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The Principal Objective of Education Policy - Research Paper Example

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The paper 'The Principal Objective of Education Policy' focuses on the attainment of knowledge by apprentices through schooling. So, the pursuit of many instructors since the era of Socrates and Plato has been on searching for the superlative teaching strategy…
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The Principal Objective of Education Policy
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Research questionnaire regarding flipped rooms Table of Contents Introduction 3 2.Research question and hypotheses 3 3.Concepts and constructs to be measured 3 4.Methods of measuring the constructs 4 4.1. Measuring convenience 4 4.2.Measuring student satisfaction 4 4.3.Measuring academic performance 4 5.Data collection 4 6.Types of questions 5 6.1.Closed questions 6 6.2.Open ended questions 6 6.3.Contingency questions 6 7.Data encoding 7 8.Specific wording of the questions 7 9.Structure of the questionnaire and sequence of questions 7 10.Questionnaire introduction and instructions 8 11.The Actual Questionnaire 8 1. Introduction The principal objective of education policy is to enhance the attainment of knowledge by apprentices through schooling. So, the pursuit of many instructors since the era of Socrates and Plato has been on searching the superlative teaching strategy. Consequently, further exploration has been done to help educator come up with the teaching strategy that will enable the shift from teacher-centered to student-centered teaching method hence giving learners a prospect to engage in a significant activities without the instructor being the dominant. Flipped learning is one of the latest teaching strategy that use technology research method that is effective in transforming teaching from teacher-centered to student-centered thus enabling instructors to move the group learning spaces into vibrant and interactive erudition environment . The emergence of the different classrooms led to the emergence of movements that completely changed the phase of education. 2. Research question and hypotheses The contemporary community is significantly affected by the heated debate about the effectiveness and efficiency of flipped classrooms; the debate and hubbub surrounding the subject is yet to dwindle. The backlash against the flipped classroom model creates a stimulating facet that can attract researchers. Supporters and skeptics continue to provide their reasons for and against flipped classrooms. Supporters believe that it gives students enough time to acquaint themselves with the subject before finally practicing it while critics downgrade it on the basis that it hampers mental and psychological development as well as overloading the instructor with tasks and makes students to develop a negative attitude towards learning and the entire academic fragment. Despite the predominant heated deliberation, with the advent of technology, flipped classrooms continue gaining dominance and prevalence. For the purpose of developing tangible conclusions that can help transform the education sector, our research shall seek to explore the following question; Are flipped classrooms more effective and efficient than traditional classrooms and how do students perceive the exposure to flipped classrooms as compared to traditional classrooms? Consequently, the aforementioned research question can be refined through the formulation of two hypotheses which shall eventually be separated into the null and alternative hypothesis that this research shall seek to disapprove or endorse. Hypo 1: Flipped classrooms are more effective and efficient than traditional classrooms and students have a positive perception towards the flipped classes. Hypo 2: Flipped classrooms are not effective and efficient than traditional classrooms and students have a deleterious perception towards the flipped classes. 3. Concepts and constructs to be measured The prerequisite concepts and constructs that are effective and efficient in stimulating the acquirement of learning in education system are those that can expose the student to direct observation through the use of the five common senses to perceive and adapt to new information. After this the learners are able to understand the new experience out of the previous learning experience and through harnessing their intellectual in reasoning, they develop internal mental representation. Constructs are what we can measure after the learners have attain the concept this is because after the concept is formed it becomes academically base for the creation of new acquaintance which are student satisfaction, convenience of flipped classrooms and academic performance. 4. Methods of measuring the constructs 4.1. Measuring convenience Flipped classrooms enable the student to learn outside the class setting compared to traditional classes where the student had to attend physical the proceeding classes. We shall conduct a two month assessment using several students who are attending both flipped and traditional classrooms to determine which class accommodates their differences on matters concerning the convenience of the classrooms. We shall also evaluate why some students may tend to perceive either flipped or traditional classroom as convenient. In answering those questions, we shall assess the same student in flipped and traditional classroom to understand some of the activity they engaged in while they are away from their class. Finally, we can test the convenience of classroom by checking which of the class tries to accommodate individual difference thus accommodating all students making them feel contented. 