assisted in developing better learning and developmental skills. It is one of the most effective strategies in order to ensure that the learners must be able to utilize both and real world practice in order to develop better understanding about the real world practice, It is one of the most effective approaches. Applying theory with the practice develops better learning skills. Application of theory helps in identifying any difficulties and problems with the learners in the early developmental stages. Early identification of learning difficulties or any disability can be better identified with the effective strategies like play. Thus, play is an effective approach for developing better intervention and decision making for the children, and to address the diverse need of students in the real world practice. References Billet, S. and Matusiak, C. (1988) ‘Nursery children as mapmakers’, Education, vol. 3, no. 13. In Open University module E100 (2012). The early years: developing practice. Book 3. Curriculum, learning and professional development. The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes Blakeslee, S. and Blakeslee, J. (2007) The Body has a Mind of its Own, New York, Random House. In Open University module E100 (2012). The early years: developing practice. Book 3. Curriculum, learning and professional development. The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes Carr, M. (2001) Assessment in Early Childhood Settings: Learning Stories, London, Paul Chapman. . In Open University module E100 (2012). The early years: developing practice. The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA Department for Education and Skills (DfES) (2003) Every Child Matters, London, Department for Education and Skills. In Open University module E100 (2012). The early years: developing practice. Book 3. Curriculum, learning and professional development. The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes Katz, L.G. (1993) Dispositions: Definitions and Implications for Early Childhood Practice, Champaign, IL, ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. . In Open University module E100 (2012). The early years: developing practice. The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA Open University module E100 (2012). The early years: developing practice. Book 3. Curriculum, learning and professional development. The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes Open University module E100 (2012). The early years: developing practice. The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA Swim, T. J. (2008). Theories of Child Development: Building Blocks of Developmentally Appropriate Practices. Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P., Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. (2008) Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3–11 Project (EPPE 3–11): Final Report from the Primary Phase – Pre-school, School and Family Influences on Children’s Development During Key Stage 2 (Age 7–11), Report No. DCSF RR-061, London, Institute of Education and Department for Children, Schools and Families. In Open University module E100 (2012). The early years: developing practice. The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA Tickell, C. (2011) The Early Years Foundation Stage Review: Report on the evidence, An Independent Report on the Early Years Foundation Stage to Her Majesty’s Government Whitehead, M. (2007) Developing Language and Literacy with Young Children, London, Paul Chapman. In Open University module E100 (2012). The early years: developing practice. Book 3. Curriculum, learning and professional development. The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes Read More
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Hospital Play - an Effective Approach for the Children to Develop Knowledge about Real-World Practice Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 Words.
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