4.2. Measuring student satisfaction We shall examine the learning setting and the education activity using both flipped and traditional classrooms. After evaluating how the environment and learning activity favors each method of teaching we are able to assess how student feel satisfied by attended their daily class whether flipped or traditional and what is the conformability of with learning activity presented in flipped or traditional classroom. We shall use two months to observe how two students feel satisfied by attending flipped classroom than attending traditional classrooms. We shall also assess how do flipped promoted the delivery of subject contented compared to tradition classroom. Finally, we can assess how do student are satisfy in handling their class work at home and doing their homework at classified rather than using the former traditional form. 4.3. Measuring academic performance Flipped classroom is student-centered method of teaching while traditional classroom endorse teachers-centered. Therefore, we shall choose one of the college and use the student continue assessment to determine which of the two between flipped and tradition classroom student perform excellent. We shall also evaluate the syllabus objective and timetable guideline and try to examine how instructor in both two classroom setting are able to follow the syllabus annual timetable and effectively achieves its stipulated short-term long-term and objectives. 5. Data collection The research shall utilize both quantitative and qualitative data assortment techniques to actualize the collection of adequate data that can be summarized, compared and generalized to formulate solid suppositions. Feasibly, in the quantitative phase, the research will involve 250 participants (n=250) which shall incorporate students and instructors. A qualitative data collection technique that can fit the current research is literature review. Various authoritative and/or valid academic sources shall be reviewed to establish the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of flipped classrooms and students’ perception of the classes. Moreover, the nonexistence or manifestation of active learning resulting from the student-centered approach employed in flipped classrooms shall be ostensibly reconnoitered. The pedagogical theory that was used as a basis of designing the flipped classrooms shall be evaluated to ascertain its underlying facts and the effect that it has had on the education sector particularly on the academic development of students and self-actualization among instructors. The extensive studies hitherto conducted by scholars in the field of education shall provide a magnificent source of data and information that will be domineering in retorting the research question and determining the null and alternative hypotheses. Additionally, telephone and face-to-face conferences shall be utilized to ascertain the efficiency and effectiveness of flipped classes. Furthermore, the interviews will generate critical information that can be grouped using the cardinal and ratio scales and inaugurate fundamental actualities. The face to face interviews will help in the clarification of equivocal answers and provide follow-up information. The telephone and face-to-face interviews shall be reinforced by use of CAPIs (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) where participants will directly enter information that seeks to answer the research question into the database. This will eliminate any obfuscation generated by the use of squinty telephone interviews. Self-administered surveys, where simple questions that fit specific individuals, shall also be employed. It is a less costly approach to data collection, reduces biasing error and allows for greater degree of anonymity. Therefore, the respondents are likely to provide truthful information on the effectiveness of flipped classrooms. Observation of students and instructors will be a significant tool of discovering more about leaners’ behavior and their mental development. The various assumptions about technology, space and other features that are closely related to the setting of flipped classrooms shall be tested and avert the use of reported behaviors. To circumvent affecting the validity and reliability of the data, the observation shall be conducted clandestinely without the knowledge of the students and the instructors. However, the fundamental data collection tool shall be the use of questionnaires; both Paper-pencil-questionnaires and Web-based questionnaires shall be expansively utilized. The emergence of flipped classrooms is surrounded by controversy. Paper-pencil-questionnaires are effective in making respondents to provide truthful reactions to controversial issues since they are assured of unrecognizability. As an emergent and undoubtedly growing methodology, Web-based questionnaires involves sending emails containing links that the respondent can click and fill a questionnaire in a protected website. Moreover, rating scales and checklists shall be used to simplify and quantify participants’ attitudes, behaviors and general perception towards the effectiveness of flipped classrooms or the importance of traditional physical classrooms. 6. Types of questions The questionnaires shall contain questions related to the demographic information of respondents including age, gender, level of education and residence. Moreover, the bulk of it will be questions that strive to ascertain their acquaintance with the current education system and will comprise of questions that measure their exposure to both flipped and traditional classrooms and which classrooms they perceive to be superior and operative in delivering knowledge to students. Types of questions will include; 6.1. Closed questions Respondents shall select yes/no for an answer. Additionally, they will also select the best choice that answers a question or involved scaled questions (rank-order and Likert scale) where answers will be graded on a continuum basis. Have you ever been in a flipped classroom as well as a traditional classroom? Yes No How will you range the timely coverage of syllabus by flipped and traditional classroom on scale of (1 low-10 high?) (tick only once and select the most appropriate) Flipped classroom Traditional classroom 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 6.2. Open ended questions The respondents shall not be constraint by predefined categories but shall be free to offer an explanation or their opinion in the various questions. They will also engage in sentences completion. What are some of your recommendation that flipped classroom management can make use to attain student satisfaction? (Use at least 50 words)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Fill the blank: Flipped classrooms are a total…………………….. …………………………………………………………….. 6.3. Contingency questions Respondents will answer questions that only apply to them. If they selected “no” for an answer in the immediate preceding question, they will not be required to offer an explanation in the next question that is tied to the immediate question that trails it. Have you ever been in a flipped classroom as well as a traditional classroom? Yes No If yes, kindly provide your perception of the class’ effectiveness. (Circle the one that applies). Poor Fair Fairly good Good Perfect 7. Data encoding The collected data shall be assigned computer readable digital values and codes that will aid in the analysis. PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) method shall be used to assign numbers and symbols to specific information thus enabling data stratification, ease and embolden the generation of boxplots, bar graphs and histograms. Using Excel spreadsheets, the data will be analyzed and required pictorial presentations generated. This method will allow easy presentation of the collected information and can attract a constant interpretation which will ultimately help in approving or disapproving our hypotheses. 8. Specific wording of the questions The selection of words and expressions in a question is vivacious in articulating the connotation and objective of the question and guaranteeing that the interpretation of the question will be analogous in all respondents. In formulating the question, diction will be given a significant consideration. The questions shall be expressed using simple and easy to understand words while at the same time averting abstruseness and apparent prejudgment. Formal English shall be used where politeness shall not be compromised. Clear and specific questions shall be asked. Since most of the participants will have a satisfactory level of education, fairly intricate words might also be used. Reference periods shall be provided to ensure respondents understand exactly what is required. 9. Structure of the questionnaire and sequence of questions From the description of the question types, it is evident that the questionnaire will be a mixed question. Therefore, it shall utilize the funnel technique where broad general concern questions that the respondent can easily answer shall come first. These questions such as personal demographic questions will limber-up the respondents and get them equipped and involved in the survey. In the middle, difficult questions that needs time to think and reason are placed. Finally, the questionnaire closes with some few general questions that are comparatively easy to answer. 10. Questionnaire introduction and instructions This survey is conducted by authorized Computer science and Information technology students. The survey intends to establish whether flipped classrooms more effective and efficient than traditional classrooms and how students perceive the exposure to flipped classrooms as compared to traditional classrooms. The questions presented herein shall be answered using pencils to avoid distortion of the questionnaire and allow you a chance for correction if need be. Your responses will be treated with a lot of confidentiality and the information shall not be shared with external parties or used against you in anyway. Kindly take 10-15 minutes and fill the questionnaire and surrender it to us. Contribute to the goal of determining whether the introduction of flipped classrooms is positively or negatively impacting on the education system. Thank you! 11. The Actual Questionnaire Date …………… Email………………………. Marital status……. Telephone……… 1. Please tick your age bracket 15-20 15-20 years 21-25 years 26-30 years Over 30 years 2. Are you currently schooling? (circle the answer that applies) Yes No 3. If schooling, please select your level of education High school College/university Graduate school 4. Have you ever been in a flipped classroom as well as a traditional classroom? Yes No 5. If yes, kindly provide your perception of the class’ effectiveness. (Circle the one that applies). Poor Fair Fairly good Good Perfect 6. Which kind of lectures do you prefer between flipped and traditional live lectures? (tick one) * Podcasts or vodcasts common in flipped classrooms * Live classroom lectures in traditional classrooms * Both 7. Provide an explanation of your answer in No. 5 above in not more than 100 words. Include reasons for selecting the answer. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Do you think flipped classrooms promote or ensure the existence of cognitive presence, social presence and learner presence? (Tick as appropriate). Yes No 9. Do you think flipped classroom increase student IQs (intelligence quotient) as it enable student to use their reasoning in solving the problem they encounter? Yes No 10. Do difference in learning environment and learning activity affect the effectiveness of flipped classroom compared to traditional classroom? Yes No 11. Do you think the introduction of flipped classroom has cause the increase to workload to instructors or to students? Yes No 12. I would like to have more lectures through podcast (tick as appropriate). Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 13. How will you range the timely coverage of syllabus by flipped and traditional classroom on scale of (1 low-10 high?) (tick only once and select the most appropriate) Flipped classroom Traditional classroom 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 14. Fill the blank: Flipped classrooms are a total…………………….. …………………………………………………………….. 15. If given the chance to recommend the most effective and efficient class type, one would you recommend between flipped classrooms and traditional classrooms? (tick as appropriate) Traditional classrooms Flipped classrooms 16. What are some of your recommendation that flipped classroom management can make use to attain student satisfaction? (Use at least 50 words)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17. Are you a citizen of this state? Yes No Thank you for your time and participation! Read More
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(The Principal Objective of Education Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 Words)
The Principal Objective of Education Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 Words.
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